普通的geoJSON文件合并,只需geojson-merge插件就够了,@mapbox/geojson-merge - npm
mergeFeatureCollectionStream 合并文件
Merge GeoJSON files containing GeoJSON FeatureCollections into a single stream of a FeatureCollection as a JSON string.
merge 合并GeoJSON数组
Merge a series of GeoJSON objects into one FeatureCollection containing all features in all files. The objects can be any valid GeoJSON root object, including FeatureCollection, Feature, and Geometry types.
var geojsonMerge = require('@mapbox/geojson-merge'); var mergedStream = geojsonMerge.mergeFeatureCollectionStream(['features.geojson','others.geojson']) mergedStream.pipe(process.stdout);
var geojsonMerge = require('@mapbox/geojson-merge') let features = [] // Todo push jgeoJSON let jsonObject = geojsonMerge.merge(features)
GeoJSON一feature properties过滤
turf-filter - npm
turf.filter(features, key, value)
var features = turf.featurecollection([ turf.point([-72.581777, 44.260875], {species: 'oak'}), turf.point([-72.570018, 44.260691], {species: 'birch'}), turf.point([-72.576284, 44.257925], {species: 'oak'}), turf.point([-72.56916, 44.254605], {species: 'redwood'}), turf.point([-72.581691, 44.24858], {species: 'maple'}), turf.point([-72.583837, 44.255773], {species: 'oak'}) ]); var key = 'species'; var value = 'oak'; var filtered = turf.filter(features, key, value);
这个过滤比较简单,feature-filter-geojson - npm
var ff = require('feature-filter'); var filter = [ "all", ["==", "class", "street_limited"], ["<=", "admin_level", 3], ["!=", "$type", "Polygon"] ] var testFilter = ff(filter); let feature = GeoJSONObject testFilter(feature);
geojson-filter - npm,这个也是一样的,但是推荐用第一个
GeoJSON 里面的点线面合并为Multi(point/linestring/polygon)
Dissolve contiguous GeoJSON (Multi)LineStrings and (Multi)Polygons into single units.
merge-simple-polygons:merge-simple-polygons - npm
Merge two (adjacent) simple polygons into another simple polygon.
Takes two arrays of vertex IDs, each spanning a planar polygon and returns:
false if the given polygons share no vertices
null if there would be more than one resulting simple polygon (if the two given polygons share either exactly one vertex, which would result in two polygons or multiple egdes that are not connected, which would result in a polygon with a "hole")
a list of vertex IDs forming the merged polygon
const mergePolygons = require('merge-simple-polygons') const polygonA = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] const polygonB = ['e', 'a', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'd'] const polygonC = mergePolygons(polygonA, polygonB) console.log(polygonC) // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'i', 'h', 'g'] const polygonD = ['a', 'b', 'c'] const polygonE = ['d', 'e', 'f'] console.log(mergePolygons(polygonD, polygonE)) // false const polygonF = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] const polygonG = ['a', 'b', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'g'] console.log(mergePolygons(polygonF, polygonG)) // null
这个,turfjs Turf.js | Advanced Geospatial Analysis
Turn your geo data into GeoJSON.
请注明出处:GIS常用npm包:GeoJSON文件合并与元素过滤\属性过滤\图形合并 - WebGIS网页地图开发笔记手札 - 周陆军的个人网站