vs支持python_让Visual Studio.NET支持Python代码

VS.NET是一款非常棒的编辑器,而Python Tools for Visual Studio是微软在Codeplex社区发布的一个VS2010的插件。安装了Python Tools for Visual Studio就可以让VS支持Python代码开发。

Python Tools for Visual Studio特点:

* 高级编辑功能,如

- 语法高亮

- 智能完成

- 成员列表

- 函数参数信息提示

- 函数跳转(F12跳转)

* 支持CPython和IronPython

* 支持本地和远程调试

* 性能调优

* 对中文支持友好

vs支持python_让Visual Studio.NET支持Python代码_第1张图片

An integrated environment for developing Python in VS2010

* Supports CPython and IronPython

* Python editor with advanced member and signature intellisense

* Code navigation “Find all refs”, goto definition, and object browser

* Local and remote debugging

* Profiling with multiple views

* Integrated REPL window

* Support for HPC clusters and MPI, including debugging & Profiling

* Interactive parallel computing via integrated IPython REPL

* Free & Open Source (Apache 2.0)

Python Tools for Visual Studio官方地址:http://pytools.codeplex.com/
