github 移动文件_适用于移动开发人员的33个惊人的github存储库

github 移动文件

In this article, we will explore 33 useful GitHub repositories for iOS, Android, and Flutter developers.


的iOS (iOS)

1.很棒的iOS (1. Awesome iOS)

Contains a huge list of libraries and frameworks for particular topics, ranging from accessibility to security:


2.开源iOS应用 (2. Open-source iOS apps)

Lists a ton of open-source iOS apps. You can choose a relevant topic and see apps built around a specific feature:

列出了大量的开源iOS应用。 您可以选择一个相关主题,并查看围绕特定功能构建的应用程序:

3. Kickstarter的iOS应用 (3. Kickstarter’s iOS app)

A great resource for those who want to see a production iOS app’s code and structure:


4. iOS学习资料 (4. iOS learning materials)

Has a large list of topics with corresponding learning materials for each one:


5. iOS开发者路线图 (5. iOS developer roadmap)

Contains a brain mapping of skills needed to start and get better as an iOS developer:


6.很棒的SwiftUI (6. Awesome SwiftUI)

A great list of learning materials about SwiftUI:


7.备战文件 (7. Jazzy for documentation)

This command-line tool by Realm generates code documentation. Has a great instruction on how to get started and supports both Swift and Objective-C:

Realm的此命令行工具生成代码文档。 对如何入门有很好的指导,并支持Swift和Objective-C:

8. Objective-C风格指南 (8. Objective-C style guide)

Lists Objective-C coding conventions of iOS teams at the New York Times:

列出《纽约时报》 iOS团队的Objective-C编码约定:

9. Swift算法俱乐部 (9. Swift algorithm club)

Has a huge list of common data structures and algorithms, and source code examples for each one:


10. Swift库和资源 (10. Swift libraries and resources)

Another great repo containing useful libraries and learning materials:


11. Swift中的设计模式 (11. Design patterns in Swift)

Showcases implementations for behavioral, creational, and structural design patterns:


12. Swift风格指南 (12. Swift style guide)

Raywenderlich’s popular Swift style guide:


13.快速发展 (13. Swift evolution)

Official repo by Apple containing the latest changes in the Swift programming language:


安卓系统 (Android)

14. Android指南 (14. Android Guides)

Has up-to-date learning materials on different topics, such as views and layout, structure, and navigation:


15. Google I / O 2019 Android应用程序 (15. The Google I/O 2019 Android app)

A production-ready app that is built around Android architecture components and Firebase:


16.体系结构组件样本 (16. Architecture components samples)

Great resource for those who want to explore how Android architecture components are implemented in Android:


17. Android最佳做法 (17. Android best practices)

Android development suggestions and practices by Futurice:


18.素材动画 (18. Material animations)

Common Android animations explained and implemented in practice:


19.很棒的Android UI (19. Awesome Android UI)

A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries:

精选的Android UI / UX库的精选列表:

20. Android技巧和窍门 (20. Android tips and tricks)

Cheatsheet about tips and tricks for Android developers:


21. Java到Kotlin的备忘单 (21. Cheatsheet for Java to Kotlin)

Lists Java vs. Kotlin code comparisons. Great to explore the differences between the two languages:

列出Java与Kotlin代码的比较。 很高兴探索两种语言之间的差异:

22.建筑样本 (22. Architecture samples)

Explore the collection of code samples showing implementations of popular architectures:


23. Kotlin的设计模式 (23. Design patterns in Kotlin)

Learn behavioral, creational, and structural design patterns in Kotlin:



24.很棒的颤振 (24. Awesome Flutter)

Curated list of Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles, and more:


25. Flutter示例应用 (25. Flutter example apps)

Explore a variety of Flutter apps showcasing a particular feature or UI element:


26.颤振样本 (26. Flutter samples)

Official repo by the Flutter team containing best practices and demos:


27. Flutter UI模板 (27. Flutter UI templates)

Great Flutter UI templates for inspiration:

伟大的Flutter UI模板可为您提供灵感:

28. Flutter体系结构示例 (28. Flutter architecture samples)

Learn how a particular architecture is implemented in Flutter based on a to-do list app:


29.颤振的例子 (29. Flutter examples)

Yet another great list of Flutter examples built around a specific UI element or library:


30. Flutter中的BLoC设计模式 (30. BLoC design pattern in Flutter)

Explore the BLoC design pattern implementation in Flutter:


31.颤振屏幕的集合 (31. Collection of Flutter screens)

A collection of attractive UIs built with Flutter, ready to be used in your applications:


32. Flutter中的状态管理提供者 (32. Provider for state management in Flutter)

Learn Google’s suggested state management tool:


33. Flutter插件 (33. Flutter plugins)

Flutter’s first-party plugins, listed in its official repo:


I hope you will find these repositories useful. Thanks for reading!

我希望您会发现这些存储库有用。 谢谢阅读!


github 移动文件
