2018-11-28-经济学人赏析-Why suicide is falling...

段3-5由YAN-tdlorang负责精读,在完成过程中,痛并快乐着。谢谢我在的讨论组,这群可爱,热心的小伙伴@蓬蓬豆@肉丸子@荆棘海@暗夜 (不分先后哒),手动点赞。


3-Nonetheless, beyond America’s gloomy trend is a more optimistic story: that at a global level, suicide is down by 29% since 2000 (see article). As a result, 2.8m lives have been saved in that time—three times as many as have been killed in battle. There is no one reason. It is happening at different rates among different groups in different places. But the decline is particularly notable among three sets of people.

4-One is young women in China and India. In most of the world, older people kill themselves more often than the young, and men more than women. But in China and India, young women have been unusually prone to suicide. That is decreasingly the case. Another group is middle-aged men in Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, alcoholism and suicide rocketed among them. Both have now receded. A third category is old people all around the world. The suicide rate among the elderly remains, on average, higher than among the rest of the population, but has also fallen faster since 2000 than among other groups.

5-Why are these people now less likely to take their own lives? Urbanisation and greater freedom have helped. Accounts of those who attempt suicide, and of the relatives of those who succeed, suggest that many young Asian women were driven to despair by violent husbands and overbearing in-laws. As people move to cities and the grip of tradition loosens, women have more choice about whom they marry or live with, making life more bearable. Leaving the village helps in another way, too. Because farming involves killing things, rural folk are likelier to have the means to kill themselves—guns, pesticides—to hand.







beyond America’s gloomy trend is a more optimistic story  在美国不容客观的情况之外是相对更乐观的报道。

② As a result 因此;结果是

类似:As a consequence  / in consequence / consequently / Resultantly / Therefore / Because of that /under the circumstances /hence /ergo

It is happening at different rates among different groups in different places. 不同的地方,不同的群体,这种情况不同的速度发生着。

④ But the decline is particularly notable among three sets of people. 三类人群


① older people 老年人

类似 old people, the elderly

② prone to suicide 更容易自杀

③ That is decreasingly the case.这种情况在减少

类似 both have now receded / has also fallen faster

④ middle-aged men 中年男子

⑤ Soviet Union 前苏联

⑥ The suicide rate among the elderly remains 老年人的自杀率仍然很高

⑦ on average 通常;平均起来

类似 in general / as a rule

⑧ one is...  Another group is...  A third category is... 整个第段落,介绍三个群体,使用的句型


① Why are these people now less likely to take their own lives? 不太可能自杀


表示某事很有可能发生,最简单的句型,以表示该事的名词为主语。X is likely to ...。

反义:are likelier to have the means to kill themselves 更有可能自杀

likelier 这里为likely做为形容词时,的比较级。

② Urbanisation 美 /,ə:bənai'zeiʃən/ 城市化

④ were driven to despair by violent husbands and overbearing in-laws. 被暴力的丈夫和专横的姻亲逼得绝望。

⑤ As people move to cities and the grip of tradition loosens 随着人们向城市迁移,传统的束缚也得到减缓

⑥ in another way, too 在另一方面也是如此

 ⑦ pesticides 美 /'pɛstɪsaɪdz/ 农药

 ⑧ rural folk 乡下人

 ⑨ to hand 在手头



① Nonetheless, beyond America’s gloomy trend is a more optimistic story: that at a global level, suicide is down by 29% since 2000 (see article).


注意 Nonetheless 的读音  美 /'nʌnðə'lɛs/


beyond preposition  除…之外

类似:In addition to /  besides / over and above /  apart from


注意:that 为story的同位语从句引导词,that不能省略,没有具体的意思,不充当句子成分,只起连接作用。

story=suicide is down by 29% since 2000 (see article)

这句话的句式简单表达就是:X is a more optimistic story that suicide is down by 29% since 2000.

see article 带你了解数据来源:

出于好奇,点击文中“(see article) 链接去瞅了一眼,是一篇关于自杀情况在全球范围下降的文章(见下图一),文中呈现了一张数据统计图(见图二),验证原文数据29%的来源(见图三),再次说明经济学人写文时的严谨:


图三:(10-14)/14 四舍五入 约等于-29%

② As a result, 2.8m lives have been saved in that time—three times as many as have been killed in battle.

three times as many as 比较句型:


完整版1: three times as many as those who have been killed in battle. 第二个as接的名词性从句。(按照文中的意思,应该是这个完整版,与在战争中死亡的人数相比,ash定语从句)

完整版2:three times as many as lives have been killed in battle. 第二个as接的完整句子。(句子没有错,但是放在文中理解会有歧义,前面的lives 和后面的lives不是同一回事)

In this case the first as acts as an adverb modifying the adjective or adverb that goes after it.  第1个as为副词

The second as can act as a preposition or conjunction. If it is used as a preposition, it will be followed by a noun or pronoun. If it is used as a conjunction, it will be followed by a clause. 第2个as为介词或者连词


① After the collapse of the Soviet Union, alcoholism and suicide rocketed among them. Both have now receded.


rocketed 原型 rocket  /'rɑkɪt/ 名词是火箭;做动词 (读音不变)表示 (价格)猛涨,飙升;社会问题急剧增多,用于新闻

If things such as prices or social problems rocket, they increase very quickly and suddenly.  [JOURNALISM 新闻]

造句:Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed. 新鲜食物非常匮乏,导致价格猛涨。

receded 原型 recede  美 /rɪ'sid/ 可表示质量下降;问题或疾病等逐渐减弱,好转,在文中指 酗酒和自杀问题有所好转

造句:Some writng problems/bad habits begin to recede after joining the Phenomenal English.   一些写作问题/坏习惯在加入现象级英语后开始有所好转。         

② The suicide rate among the elderly remains, on average, higher than among the rest of the population, but has also fallen faster since 2000 than among other groups.


整齐美观,将on average作为插入语放在句中。还原理解如下,,但是整体效果就没原文好看了:

On average, the suicide rate among the elderly remains higher than among the rest of the population, but has also fallen faster since 2000 than among other groups.


remains  保持;继续;持续   近义词:continue, stay


① Accounts of those who attempt suicide, and of the relatives of those who succeed, suggest that many young Asian women were driven to despair by violent husbands and overbearing in-laws.


Accounts 和 drive 重点

Account 常理解为账户,这里为可数名词 表示 书面或口头的记述,描述,陈述,报告

drive  表示 驱使,迫使(某人做出极端的事情) be driven to do by sth 受到......的驱使而去干什么

造句:People are driven to murder by jealousy. 嫉妒使我犯罪杀人。

其次 ,

overbearing 表示 傲慢的;专横的;盛气凌人的;飞扬跋扈的

in-laws:姻亲 指因婚姻关系而产生的亲属。即由于结婚使男女一方与对方亲属所形成的亲属关系。

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