下个互联网时代当属ZG? Is the Next Internet Age China’s?(下)纽约时报精读

对于孟女士的逮捕,消息一曝出就ignite热议和激愤,China Angered by Arrest, but Playing Cool。昨天已报道孟女士已经获得保释,但条件极为苛刻。本篇文章来自于2018-18-10“纽约时报”,everyone focuses on the drama of the arrest,the high-profile arrest of Ms. Meng underscored a new and disturbing spiraling in the already complex relationship。闹剧般的拘捕,错综复杂的关系变得更加盘根错节。这场在谈判同时发生的时间Mr. Trump was not briefed about the planned arrest,博弈的背后是对 tech hegemony的争夺。一起看一下本篇的报道吧!


18-12 Is the Next Internet Age China’s?


对于孟女士的逮捕,消息一曝出,就ignite热议和激愤,China Angered by Arrest, but Playing Cool。昨天已报道孟女士已经获得保释,但条件极为苛刻。本篇文章来自于2018-18-10“纽约时报”,everyone focuses on thedramaof the arrest,the high-profile arrest of Ms. Meng underscored a new and disturbing spiraling in the already complex relationship。闹剧般的拘捕,错综复杂的关系变得更加盘根错节。这场在谈判同时发生的时间Mr. Trump was not briefed about the planned arrest,博弈的背后是对tech hegemony的争夺。一起看一下本篇的报道吧!

IMAGINE,if you will(and you should),a big American tech executive beingdetainedover unspecified charges while on a trip to Beijing. That is exactly what a number of Silicon Valley executives told me they are concerned about after the arrest this week of Meng Wanzhou,the chief financial officer of the Chinese telecom company Huawei,in Canada at thebehestof United States officials. 



detain [dɪ'teɪn]verbtransitive often passive 

■ to force someone officially to stay in a place使留下;拘留,扣押

behest [bɪ'hest]nounformal 

at sb's behest/at the behest of sb 

■because someone has asked or ordered you to do something按照(某人)的要求;在(某人)的命令下

•The budget proposal was adopted at the president'sbehest.在总统的要求下,这项预算建议获得采纳。

“It’s worrisome,because it’s anescalationwe did not need,”one executive said,referring to the already tense trade talks between the two countries.“What China will do,given all the existing tensions,is anyone’s guess.” 


escalate /ˈeskəleɪt/ ●○○ verb[intransitive,transitive] 

■ if fighting,violence,or a bad situation escalates,or if someone escalates it,it becomes much worse←(使)〔战斗、暴力或不好的情况〕升级;(使)恶化:

■ to become higher or increase,or to make something do this←(使)升高;(使)增加:

 The costs were escalating alarmingly.→成本在以惊人的速度增长。



No one I spoke to would talk on the record,out of fear ofantagonizingeither side and also because no one knows exactly what is happening. But many expressed worry about the possibility oftit-for-tatarrests. 


antagonize(UK usuallyantagonise)[æn'tæg.ə.naɪz]verbtransitive 

■to make someone dislike you or feel opposed to you使对抗,使对立;引起…的敌意(或反感)

•It's a very delicate situation and I've no wish toantagonizehim.这是一种很棘手的局面,而我无意使他和我反目成仇。


■actions done intentionally to punish other people because they have done something unpleasant to you以牙还牙,针锋相对

While everyone focuses on the drama of the arrest — Ms. Meng was grabbed while changing planes at the airport — and its effect on the trade talks and stock prices,to my mind there is a much more important fightbrewing,and it is about techhegemony. Specifically,who will control the next internet age,and by whose rules will it be run? 


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