【Randy & PET】 The Present Simple


1.1 经常发生或反复发生的动作:

  • He gets up at six.
  • She works eight hours a day.
  • Do you often wash your hair?
  • Thank you.I don't smoke.
  • Do you go to work by bus or by bike?

1.2 现时的情况或状态:

  • They live in the same building, don't they?
  • He is a law student.
  • She knows several languages.
  • The soup tastes good.
  • They enjoy skating.
  • The trouble lies in the socket.

1.3 永恒的真理

  • The sun rises in the east.'
  • It snows in winter.
  • Metal expands when heated.
  • The river originates in a spring in the mountains.这条河发源于山间的一股泉水
  • Hydrogen is a light gas.氢是很轻的气体

2.Static Verb(静态动词)


  • I love music.
  • What does the word mean?
  • The book consists of five parts.
  • I suppose(认为) they are right.
  • I wish you happiness.
  • That seems a good idea.
  • Who owns this company?

3.Instantaneous Verbs(短暂动词)

有些动词表示极短暂的动作,它们也常可用在一般现在时中. 这类动词一般不宜用于进行时,谈现在情况时,用一般现在时更自然一些

  • I declare Mr.Schiff selected.
  • I advise that you leave at once.
  • I suggest that we have lunch now.
  • I promise I'll never conceal(隐瞒) any thing any more.
  • This, I admit,was wrong.
  • I flatly refuse to do what he says.
  • I regret my bad action.
  • It's a lovely place —— I agree.
  • Your attitude simply amazes me.
  • You surprise me.



4.1 用在here和there后面

  • Here comes the bus!
  • There goes the bell.

4.2 指引道路

"How do I get to the station?"
"You go straight on to the traffic lights, then you turn right."

4.3 故事和书面内容

In Death on the Nile, Linet Ridgeway is the young and beautiful heiress to an immense fortune, but she has a lot of enemies.

4.4 球赛解说和演示说明

The teacher said,"Watch me. I'm doing a dangerous experiment. Now watch me. I switch on the current, and stand back..."

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