技术分享 | Online DDL 工具 gh-ost

爱可生 DBA 团队成员,负责公司 DMP 产品的运维和客户 MySQL 问题的处理。擅长数据库故障处理。对数据库技术和 python 有着浓厚的兴趣。

Online DDL 工具 gh-ost

一、gh-ost 介绍

gh-ost 是 GitHub 发布的一款用于 MySQL 的无触发器在线模式迁移解决方案。它是可测试的,并提供暂停,动态控制/重新配置,审计和许多操作特权。它在整个迁移过程中,对主服务器产生的工作量很少,与已迁移表上的现有工作分离。

gh-ost 与所有现有的在线模式更改工具都以类似的方式操作:它们以与原始表相似的方式创建幽灵表,将数据从原始表缓慢且增量地复制到幽灵表,同时应用正在进行的更改(INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE)到幽灵表。最后,在适当的时候,它用幽灵表替换了原始表。gh-ost 使用相同的模式。但是,它与所有现有工具的不同之处在于不使用触发器。取而代之的是,gh-ost 使用二进制日志流捕获表的更改,然后将其异步应用到幽灵表。

gh-ost 承担一些其他工具留给数据库执行的任务。gh-ost 可以更好地控制迁移过程;可以真正暂停它;可以真正将迁移的写入负载与主服务器的工作负载分离。此外,它还提供了许多可操作的特权,使其更安全、可信赖且易于使用。

二、gh-ost 的三种模式架构


这是 gh-ost 默认的工作模式,它会查看从库情况,找到集群的主库并且连接上去,对主库侵入最少


  • 在主库上创建 _xxx_gho(和原表表结构一致)、_xxx_ghc(记录变更日志),并修改 _xxx_gho 表结构;
  • 从 slave 上读取二进制日志事件,将变更应用到主库上的 _xxx_gho 表;
  • 在主库上读源表的数据写入 _xxx_gho 表中;
  • 在主库上完成表切换。


需要使用 --allow-on-master 选项:

  • 在主库上创建 _xxx_gho、_xxx_ghc,并修改 _xxx_gho 表结构;
  • 从主库上读取二进制日志事件,将变更应用到主库上的 _xxx_gho 表;
  • 在主库上读源表的数据写入 _xxx_gho 表中;
  • 在主库上完成表切换。


这种模式会在从库上做修改。gh-ost 仍然会连上主库,但所有操作都是在从库上做的,不会对主库产生任何影响。在操作过程中,gh-ost 也会不时地暂停,以便从库的数据可以保持最新。

--migrate-on-replica 选项让 gh-ost 直接在从库上修改表。最终的切换过程也是在从库正常复制的状态下完成的。

--test-on-replica 表明操作只是为了测试目的。在进行最终的切换操作之前,复制会被停止。原始表和临时表会相互切换,再切换回来,最终相当于原始表没被动过。主从复制暂停的状态下,你可以检查和对比这两张表中的数据。



访问github,在此页面 https://github.com/github/gh-ost/releases 下载 gh-ost 最新的 rpm 安装包。

或者使用 wget 获取安装包

# 使用 wget 获取安装包
[root@10-186-61-20 ~]# wget https://github.com/github/gh-ost/releases/download/v1.0.49/gh-ost-1.0.49-1.x86_64.rpm


使用 rpm 命令进行安装

# 使用rpm安装
[root@10-186-61-20 ~]# rpm -ivh gh-ost-1.0.49-1.x86_64.rpm 
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:gh-ost-1:1.0.49-1                ################################# [100%]
# 验证是否安装成功
[root@10-186-61-20 ~]# gh-ost --version



参数 解释
allow-on-master 允许迁移直接在主上运行,最好是在从上运行
alter 所要更改表结构的语句
assume-master-host 明确的告诉gh-ost主机的身份,这在主主复制中是有用的,或者是在tungsten-replicator中,gh-ost无法确定主
assume-rbr 当确定服务器采用了ROW格式的binlog时,可以显式的指定为“true”,避免重启复制,不需要super权限,否则gh-ost无法判断当前启动的复制进程是否使用了row格式进行复制,并且会重启复制以确定使用了row格式,需要用户具有super权限。
chunk-size 每次从原表copy数据的行数
concurrent-rowcount 在行复制开始后,并发的对行进行计数,然后调整行估计。当为false时,先对行计数,然后进行行复制(默认true)
conf 配置文件,可以写入用户名和密码:
critical-load 设置status-name=threshold,使用逗号隔开,当超过阈值时,程序会退出
database 转换表所在的库名
dml-batch-size 在单个事务中应用DML事件的批处理大小(范围为1-100)(默认为10)
exact-rowcount 实际计数表行,而不是估计它们(结果是更准确的进度估计)(select count(*) from ...)
execute 实际执行alter并迁移表。默认是noop:执行一些测试并退出
master-password 主服务器的密码,如果与从不同。使用--assume-master-host
master-user 主服务器的用户,如果与从不同。使用--assume-master-host
max-lag-millis 节流操作的复制延时,复制延迟超过此值时会触发节流(默认1500ms)
max-load 当负载超过status-name=threshold阈值时,出发节流,例如max-load='Threads_running=100,Threads_connected=500'
migrate-on-replica 让迁移在从上完整的运行,包括转换
nice-ratio 每次复制行休眠的时间,0代表不休眠,1 复制行1ms,休眠1ms,0.7 代表复制10ms,休眠7ms
ok-to-drop-table 操作完成后删除旧表
panic-flag-file 创建该文件时,程序立即终止
host 连接的MySQL主机(默认127.0.0.1)
user MySQL用户
password MySQL密码
port MySQL端口号
postpone-cut-over-flag-file 当这个文件存在时,迁移将推迟交换表的最后阶段,并将继续同步ghost表。一旦文件被删除,切换/交换就可以开始执行了。
replica-server-id gh-ost在创建复制线程时使用的server_id
serve-socket-file socket文件位置
switch-to-rbr 自动切换为row格式
table 要进行更改的表
test-on-replica 在从库上测试
test-on-replica-skip-replica-stop 在从库上测试的时候不要停止复制
throttle-additional-flag-file 存在此文件时操作暂停;提示:保持默认值,用于调节多个gh-ost操作(默认值“/tmp/gh-ost.throttle”)
throttle-control-replicas 检查延迟的副本列表;逗号分隔的
throttle-flag-file 存在此文件时操作暂停;提示:使用特定于被修改的表的文件
timestamp-old-table 在旧表名中使用时间戳。这使得旧的表名惟一且不冲突的交叉迁移


  • 需要安装 nmap-ncat 包来使用 nc 命令
  • 使用方式为 echo "命令" | nc -U socket文件名,例如:echo status | nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket


[root@10-186-61-96 tmp]# echo status | nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
# Migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`; Ghost table is `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
# Migrating 10-186-61-20:3306; inspecting 10-186-61-20:3306; executing on 10-186-61-96
# Migration started at Mon Feb 17 02:08:10 +0000 2020
# chunk-size: 100000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 100; max-load: Threads_running=100; critical-load: Threads_running=1000; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.throttle 
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle 
# throttle-control-replicas count: 1
# postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.postpone 
# panic-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.panic
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
Copy: 19733607/19731368 100.0%; Applied: 3425325; Backlog: 863/1000; Time: 5h18m48s(total), 5h18m48s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000083:192819590; Lag: 0.01s, State: throttled, replica-lag=3.686724s; ETA: due


[root@10-186-61-96 tmp]# echo sup | nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
Copy: 19833607/19731368 100.5%; Applied: 3479988; Backlog: 1000/1000; Time: 5h22m21s(total), 5h22m21s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000084:12427624; Lag: 1.61s, State: migrating; ETA: due

打印当前检查的 binlog 的位置信息。

[root@10-186-61-96 tmp]# echo coordinates |nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket 


chunk-size=                 # Set a new chunk-size
dml-batch-size=             # Set a new dml-batch-size
nice-ratio=                   # Set a new nice-ratio, immediate sleep after each row-copy operation, float (examples: 0 is aggressive, 0.7 adds 70% runtime, 1.0 doubles runtime, 2.0 triples runtime, ...)
critical-load=                 # Set a new set of max-load thresholds
max-lag-millis=             # Set a new replication lag threshold
replication-lag-query=        # Set a new query that determines replication lag (no quotes)
max-load=                      # Set a new set of max-load thresholds
throttle-query=               # Set a new throttle-query (no quotes)
throttle-http=                  # Set a new throttle URL
throttle-control-replicas= # Set a new comma delimited list of throttle control replicas


[root@10-186-61-96 tmp]# echo "chunk-size=10000" |nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket 
throttle                             # Force throttling
no-throttle                          # End forced throttling (other throttling may still apply)

gh-ost 默认在完成所有的 copy 动作后,不会马上转换原表和幽灵表,而是继续读取binlog应用到幽灵表中,直到发出转换的动作,所以发出此命令会立刻开始转换。

unpostpone                           # Bail out a cut-over postpone; proceed to cut-over


panic                                # panic and quit without cleanup


[root@10-186-61-103 tmp]# echo help  | nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket 
available commands:
status                               # Print a detailed status message
sup                                  # Print a short status message
coordinates                          # Print the currently inspected coordinates
chunk-size=                 # Set a new chunk-size
dml-batch-size=             # Set a new dml-batch-size
nice-ratio=                   # Set a new nice-ratio, immediate sleep after each row-copy operation, float (examples: 0 is aggressive, 0.7 adds 70% runtime, 1.0 doubles runtime, 2.0 triples runtime, ...)
critical-load=                 # Set a new set of max-load thresholds
max-lag-millis=             # Set a new replication lag threshold
replication-lag-query=        # Set a new query that determines replication lag (no quotes)
max-load=                      # Set a new set of max-load thresholds
throttle-query=               # Set a new throttle-query (no quotes)
throttle-http=                  # Set a new throttle URL
throttle-control-replicas= # Set a new comma delimited list of throttle control replicas
throttle                             # Force throttling
no-throttle                          # End forced throttling (other throttling may still apply)
unpostpone                           # Bail out a cut-over postpone; proceed to cut-over
panic                                # panic and quit without cleanup
help                                 # This message
- use '?' (question mark) as argument to get info rather than set. e.g. "max-load=?" will just print out current max-load.


本示例模拟更改字段数据类型,将 sbtest1 表的 c 字段由 char(120) 改为varchar(200)。采用连接从库,在主库转换的模式架构。

  • CPU:4C
  • 内存:4G
  • 操作系统版本:CentOS 7.5.1804
  • MySQL版本:5.7.29
  • MySQL架构:主从复制
    • 主库:
    • 从库:
  • gh-ost版本:1.0.49

检查从库的 binlog_format 参数和 log_slave_update 参数是或否正确。

mysql> select @@global.binlog_format,@@log_slave_updates;
| @@global.binlog_format | @@log_slave_updates |
| ROW                    |                   1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> show slave status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
-- 省略其他信息
-- 省略其他信息


mysql> desc sbtest1;
| Field | Type      | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(11)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| k     | int(11)   | NO   | MUL | 0       |                |
| c     | char(120) | NO   |     |         |                |
| pad   | char(60)  | NO   |     |         |                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

创建 ghost 使用的变更用户。

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)


[root@10-186-61-88 ~]# cat ghost.conf 

开启一个 screen,防止变更中途连接断开。

[root@10-186-61-88 ~]# screen

将变更的 alter 语句写成以下形式。

modify c varchar(200) not null default ""

执行命令开始变更,变更之前先去掉 --execute 选项模拟执行过程,查看执行中是否有问题。

[root@10-186-61-88 ~]# gh-ost --conf=ghost.conf --database=sbtest --table=sbtest1 \
--alter='modify c varchar(200) not null default ""' --max-load=Threads_running=100 \
--critical-load=Threads_running=1000 --critical-load-interval-millis=100 \
--chunk-size=100000 --throttle-control-replicas="" \
--max-lag-millis=1500 --host= --port=3306 --verbose  \ 
--default-retries=120 --dml-batch-size=100  \
--assume-rbr --assume-master-host= \
--panic-flag-file=/tmp/sbtest1.panic \
--postpone-cut-over-flag-file=/tmp/sbtest1.postpone \
--throttle-flag-file=/tmp/sbtest1.throttle \
--timestamp-old-table \

2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO starting gh-ost 1.0.49
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO connection validated on
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO User has SUPER, REPLICATION SLAVE privileges, and has ALL privileges on `sbtest`.*
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO binary logs validated on
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Inspector initiated on 10-186-61-101:3306, version 5.7.29-log
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Table found. Engine=InnoDB
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Estimated number of rows via EXPLAIN: 4814427
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Master forced to be
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO log_slave_updates validated on
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO connection validated on
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql_bin.000008:95041262
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:133 create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql 3306 ghost    false false  false UTC true 0 0s 0s 0 false}
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:354 begin to sync binlog from position (mysql_bin.000008, 95041262)
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:203 register slave for master server
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql_bin.000008, 95041262)
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO rotate to next log from mysql_bin.000008:0 to mysql_bin.000008
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO connection validated on
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO connection validated on
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO will use time_zone='SYSTEM' on applier
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Examining table structure on applier
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Applier initiated on 10-186-61-88:3306, version 5.7.29-log
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Dropping table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_ghc`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Table dropped
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Creating changelog table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_ghc`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Changelog table created
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Creating ghost table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Ghost table created
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Altering ghost table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Ghost table altered
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Created postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.postpone
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Waiting for ghost table to be migrated. Current lag is 0s
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Intercepted changelog state GhostTableMigrated
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Handled changelog state GhostTableMigrated
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Chosen shared unique key is PRIMARY
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Shared columns are id,k,c,pad
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Listening on unix socket file: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Migration min values: [1]
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Migration max values: [5000000]
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Waiting for first throttle metrics to be collected
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO First throttle metrics collected
# Migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`; Ghost table is `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
# Migrating 10-186-61-88:3306; inspecting 10-186-61-101:3306; executing on 10-186-61-88
# Migration started at Fri Jul 24 15:06:28 +0800 2020
# chunk-size: 100000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 100; max-load: Threads_running=100; critical-load: Threads_running=1000; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.throttle 
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle 
# throttle-control-replicas count: 1
# postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.postpone [set]
# panic-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.panic
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Row copy complete
# Migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`; Ghost table is `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
# Migrating 10-186-61-88:3306; inspecting 10-186-61-101:3306; executing on 10-186-61-88
# Migration started at Fri Jul 24 15:06:28 +0800 2020
# chunk-size: 100000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 100; max-load: Threads_running=100; critical-load: Threads_running=1000; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.throttle 
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle 
# throttle-control-replicas count: 1
# postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.postpone [set]
# panic-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.panic
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
Copy: 0/4814427 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000008:95044050; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000008:95044050; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: due
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO New table structure follows
CREATE TABLE `_sbtest1_gho` (
  `k` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `c` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `pad` char(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `k_1` (`k`)
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:164 syncer is closing...
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Closed streamer connection. err=
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Dropping table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_ghc`
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [error] binlogstreamer.go:77 close sync with err: sync is been closing...
[2020/07/24 15:06:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:179 syncer is closed
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Table dropped
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Dropping table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Table dropped
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Done migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Removing socket file: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Tearing down inspector
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Tearing down applier
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Tearing down streamer
2020-07-24 15:06:28 INFO Tearing down throttler
# Done


gh-ost --conf=ghost.conf --database=sbtest --table=sbtest1 \
--alter='modify c varchar(200) not null default ""' \
--max-load=Threads_running=100  \
--critical-load=Threads_running=1000 \
--critical-load-interval-millis=100 --chunk-size=100000 \
--throttle-control-replicas="" \
--max-lag-millis=1500 --host= \
--port=3306 --verbose   --default-retries=120 \
--dml-batch-size=100  --assume-rbr \
--assume-master-host= \
--panic-flag-file=/tmp/sbtest1.panic \
--postpone-cut-over-flag-file=/tmp/sbtest1.postpone \
--throttle-flag-file=/tmp/sbtest1.throttle \
--timestamp-old-table \
--serve-socket-file=/tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket --execute 


  • Copy:从原表 copy row 的进度,三列分别代表已 cpoy 的行、预估行数、进度

  • Applied:表示从二进制日志中读取并应用到幽灵表上的行数

  • Backlog:当前处理二进制日志的积压数量

  • Time:执行时间

  • streamer:当前处理到的二进制日志的位置

  • Lag:延时时间

  • State:状态(migrating:正常迁移,throttled:限流中,postponing cut-over:等待转换)

  • ETA:预估的完成耗时

    Copy: 300000/4814427 6.2%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6s(total), 6s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000008:116441176; Lag: 1.72s, State: throttled, lag=1.824079s; ETA: 1m30s
    Copy: 300000/4814427 6.2%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7s(total), 7s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000008:133260367; Lag: 1.42s, State: migrating; ETA: 1m45s

当状态成为 postponing cut-over 后,我们就可以进行下一步的转换环节,转换方式有两种,第一种是删除创建的标志文件,标志文件为 --postpone-cut-over-flag-file 选项定义的。第二种是执行交互式命令,这里我们采用第二种。

通过输出的日志,我们可以看到状态已经处于 postponing cut-over。

Copy: 5000000/5000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 18m0s(total), 1m49s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000011:254596764; Lag: 0.02s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 5000000/5000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 18m30s(total), 1m49s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000011:254786245; Lag: 0.02s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due


[root@10-186-61-88 tmp]# echo "unpostpone" |nc -U sbtest1.gh-ost.socket 


Copy: 5000000/5000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 20m27s(total), 1m49s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000011:255529733; Lag: 0.02s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Grabbing voluntary lock: gh-ost.2088.lock
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Setting LOCK timeout as 6 seconds
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Looking for magic cut-over table
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Creating magic cut-over table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_20200724150824_del`
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Magic cut-over table created
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Locking `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_20200724150824_del`
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Tables locked
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Session locking original & magic tables is 2088
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Writing changelog state: AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1595575733351893170
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Waiting for events up to lock
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Intercepted changelog state AllEventsUpToLockProcessed
2020-07-24 15:28:53 INFO Handled changelog state AllEventsUpToLockProcessed
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Waiting for events up to lock: got AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1595575733351893170
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Done waiting for events up to lock; duration=696.107491ms
# Migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`; Ghost table is `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho`
# Migrating 10-186-61-88:3306; inspecting 10-186-61-101:3306; executing on 10-186-61-88
# Migration started at Fri Jul 24 15:08:24 +0800 2020
# chunk-size: 100000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 100; max-load: Threads_running=100; critical-load: Threads_running=1000; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.throttle 
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle 
# throttle-control-replicas count: 1
# postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.postpone [set]
# panic-flag-file: /tmp/sbtest1.panic
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
Copy: 5000000/5000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 20m29s(total), 1m49s(copy); streamer: mysql_bin.000011:255542872; Lag: 0.02s, State: migrating; ETA: due
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Setting RENAME timeout as 3 seconds
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Session renaming tables is 2084
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Issuing and expecting this to block: rename /* gh-ost */ table `sbtest`.`sbtest1` to `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_20200724150824_del`, `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_gho` to `sbtest`.`sbtest1`
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Found atomic RENAME to be blocking, as expected. Double checking the lock is still in place (though I don't strictly have to)
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Checking session lock: gh-ost.2088.lock
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Connection holding lock on original table still exists
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Will now proceed to drop magic table and unlock tables
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Dropping magic cut-over table
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Releasing lock from `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_20200724150824_del`
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Tables unlocked
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Tables renamed
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Lock & rename duration: 721.156968ms. During this time, queries on `sbtest1` were blocked
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Looking for magic cut-over table
[2020/07/24 15:28:54] [info] binlogsyncer.go:164 syncer is closing...
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Closed streamer connection. err=
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Dropping table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_ghc`
[2020/07/24 15:28:54] [error] binlogstreamer.go:77 close sync with err: sync is been closing...
[2020/07/24 15:28:54] [info] binlogsyncer.go:179 syncer is closed
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Table dropped
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Am not dropping old table because I want this operation to be as live as possible. If you insist I should do it, please add `--ok-to-drop-table` next time. But I prefer you do not. To drop the old table, issue:
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO -- drop table `sbtest`.`_sbtest1_20200724150824_del`
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Done migrating `sbtest`.`sbtest1`
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Removing socket file: /tmp/sbtest1.gh-ost.socket
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Tearing down inspector
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Tearing down applier
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Tearing down streamer
2020-07-24 15:28:54 INFO Tearing down throttler
# Done


mysql> desc sbtest1;
| Field | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| k     | int(11)      | NO   | MUL | 0       |                |
| c     | varchar(200) | NO   |     |         |                |
| pad   | char(60)     | NO   |     |         |                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 验证表数据是否正常

  • 删除旧表

      mysql> show tables;
      | Tables_in_sbtest            |
      | _sbtest1_20200724150824_del |
      | sbtest1                     |
      2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> drop table  _sbtest1_20200724150824_del;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
  • 清理残留的标志文件

      [root@10-186-61-88 tmp]# rm sbtest1.postpone
      rm: remove regular empty file ‘sbtest1.postpone’? y



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