apache-comnons系列之commons-cli1.4 学习笔记

apache-comnons系列之commons-cli1.4 学习笔记


  • 参考
    • https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000006795206
  • CommandLineParser
    • A class that implements the CommandLineParser interface can parse a String array according to the {@link Options} specified and return a {@link CommandLine}.
  • DefaultParser
    • Default parser.
  • Option
    • Describes a single command-line option. It maintains information regarding the short-name of the option, the long-name,
      if any exists, a flag indicating if an argument is required for this option, and a self-documenting description of the option.
  • Options
    • Options represents a collection of {@link Option} objects, which describe the possible options for a command-line.
  • OptionGroup
    • A group of mutually exclusive options.
    • optionMap = new LinkedHashMap


  • org.apache.commons.cli.OptionTest
    • opt—-the name of the option
    • longOpt—-the long representation of the option
    • argName—-the name of the argument for this option
    • description/required
    • numberOfArgs
      • the number of argument values this option can have
    • valuesep
      • the character that is the value separator
    • List values = new ArrayList();—-the list of argument values
    • acceptsArg
      • Tells if the option can accept more arguments.
  • org.apache.commons.cli.OptionsTest
    • shortOpts/longOpts/requiredOpts/optionGroups
  • org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineTest
    • args = new LinkedList();/options = new ArrayList();
    • args用于接收无法处理的参数
  • org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParserTest
  • org.apache.commons.cli.ParserTestCase
    • Option currentOption—-The last option parsed.(表示期望解析参数的option)
    • parse流程
      • handleToken
      • currentOption.addValueForProcessing
        • processValue
        • add(value);
    • handleUnknownToken
      • cmd.addArg(token);
