mysql c webservice_C#实现WebService服务 项目完整总结

usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.ComponentModel;usingSystem.Data;usingSystem.Diagnostics;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.ServiceProcess;usingSystem.Text;usingSystem.Threading.Tasks;usingSystem.Net;usingSystem.Xml;usingSystem.Timers;usingSystem.Configuration;//using System.Web.Mail;


{public partial classService1 : ServiceBase

{//static private long FIVE_DAYS = 432000000L;




}public void Debug(string[] args)


}protected override void OnStart(string[] args)


System.Timers.Timer TimeCheck = newSystem.Timers.Timer();

TimeCheck.Interval= Double.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["INTERVAL"]);//TimeCheck.Interval = 60000;

TimeCheck.Elapsed += newSystem.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer1_Tick);

TimeCheck.AutoReset= true;

TimeCheck.Enabled= true;

timer1_Tick(this, ElapsedEventArgs.Empty);


}public staticString MailBody(XmlNode node, Double delayDays)


String URL= @"";

String start= "Congratulations for completing your training course: \n\nCourse Name:" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + ";\n";

String time= "Time:" + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value;if (node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"] != null)


time= "From:" + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value + "; \nTo:" + node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value + ";\n\n";


String mention= "We mentioned you have not finished your follow-up with your PL for" + (int)delayDays + "days.\n";

String end= "Please check this link for finishing the following up of this course: \n";

String mailBody= start + time + mention + end +URL;returnmailBody;

}/*public static void SendE_Mail(XmlNode node, Double day, String name, String ccName, String fromName)


String time = "Time: " + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value;

String deadline = "";

String deadline1 = "";

if (node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"] != null) //未修改过的training按照end time计算deadline


DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value).AddDays(42);

DateTime b= new DateTime(2015,3,31);

if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value) < new DateTime(2015,4,1) && Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value) > new DateTime(2015, 3, 1))

{ //判断training是否是3月-4月的training

a = b.AddDays(42);


deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

deadline1 = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @"";

time = "From: " + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value + " to: " + node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value + "


if(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"] != null) //修改过的training按照修改日期计算deadline


if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value) > Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value))


DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value).AddDays(21);


deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

deadline1 = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @"";



//string ls_Subject = "" + (String)k2 + ", " + (String)k1 + @" Takes " + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"";

string ls_Subject = "" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"Training Follow-up Reminder: Required Completion Date "+ deadline1 +@"";

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";

MailMessage lo_Message = new MailMessage();

lo_Message.From = "[email protected]";

//lo_Message.To = node.Attributes["ows_Name"].Value.Substring(node.Attributes["ows_Name"].Value.IndexOf('#') + 1);

lo_Message.Cc = "[email protected]";

lo_Message.Subject = ls_Subject;

lo_Message.Priority = MailPriority.High;

lo_Message.Body =


Hello " + (String)name + @"
This is a kind reminder that you have not completed your training follow-up with your PM for " + (int)day + @" days.Please follow the link below and take actions " + deadline + @".
Course Name: " + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"
" + time + @" My Training Items

*Complete training follow-up in time is a mandatory action, according to Jupiter ground rules*

" + (String)fromName + @"

" + (String)fromName + @"

" + (String)ccName + @"


lo_Message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

lo_Message.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;



public static void SendE_Mail_Second(XmlNode node, Double day, String name, String ccName, String fromName)


string ls_Subject = "" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @" Training Follow-up Final Notification";

String time = "Time: " + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value;

String deadline = "";

if (node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"] != null) //未修改过的training按照end time计算deadline


DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value).AddDays(42);

DateTime b= new DateTime(2015,3,31);

if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value)<=new DateTime(2015,3,31))


a = b.AddDays(42);


deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

time = "From: " + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value + " to: " + node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value + "


if (node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"] != null) //修改过的training按照修改日期计算deadline


if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value) > Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value))


DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value).AddDays(21);


deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";



SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";

MailMessage lo_Message = new MailMessage();

lo_Message.From = "[email protected]";

lo_Message.Cc = "[email protected]";

lo_Message.Subject = ls_Subject;

lo_Message.Priority = MailPriority.High;

lo_Message.Body =


Hello " + (String)name + @"
This is a kind reminder that you have not completed your training follow-up action with your PM " + deadline + @".
Course Name: " + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"

time " + time + @"

My Training Items

*Complete training follow-up in time is a mandatory action, according to Jupiter ground rules*

" + (String)fromName + @"

" + (String)fromName + @"

" + (String)ccName + @"


lo_Message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

lo_Message.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;



protected override void OnStop()


string ls_Subject = "Training Course Reminding Service Shut Down";

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";

MailMessage lo_Message = new MailMessage();

lo_Message.From = "[email protected]";

lo_Message.To = "[email protected]";

lo_Message.Cc = "[email protected]";

lo_Message.Subject = ls_Subject;

lo_Message.Priority = MailPriority.High;

lo_Message.Body =


This is a kind reminder that the training course reminding service has been shut down;
Please review with PM if need it restart


lo_Message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

lo_Message.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;



public static voidSendE_Mail(XmlNode node, Double day, String name, String ccName, String fromName)


String time= "Time:" + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value;

String deadline= "";

String deadline1= "";if (node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"] != null) //未修改过的training按照end time计算deadline


DateTime a= Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value).AddDays(42);

DateTime b= new DateTime(2015, 3, 31);if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value) < new DateTime(2015, 4, 1) && Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value) > new DateTime(2015, 3, 1))


a = b.AddDays(42);

}//deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

deadline = "before" + a.Year.ToString() + @"-" + a.Month.ToString() + @"-" + a.Day.ToString() + @"";//deadline1 = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @"";

deadline1 = "Before" + a.Year.ToString() + @"-" + a.Month.ToString() + @"-" + a.Day.ToString() + @"";

time= "· From " + @"" + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value + @"" + @" to " + @"" + node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value + @"" + @"

}if (node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"] != null) //修改过的training按照修改日期计算deadline

{if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value) > Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value))


DateTime a= Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value).AddDays(21);//Console.WriteLine(a.ToShortDateString());//deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

deadline = "before" + a.Year.ToString() + @"-" + a.Month.ToString() + @"-" + a.Day.ToString() + @"";//deadline1 = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @"";

deadline1 = "Before" + a.Year.ToString() + @"-" + a.Month.ToString() + @"-" + a.Day.ToString() + @"";


}string ls_Subject = "" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"Training Follow-up Reminder: Required Completion Date" + deadline1 + @"";

MailMessage mailMsg= newMailMessage();

mailMsg.From= new MailAddress("[email protected]");


mailMsg.CC.Add(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PM"]);if (ccName != null)






mailMsg.IsBodyHtml= true;




Hello" + (String)name + @"
This is a kind reminder that you have not completed your training follow-up with your PM for " + (int)day + @"days. Please follow the link below and take actions" + deadline + @".
· Course Name: " + @"" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"" + @"
" + time + @" ·  My Training Items

*Complete training follow-up in time is a mandatory action, according to Jupiter ground rules*


SmtpClient smtp= newSmtpClient();

smtp.Host= "";


}public static voidSendE_Mail_Second(XmlNode node, Double day, String name, String ccName, String fromName)

{string ls_Subject = "" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"Training Follow-up Final Notification";

String time= "Time:" + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value;

String deadline= "";if (node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"] != null) //未修改过的training按照end time计算deadline


DateTime a= Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value).AddDays(42);

DateTime b= new DateTime(2015, 3, 31);if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value) <= new DateTime(2015, 3, 31))


a= b.AddDays(42);

}//deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

deadline = "before" + a.Year.ToString() + @"-" + a.Month.ToString() + @"-" + a.Day.ToString() + @"";

time= "· From " + @"" + node.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value + @"" + @" to " + @"" + node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value + @"" + "
";//Console.WriteLine("deadline"+deadline);//Console.WriteLine("a"+a);//Console.WriteLine("a.ToString()"+a.ToString());//Console.WriteLine("sucre style:" + a.Year+"-"+a.Month+"-"+a.Day);

}if (node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"] != null) //修改过的training按照修改日期计算deadline

{if (Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value) > Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value))


DateTime a= Convert.ToDateTime(node.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value).AddDays(21);//Console.WriteLine(a.ToShortDateString());//deadline = "before " + a.ToShortDateString().ToString() + @" ";

deadline = "before" + a.Year.ToString() + @"-" + a.Month.ToString() + @"-" + a.Day.ToString() + @"";



MailMessage mailMsg= newMailMessage();

mailMsg.From= new MailAddress("[email protected]");


mailMsg.CC.Add(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PM"]);if (ccName != null)






mailMsg.IsBodyHtml= true;




Hello" + (String)name + @"
This is a kind reminder that you have not completed your training follow-up action with your PM" + deadline + @".
· Course Name: " + @"" + node.Attributes["ows_LinkTitle"].Value + @"" + @"
" + time + @"
· My Training Items

*Complete training follow-up in time is a mandatory action, according to Jupiter ground rules*


SmtpClient smtp= newSmtpClient();

smtp.Host= "";


}protected override voidOnStop()

{string ls_Subject = "Training Course Reminding Service Shut Down";

MailMessage mailMsg= newMailMessage();

mailMsg.From= new MailAddress("[email protected]");

mailMsg.To.Add("[email protected]");

mailMsg.CC.Add("[email protected]");





Hello Zhao, Xu-Guang (Sucre, SSIT),
This is a kind reminder that the training course reminding service has been shut down;
Please review with PM if need it restart.



mailMsg.IsBodyHtml= true;

SmtpClient smtp= newSmtpClient();

smtp.Host= "";


}public void timer1_Tick(objectsender, EventArgs e)


KMService.Lists lists= newKMService.Lists();

lists.Url= "";


XmlNode nodelistitems= null;//AllItem viewName = 728101AF-6727-430B-9220-35304FC7A3E5

nodelistitems = lists.GetListItems("8C851226-1615-44E0-B98E-08718E772D04", "728101AF-6727-430B-9220-35304FC7A3E5", null, null, "", null, null);//nodelistitems = lists.GetListItems("8C851226-1615-44E0-B98E-08718E772D04", null, null, null, "", null, null);

XmlNode rsData= nodelistitems["rs:data"];//ows_CreateTime = start time//ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr = end time

foreach (XmlNode zRow inrsData.ChildNodes)

{if (zRow.GetType().Name.ToString() != "XmlWhitespace")

{if(zRow.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"]!=null){if (Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value) >= new DateTime(2015, 3, 1))

{//判断Log training日期是否为3月1号之后

if (zRow.Attributes["ows_Follow_x002d_up_x0020_needed"] != null)


if ((zRow.Attributes["ows_Follow_x002d_up_x0020_needed"].Value == "Y"

|| zRow.Attributes["ows_Follow_x002d_up_x0020_needed"].Value == "Yes")&& (zRow.Attributes["ows_Complete_x0020_following_x002d_u"].Value == "N" /*&&

zRow.Attributes["ows_Name"].Value.Substring(zRow.Attributes["ows_Name"].Value.IndexOf('#') + 1) == "[email protected]"*/))


TimeSpan span = Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value) -DateTime.UtcNow;if (zRow.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"] != null)


span= DateTime.Today - Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value);


DateTime Apr= new DateTime(2015,4,1);//4月1号?????

if (Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_CreateTime"].Value) < Apr) //3月-4月的training统一按4月1号计算


span= DateTime.Today -Apr;

}if (zRow.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"] != null) //修改过状态的training按照修改日期计算(如果修改时间在training完成时间之后)

{//to do! end time?

if (Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value) > Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_End_x0020_Time_x0020_of_x0020_Tr"].Value))


span= DateTime.Today - Convert.ToDateTime(zRow.Attributes["ows_Update_x0020_Date"].Value);



String name= zRow.Attributes["ows_Name"].Value;//筛选 过滤到了邮箱名

String[] primaryEmail = name.Split('#');

String localName= primaryEmail[1];

String finalName= null;

String ccName= null;

String fromName= null;

KMService.Lists namelists= newKMService.Lists();

namelists.Url= "";


XmlNode nodenamelistitemsF= null;//XmlNode nodenamelistitems = null;//7CBDCEBF-6850-4C02-826A-8BF6DA51D677 is Table "Team Member";

nodenamelistitemsF = namelists.GetListItems("7CBDCEBF-6850-4C02-826A-8BF6DA51D677", null, null, null, "", null, null);

XmlNode rsnameDataF= nodenamelistitemsF["rs:data"];foreach (XmlNode znameRow inrsnameDataF.ChildNodes)

{if (znameRow.GetType().Name.ToString() != "XmlWhitespace")

{if (znameRow.Attributes["ows_Title"] != null)


if (localName.Equals(znameRow.Attributes["ows_Title"].Value))


finalName= znameRow.Attributes["ows_name1"].Value;

fromName=localName;if (znameRow.Attributes["ows__x65b0__x5efa__x680f_1"] != null)


String cName= znameRow.Attributes["ows__x65b0__x5efa__x680f_1"].Value;

String[] arrayname= cName.Split('#');if (arrayname.Length == 2)


ccName= arrayname[1];//Console.WriteLine(ccName);






}//对finalName进行筛选 过滤

if (finalName != null)


String[] primaryName= finalName.Split('#');

finalName= primaryName[1];

}//case for time period

/*if ((int)span.TotalDays > 0 && (int)span.TotalDays <= int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["first span"])) SendE_Mail(zRow, span.TotalDays + 1, finalName, ccName, fromName);

if ((int)span.TotalDays >= int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["first span"]) && (int)span.TotalDays <= int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["second span"])) SendE_Mail_Second(zRow, span.TotalDays + 1, finalName, ccName, fromName);*/

//case for time dot

if ((int)span.TotalDays > 0 &&(int)span.TotalDays == int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["first span"])) SendE_Mail(zRow, span.TotalDays + 1, finalName, ccName, fromName);if ((int)span.TotalDays >= int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["first span"])&&(int)span.TotalDays == int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["second span"])) SendE_Mail_Second(zRow, span.TotalDays + 1, finalName, ccName, fromName);









