这里采用minst手写数字数据集作为对象数据,源数据取自 Dight Recognizer | Kaggle;该数据集包含了42k张从0~9的手写数字,每一行数据代表了28 x 28的图片和它相应的标注类别。
由于感知机是一个二分类的线性判别分类器,因此需要对10个类别的原数据进行处理成两个类别;为了保持数据的平衡,这里简单将0~4取作负类 -1,将5~9取作正类 +1,代码如下:
# @Author: phd
# @Date: 19-3-28
# @Site: github.com/phdsky
# @Description:
# Prepare binary classification mnist data
# label(number) : -1(0 ~ 4) 1(5 ~ 9)
import os
import pandas as pd
mnist = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv("mnist.csv"))
# First convert 0 ~ 4 to -1
mnist.loc[mnist['label'] < 5, 'label'] = -1
# Then convert 5 to 9 to 1
mnist.loc[mnist['label'] >= 5, 'label'] = 1
file_name = "mnist_binary.csv"
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
mnist.to_csv(file_name, index=False)
print("%s already exists" % file_name)
# @Author: phd
# @Date: 19-3-28
# @Site: github.com/phdsky
# @Description: NULL
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
## Parameters setting
w0 = 0
b0 = 0
epoch_times = 300
# learning params
rate = 1 # (0 < rate <= 1)
ratio = 3
period = 30
def sign(x):
if x >= 0:
return 1
elif x < 0:
return -1
print("Sign function input wrong!\n")
class Perceptron(object):
def __init__(self, w, b, epoch, learning_rate, learning_ratio, learning_period):
self.weight = w
self.bias = b
self.epoch = epoch
self.lr_rate = learning_rate
self.lr_ratio = learning_ratio
self.lr_period = learning_period
def train(self, X, y):
print("Training on train dataset...")
# Feature arrange - Simple init - Column vector
self.weight = np.full((len(X[0]), 1), self.weight, dtype=float)
for epoch in range(self.epoch):
miss_count = 0
data_count = len(X)
for i in range(data_count): # Single batch training
feature = X[i]
label = y[i]
result = label * (np.dot(feature, self.weight) + self.bias)
if result <= 0:
miss_count += 1
self.weight += np.reshape(self.lr_rate * label * feature, (len(feature), 1))
self.bias += self.lr_rate * label
# Print training log
print("\rEpoch %d\tLearning rate %f\tTraining accuracy %f" %
((epoch + 1), self.lr_rate, (int(data_count - miss_count) / data_count)), end='')
# Decay learning rate
if epoch % self.lr_period == 0:
self.lr_rate /= self.lr_ratio
# Stop training
if self.lr_rate <= 1e-6:
print("Learning rate is too low, Early stopping...\n")
# print("Parameters after learning")
# print(self.weight)
# print(self.bias)
print("\nEnd of training progress\n")
def predict(self, X, y):
print("Predicting on test dataset...")
hit_count = 0
data_count = len(X)
for i in range(data_count):
feature = X[i]
label = y[i]
result = np.dot(feature, self.weight) + self.bias
predict_label = sign(result)
if predict_label == label:
hit_count += 1
print("Predicting accuracy %f\n" % (int(hit_count) / data_count))
if __name__ == "__main__":
mnist_data = pd.read_csv("../data/mnist_binary.csv")
mnist_values = mnist_data.values
images = mnist_values[::, 1::]
labels = mnist_values[::, 0]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
images, labels, test_size=0.33, random_state=42
# bpc - Binary Perceptron Classification
bpc = Perceptron(w=w0, b=b0, epoch=epoch_times, learning_rate=rate,
learning_ratio=ratio, learning_period=period)
# Start training
bpc.train(X=X_train, y=y_train)
# Start predicting
bpc.predict(X=X_test, y=y_test)
/Users/phd/Softwares/anaconda3/bin/python /Users/phd/Desktop/ML/perceptron/perceptron.py
Training on train dataset...
Epoch 300 Learning rate 0.000017 Training accuracy 0.838984
End of training progress
Predicting on test dataset...
Predicting accuracy 0.826118
Process finished with exit code 0
# @Author: phd
# @Date: 2019-03-30
# @Site: github.com/phdsky
# @Description: NULL
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
## Parameters setting
w0 = 0
b0 = 0
epoch_times = 1
# learning params
rate = 1 # (0 < rate <= 1)
ratio = 3
period = 10
def sign(x):
if x >= 0:
return 1
elif x < 0:
return -1
print("Sign function input wrong!\n")
class PerceptronDual(object):
def __init__(self, w, b, epoch, learning_rate, learning_ratio, learning_period):
self.weight = w
self.bias = b
self.epoch = epoch
self.lr_rate = learning_rate
self.lr_ratio = learning_ratio
self.lr_period = learning_period
def train(self, X, y):
print("Training on train dataset...")
data_count = len(X)
gram = np.zeros((data_count, data_count))
# Compute gram matrix - A symmetric matrix
# Too slow to compute
for i in range(data_count):
for j in range(i, data_count):
gram[i][j] = np.dot(X[i], X[j])
if i != j:
gram[j][i] = gram[i][j]
alpha = np.zeros((data_count, 1), dtype=float)
for epoch in range(self.epoch):
print("--------Epoch %d--------" % (epoch + 1))
print("Learning rate %f" % self.lr_rate)
miss_count = 0
data_arrange = [0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2]
for i in data_arrange:
# for i in range(data_count):
label_i = y[i]
result = 0
for j in range(data_count):
label_j = y[j]
result += alpha[j] * label_j * gram[i][j]
result = label_i * (result + self.bias)
if result <= 0:
miss_count += 1
alpha[i] += self.lr_rate
self.bias += self.lr_rate * label_i
print("a:", alpha.transpose())
print("b:", self.bias)
# print("Training accuracy %f\n" % (int(data_count - miss_count) / data_count))
# Decay learning rate
if epoch % self.lr_period == 0:
self.lr_rate /= self.lr_ratio
# Stop training
if self.lr_rate <= 1e-6:
print("Learning rate is too low, Early stopping...\n")
alpha_y = alpha * np.reshape(y, alpha.shape)
self.weight = np.dot(np.transpose(X), alpha_y)
print("Parameters after learning")
print("w:", self.weight.transpose())
print("b:", self.bias)
print("End of training progress\n")
def predict(self, X, y):
print("Predicting on test dataset...")
hit_count = 0
data_count = len(X)
for i in range(data_count):
feature = X[i]
label = y[i]
result = np.dot(feature, self.weight) + self.bias
predict_label = sign(result)
if predict_label == label:
hit_count += 1
print("Predicting accuracy %f\n" % (int(hit_count) / data_count))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#mnist_data = pd.read_csv("../data/mnist_binary.csv")
#mnist_values = mnist_data.values
#images = mnist_values[::, 1::]
#labels = mnist_values[::, 0]
# X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
# images, labels, test_size=0.33, random_state=42
# )
X_train = np.asarray([[3, 3], [4, 3], [1, 1]])
y_train = np.asarray([1, 1, -1])
# bdpc - Binary Dual Perceptron Classification
bdpc = PerceptronDual(w=w0, b=b0, epoch=epoch_times, learning_rate=rate,
learning_ratio=ratio, learning_period=period)
# Start training
bdpc.train(X=X_train, y=y_train)
# Start predicting
#bdpc.predict(X=X_test, y=y_test)
/Users/phd/Softwares/anaconda3/bin/python /Users/phd/Desktop/ML/perceptron/perceptron_dual.py
Training on train dataset...
--------Epoch 1--------
Learning rate 1.000000
a: [[1. 0. 0.]]
b: 1
a: [[1. 0. 1.]]
b: 0
a: [[1. 0. 2.]]
b: -1
a: [[1. 0. 3.]]
b: -2
a: [[2. 0. 3.]]
b: -1
a: [[2. 0. 4.]]
b: -2
a: [[2. 0. 5.]]
b: -3
Parameters after learning
w: [[1. 1.]]
b: -3
End of training progress
Process finished with exit code 0