ITTAGE分支预测器 “A 64-Kbytes ITTAGE indirect branch predictor”

ITTAGE:Indirect Target TAgged  GEnometric legnth predictor。

ITTAGE分支预测器 “A 64-Kbytes ITTAGE indirect branch predictor”_第1张图片

ITTAGE分支预测器 “A 64-Kbytes ITTAGE indirect branch predictor”_第2张图片

 provider component:最终提供预测。

ulternate prediction(altpred):provider component发生miss时提供预测。

原文:“We define the provider component as the predictor component that ultimately provides the prediction. We define the alternate prediction altpred as the prediction that would have occurred if there had been a miss on the provider component. If there are tag hits on T2 and T4 and tag misses on T1 and T3,T4 is the provider component and T2 provides altpred.”


The optimization for weak confidence counters:当tag匹配的项的置信度计数器为0时,altpred有时比正常预测更准确。因此在实现中使用一个4-bit计数器(USE ALT ON NA)动态监测这一点。

原文:Prediction computation summary Therefore the prediction computation algorithm is as follows:
1. Find the longest matching component and the alternate component.
2. if (the confidence counter is non-null ortor and a short path history (limited to 1 bit per USE ALT ON NA is negative) then the provider component provides the prediction else the prediction is provided by the alternate component.”


更新u-bit: 当实际预测正确而altpred不正确时,provider component的u-bit被set。


利用 target locality :在预测器的一项中,目标区域(target field)代表着主要的存储开销。分支目标地址可能比较分散,但所有的 benchmark 中的分支目标区域少于128 256Kbytes。因此,预测器每项中的目标区域(32 bits)被替换位一个区域偏移(Region offset ,18 bits)和一个区域指针(Region pointer,7 bits)从而每项节省了7 bits。此外,还需增加一个128项的目标区域表(region target table)以重构完整的地址,每项包括一个14-bit 的区域地址和一个有用位以进行替换。区域指针用于索引区域表,确定是128个中哪一个256 Kbytes区域,得到14位区域地址,再加上区域偏移量,从而构成完整的地址。
