Another world

  Morning, everyone.  Today  i want to share the experience of my hometown--XinJiang.


when people talking about XinJiang. Someone  will say: it's a beautiful place! Someone will say: it's a dangerous place!

Lots of people think there have good views and delicious fruits, local residents should be national minority, and they  good at dance.

But they also worry about Xinjiang is a big desert. The  resident  ride by horse and living in tents.they go out with a knife or gun. People easy be killed there.

If you never been XinJIang , you can have hundreds of speculation.

What i want to say is :all of the above just parts of truth. If you want to know,you better to go there. Because this is a very big place,one sixth of China.




where i live is a peaceful and beautiful place. Water and air is clean, sky always bule. Very obvious season: spring flowers, damn hot summer,  gold autumn, big snow in winter. Living there one year, you will feel it passed four different year.

Less people,less cars,not very modern.

But i  love there.


你可能感兴趣的:(Another world)