Vue 注册 clickOutside事件

clickoutside.js 文件

const CLICK = 'click';
const captureInstances = Object.create(null);
const nonCaptureInstances = Object.create(null);
const instancesList = [captureInstances, nonCaptureInstances];

 * The common event handler for bot capture and non-capture events.
 * @param {!Object} context - The event context.
 * @param {!Object} instances - The capture or non-capture registered instances.
 * @param {Event} event - The event object.
const commonHandler = function _onCommonEvent(context, instances, event) {
    const {target} = event;

    const itemIteratee = function _itemIteratee(item) {
        const {el} = item;

        if (el !== target && !el.contains(target)) {
            const {binding} = item;

            if (binding.modifiers.stop) {

            if (binding.modifiers.prevent) {

  , event);

    const keysIteratee = function _keysIteratee(eventName) {
        return instances[eventName].forEach(itemIteratee);


 * Event handler for capture events.
 * @param {Event} event - The event object.
const captureEventHandler = function onCaptureEvent(event) {
    /* eslint-disable-next-line babel/no-invalid-this */
    commonHandler(this, captureInstances, event);

 * Event handler for non-capture events.
 * @param {Event} event - The event object.
const nonCaptureEventHandler = function onNonCaptureEvent(event) {
    /* eslint-disable-next-line babel/no-invalid-this */
    commonHandler(this, nonCaptureInstances, event);

 * Get the correct event handler: Capture or non-capture.
 * @param {boolean} useCapture - Indicate which handler to use; 'true' to use
 *  capture handler or 'false' for non-capture.
 * @returns {Function} - The event handler.
const getEventHandler = function _getEventHandler(useCapture) {
    return useCapture ? captureEventHandler : nonCaptureEventHandler;

 * The directive definition.
 * {@link|Custom directive}
 * @namespace
 * @property {!Object} $_captureInstances - Registered capture instances.
 * @property {!Object} $_nonCaptureInstances - Registered non-capture instances.
 * @property {Function} $_onCaptureEvent - Event handler for capture events.
 * @property {Function} $_onNonCaptureEvent - Event handler for non-capture events.
 * @property {Function} bind - Called only once, when the directive is first
 *  bound to the element.
 * @property {Function} unbind - Called only once, when the directive is unbound
 *  from the element.
 * @property {string} version - The version number of this release.
export const directive = Object.defineProperties(
        $_captureInstances: {
            value: captureInstances,

        $_nonCaptureInstances: {
            value: nonCaptureInstances,

        $_onCaptureEvent: {
            value: captureEventHandler,

        $_onNonCaptureEvent: {
            value: nonCaptureEventHandler,

        bind: {
            value: function bind(el, binding) {
                if (typeof binding.value !== 'function') {
                    throw new TypeError('Binding value must be a function.');

                const arg = binding.arg || CLICK;
                const normalisedBinding = {
                        modifiers: {
                                capture: false,
                                prevent: false,
                                stop: false,

                const useCapture = normalisedBinding.modifiers.capture;
                const instances = useCapture ? captureInstances : nonCaptureInstances;

                if (!Array.isArray(instances[arg])) {
                    instances[arg] = [];

                if (instances[arg].push({el, binding: normalisedBinding}) === 1) {
                    if (typeof document === 'object' && document) {

        unbind: {
            value: function unbind(el) {
                const compareElements = function _compareElements(item) {
                    return item.el !== el;

                const instancesIteratee = function _instancesIteratee(instances) {
                    const instanceKeys = Object.keys(instances);

                    if (instanceKeys.length) {
                        const useCapture = instances === captureInstances;

                        const keysIteratee = function _keysIteratee(eventName) {
                            const newInstance = instances[eventName].filter(compareElements);

                            if (newInstance.length) {
                                instances[eventName] = newInstance;
                            } else {
                                if (typeof document === 'object' && document) {

                                delete instances[eventName];



        /* Note: This needs to be manually updated to match package.json. */
        version: {
            enumerable: true,
            value: '3.5.6',

 * @typedef {Function} Vue - The constructor.
 * @property {Function} directive - You can register a global custom directive
 *  with the Vue.directive() method, passing in a directiveID followed by a
 *  definition object.

 * A Vue.js plugin should expose an install method. The method will be called
 * with the Vue constructor as the first argument, along with possible options.
 * {@link|Writing a plugin}.
 * @param {Vue} Vue - The Vue function.
export default directive;


    import clickOutside from './directives/clickoutside'
directives: { clickOutside:clickOutside },

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