Follow the Follower---商业即兴64

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In theatrical improv the goal and the means to that goal are always clear: a group of improvisers is performing to explore their art, having fun and entertaining their audience. In the business world goals are constantly shifting and new teams are being assembled every workday. Even if the members of a team are capable of working together beautifully, the team is pointless without a leader to articulate its goals and process. That’s not to say the team is pointless because it can’t do anything by itself. It can, and left alone it might just find its way toward a useful goal.


In most situations, however, someone has to step up and give a team direction and focus and deadlines, or things don’t get done. Parameters have to be put into place for a team to function—and to know how to function—and someone has to set those parameters and police them when necessary. In business settings any work being done by two or more people working together will require leadership.


From a sort of business-feature headline perspective the term  “leader” is sometimes defined in the grandest sense: a leader is a visionary, an innovator, a game-changer, an iconoclast. Henry Ford.Richard Branson. Steve Jobs. These kinds of leaders are measured by the size and success of their big ideas, or perhaps simply by the size of their market share.


However, in a day-to-day business sense when we talk about leadership we’re really talking about the ability to work with people. There are of course many different ways to lead, that is,to get people to achieve at their highest potential. In business the current leadership trajectory combines emotional intelligence (EQ) with rational intelligence (IQ)—relationship building that is based in empathy as much as in rational, analytical, strategic intelligence.2 Beyond vision, leadership is about connection and engagement, so all the skills required for engaging with others are crucial whether one is guiding a team, heading a department, or managing a crisis.


In improvisational leadership the concept of “Follow the Follower” shifts a bit. The “following” doesn’t imply a surrender of authority.Instead it refers to a leadership state of mind in which a leader is capable of leveling status and fostering talent. The improvisational leader is still a person in charge; however, that person is also open to ideas, opinions, interactions, and actions from his or her subordinates.


The most enlightened leaders I know actually pay very close attention to the people they lead and are inspired by them. That doesn’t mean that leaders need to be dismissive of their own vision, goals, drive,tenacity, and motivation. It simply means they operate with a heightened awareness of exactly whom they are leading. The required level of awareness in leaders has evolved significantly over the last 15 years or so, at least partly in response to the prevalence of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), crowd sourcing, and the internet and the evolving ways that we communicate with each other. The younger generations are dictating how we communicate with each other like in no other time in human history. “Follow the Follower,” to an enlightened leader, means that by focusing on the people you lead, they will focus on you in return.


We are all in people businesses, built of personal bonds and personal connections. We know there is a basic human desire to be understood and the thing that connects us in all the great relationships in our lives is that somebody “gets” us. Of the “Six Domains of Leadership” created by Duke Fuqua School of Business professors Sim Sitkins and Allen Lind, the attributes of great leadership most closely aligned with improvisational thinking center on the need to share your personality and authentic voice, build relationships, create a team that will serve a greater purpose, lead with passion, support and protect the team you create, and lead with integrity.3 When you can actually turn that around to the people that you lead—when you get them as much as they get you—you have a great opportunity to demonstrate a freedom from status bias and a willingness to learn.

我们都是以人际关系和个人关系为基础的人事业务。我们知道人类有一种被理解的基本愿望,在我们生活中所有重要关系中将我们联系在一起的是,有人“得到”了我们。在杜克·富夸商学院教授Sim Sitkins和Allen Lind创建的“领导的六个领域”中,卓越领导的特质与即兴思考中心密切相关,因为这需要分享您的个性和真实的声音,建立关系,建立合作关系。能够实现更大目标的团队,充满激情的领导团队,支持和保护您创建的团队以及诚信的领导团队。当您实际上可以将您的领导者转变为领导者时-只要他们得到的与他们得到的一样多-您有很大的机会证明自己不受地位偏见的影响和学习的意愿。


There’s no perfect equation or foolproof formula for creating a great leader (if there were we’d see a lot more great leaders out there).There are a lot of x variables in every leadership opportunity, variables that can range from the nature of the goal being pursued to the dynamics of the team being led to the natural leadership style of any particular individual. Whatever those variables may be in any given situation, though, improvisation can become a pivotal piece of leadership strategy. The very nature of improvisation is awareness and adaptability, and any leader has to be aware enough to recognize what he or she has to work with in a given team, and adaptable enough tomanipulate circumstances toward a desired outcome. A leader must constantly make sense of the shifting pieces of a shifting puzzle—exactly what an improviser does—and an improvisational leader knows how to blend EQ and IQ.


An improvisational leader must have fully developed the improvisational skill set we’ve discussed in previous chapters. A leader has to live in the moment (truly the essence of improvisation). A leader has to be in a state of mindfulness, aware of his or her actions, and make pivotal changes in the moment to influence, inspire, and engage others. A leader has to be prepared to listen and observe with focus and concentration. A leader has to postpone judgment. A leader has to allow for some humility and vulnerability, accepting a willingness to be wrong and a willingness to ask a team for help. An improvisational leader understands that it is not the job of the leader to always come up with the “right” answer—the job of the leader is to get a team to a desired outcome.


I want to stress most emphatically that the “desired outcome” is really the whole point here. I would never argue that the techniques of improvisation should be seen as any kind of cure-all or replacement for actual strategy. In a business sense effective strategy is the road map by which you will travel to execute your mission. That mission might be an expansion of territory, a new marketing campaign,a way to streamline operations, a new customer-focused approach, or a new way to generate profits. Every bit of logistics, analytics, and practical thinking that goes into your mission is a matter of strategy.


A new phone system needs to be set up. Temps need to be hired. Office space needs to be converted. Budgets need to be drawn up. Teams need to be assembled and headed up. All of that finely considered strategy stays in place. The introduction of an improvisational style of leadership and teamwork is not meant to replace the thoughtfulness required for the day-to-day execution of a job. The point of improvisation is to complement such strategic thinking. In fact improvisation thrives at the pivotal intersection where planning and strategy meet execution.


This ties directly into the improv myth we busted a long time ago—that improvisation is making up something out of nothing. For any decent improviser and most especially for an improvisational leader,improvisation is creating something out of every resource available. A truly scatter-brained performer would soon bore an audience, and a scatter-brained leader will struggle to guide a team. Onstage as in the corporate workplace there’s a lot of structure required for improvisation to appear to be as free flowing as it looks when it succeeds.


Embracing improvisation as a leadership technique does not demand any weakening of structure, nor does it demand any sacrifice of strategic awareness of mission, goals, and deadlines. What improvisation adds to the picture is an advanced approach to how you complete that mission and meet those goals and deadlines. Improvisational leaders improve the chances for team success because such leaders do not limit themselves to a single plan of action in order to achieve a desired result. Improvisation allows a leader to see a variety of opportunities for success with every challenge, within every plan.


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