
When Teleisha dreamed that to needle the fingers, she showed her emotion, showed she looked for the Tomoth's draw back. If other women were also thus, he would not accept her. Teleisha knew him, when she shouted to him:"Let me go out!"He did not let her go out, but also covered her hand, kissed two fingers, because at that moment, he had the same  sense, felt the fingers'pain, like Teleisha's finger nerve linked to his brain.

If he didn't have the talent for compassion, itmust be cold to argue with Teleisha, because the person's secrets wouldn't invade, must not  open others'draw of letters. But, the compassion  became his life. He even felt that he kneel the draw opened, couldn't move his sight from Sabina's writing. He comprehended Teleisha, he was not only to argue with her, but also to love her.



