Fastlane iOS打包报错 exportOptionsPlist error for key "iCloudContainerEnvironment"

Error Domain=IDEFoundationErrorDomain Code=1 "exportOptionsPlist error for key "iCloudContainerEnvironment": expected one of {Development, Production},
 but no value was provided" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=exportOptionsPlist error for   key "iCloudContainerEnvironment": expected one of {Development, Production}, but no value was provided} 

使用 Fastlane gym打包含有 iCloud 功能项目报错,网上搜了好多都没有找到解决方案,自己研究了一下文档:

** iCloudContainerEnvironment**

For non-App Store exports, if the app is using CloudKit, this configures the "" entitlement. Available options: Development and Production. Defaults to Development.

对于非 App Store 导出,如果应用程序使用 CloudKit,这将配置“ container environment”权限。可用选项:开发和生产。默认为开发。

解决方案,在export_options中添加 键 iCloudContainerEnvironment 和值 Development 或者 Production即可

export_method: "development",
output_directory: "./Build/Fastlane/" + timestamp, 
18:36:09]: ▸ Archive Succeeded
[18:36:09]: Generated plist file with the following values:
[18:36:09]: ▸ -----------------------------------------
[18:36:09]: ▸ {
[18:36:09]: ▸   "iCloudContainerEnvironment": "Development",
[18:36:09]: ▸   "method": "development"
[18:36:09]: ▸ }
[18:36:09]: ▸ -----------------------------------------

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