python datetime 加一个月_Python 按月增加datetime月份的问题

今天要为大家收集分享的Python学习代码为:Python 按月增加datetime月份的问题源码。可能有同学看不明白什么是Python 按月增加datetime?其实简单的理解python datetime增加月份的问题,就是一些人的日常工作是需要对月份加减进行相关操作计算。

DateTime是什么:DateTime是时间类型,datetime是Python处理日期和时间的标准库。还有python time模块

Python 按月增加datetime月份的问题源码如下:(Python源码中注释部分多为英文,大家可自行翻译)


import datetime

# input datetime1, and an month offset

# return the result datetime

def datetime_offset_by_month(datetime1, n = 1):

# create a shortcut object for one day

one_day = datetime.timedelta(days = 1)

# first use div and mod to determine year cycle

q,r = divmod(datetime1.month + n, 12)

# create a datetime2

# to be the last day of the target month

datetime2 = datetime.datetime(

datetime1.year + q, r + 1, 1) - one_day


if input date is the last day of this month

then the output date should also be the last

day of the target month, although the day

may be different.

for example:

datetime1 = 8.31

datetime2 = 9.30


if datetime1.month != (datetime1 + one_day).month:

return datetime2


if datetime1 day is bigger than last day of

target month, then, use datetime2

for example:

datetime1 = 10.31

datetime2 = 11.30


if >=

return datetime2


then, here, we just replace datetime2's day

with the same of datetime1, that's ok.


return datetime2.replace(day =


d1 = datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 17)

d2 = datetime_offset_by_month(d1, 13)

print '2008-8-17 + 13 month'

print d2


d1 = datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 31)

d2 = datetime_offset_by_month(d1, 13)

print '2008-8-31 + 13 month'

print d2


d1 = datetime.datetime(2007, 1, 30)

d2 = datetime_offset_by_month(d1, 13)

print '2007-1-30 + 13 month'

print d2


result = """

2008-8-17 + 13 month

2009-09-17 00:00:00

2008-8-31 + 13 month

2009-09-30 00:00:00

2007-1-30 + 13 month

2008-02-29 00:00:00



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