英语口语:s6-1 告别 Farewell

上一篇:英语口语:s5-1 拜访朋友 Visiting Friends

  1. 恐怕我得走了。
    I'm afraid I must be going now.
    A: I'm afraid I must be going now.
    B: I hope we'll meet again sometime.
    A: Sure we will. Bye-bye.
    I'd like to say goodbye to you all.
    See you
    = See you soon.
    = See you again.
    = Catch your later.
    = See you around.

  2. 天不早了,我得走了。
    It's getting late. I've got to go.

  1. It's getting late. I have to go.
  2. It's getting late. I have to get going.
    A: It's getting late. I've got to go. 太晚了,我得走了。
    B: Already? 这就要走了?
  1. 谢谢你的晚餐
    Thank you for dinner
    A: It's getting late. Thank you for dinner
    B: It's was my pleasure. 不客气
    I should be going. Thanks for dinner.
  1. 天色已晚,我得走了,谢谢你的晚餐
    It's late. I should go. Thank you for dinner
  1. 谢谢你邀请我
    Thanks for having me over.
    Thank you for a lovely time.
    Goodbye and thanks for everything.

  2. 我要上路了
    I'm going to hit the road.
    1)I'm going to take off

  1. I'm going to get out of here.
  2. I'm going to head out.
    A:I'm going to hit the road. 我要上路了
    B: Ok, then I'll go , too. 好的,我也要走了。
  1. 保持联系
    Keep in touch
    A:Oh,it's too late. I've got to go.
    B: OK, Keep in touch
    1)我们保持联系 Let's keep in touch
    2)我会与你保持联系的。 I'll be in touch
    3)别忘了给我打电话。Don't forget to call me.
    4)有空给我打电话。 Give me a call sometime.
    5)有时间就来看我。Come and see me when you have time.
    6)到了给我打电话。Call when you get there.
    7)我到了之后就给你打电话。I'll call you when I get there.

I'd like to say goodbye to you.
A:Thank you very much for your invitation.
B:It's get honor to have you here.
A:I'd like to say goodbye to you.
B: I look forward to seeing you again soon. 希望能很快再见到您。

下一篇:英语口语:s6-2 告别 Farewell

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