线路推荐 | 畅游大武汉,欣赏美恩施

8 天武汉/恩施大峡谷/


8D Wuhan/ Enshi Grand Canyon/ Yunyang Longgang+ Tujia Culture Tour


 NO Shopping Tour







• Enshi Grand Canyon--The world’s most beautiful Grand Canyon:  Yunlong Ground Crack, Qixing Village.

• Qingjiang river butterfly cliff cruise- Qingjiang, from west to east across Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, nurturing generations of Tujia children, Known as "Tujia people" mother river.

• The Yunyang Longgang Scenic Spot- experience “Cloud bridge” which is one of the top 10 scary places in the world.

• Tujia Girls’ Town.

• Yellow Crane Tower: A famous and historic tower.


EXCLUSIVE ARRANGEMENT: Free upgrade to VIP coach



Enshi Tujia Cuisine; Shuaiwan Wine; JingChu Flavor; Yiling Flavor

DAY1 新加坡✈武汉

• 搭乘国际航班飞往湖北省省会-武汉。

DAY1: Singapore✈Wuhan

•  Assemble at Changi Airport for our international flight to Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province.

(晚餐) (D)

DAY2 武汉/宜昌(4.5小时)

• 早餐后参观黄鹤楼(不含电瓶车),自古享有“天下江山第一楼”和“天下绝景”之称。

• *如遇以下花期,将安排观赏时令花卉。(花期受天气影响,仅供参考。)



DAY2: Wuhan / Yichang (4.5 hr) 

•  Yellow Crane Tower (exclude tram), a famous and historic tower.

•  *During below season, there will be a tour to admire the flowers

Feb: Plum flowers; Mar-Apr: Cherry blossoms or tulip blossoms;

Jun-Jul: Lavender; Sep-Oct: Reeds

* During normal season, visit Donghu Park (excludes tram), is a national cultural scenic area demonstration park. It is five times greater than the area of the West Lake in Hangzhou.

(早/午/晚餐) (B/L/D)

DAY3 宜昌/恩施(4小时)

• 途径世界第一高悬索桥的四渡河大桥前往恩施。

• 船游清江蝴蝶崖;

• 晚餐体验最具土家特色的摔碗酒,取“碎碎(岁岁)平安”之意,亲生感受土家摔碗酒的风俗。

DAY3: Yichang/ Enshi (4hr) 

•  Enroute Sidu River Bridge, it was the world's highest bridge, rising more than 1,500 feet in the air.

It's one of the most spectacular bridges in the world.

•  Qingjiang river butterfly cliff cruise.

(早/午/晚餐) (B/L/D)

DAY4 恩施 

• 恩施大峡谷(含环保车),被誉为世界上最美的大峡谷。

DAY4: Enshi 

• The Enshi Grand Canyon (one way by cable car; one way by escalator) – the world’s most beautiful natural rock formation.

• 云龙地缝,它是迄今为止世界上最长的“U”型地缝景观;

• Yunlong Ground Crack- It is so far the world's longest U-shaped geo-fracture. The geo-fracture is suffused with fantastic rocks in a riot of colours. It has leafy ancient trees and bubbling streams. 

• 七星寨(缆车上+扶梯下),巨型柱状岩体群,兀然直立于陡坡上,高耸林,极为壮观。

• Qixing Village is famous of its mountain. Normally, Karst Topography generates the cliff without forest or the forest with no vertical cliff. Enshi Canyon not only has them both at the same time, but also the occupied area is big where you could not find the same geological sightseeing in the world.


DAY5 恩施/利川(1.5小时)

• 恩施文化中心-是文物藏品非常丰富的少数民族博物馆。

• 恩施土家女儿城,它是恩施土苗文化的集演地,在此可以看到各类土苗族民俗,如:摆手舞、炒茶、打年糕等等。

DAY5: Enshi / Lichuan (1.5hr)

•  Enshi Cultural Center, a folk museum

•  Visit the Tujia Girls’ Town where there will be performances depicting the Tujia and Miaojia culture.

Guests can learn about the Tu and Miao ethnic folklores, have fun with manus dancing, and try picking and frying tea leaves and making New Year rice cakes.


DAY6 利川/龙缸/恩施(1.5小时/3小时)

• 云阳龙缸风景区:挑战海拔1010米高悬崖上的“云端廊桥”,其悬挑长度26.68米,廊桥距离地面高度718米,比美国科罗拉多大峡谷玻璃廊桥悬挑长度还长5.34米,是世界最长悬挑玻璃廊桥。


DAY6: Lichuan/ Longgang/ Enshi (1.5hr/3hr)

• The Yunyang Longgang Scenic Spot - it is characterized by peculiar landforms such as karst (pit), deep karst caves, rocky grasslands, towering stalagmites, and the usual valleys, mountain peaks, and dense forests. We can challenge Cloudy Lounge Bridge -- the world’s first overhanging Glass Bridge.


DAY7 恩施/宜昌(4小时)

• 游览车溪民俗风景区。参观土家山寨,三峡地区第一家农家博物馆、皮影戏馆,摆手堂观看土家老艺人表演原始的祭火神、摆手舞;让您近距离感悟浓郁土家文化、淳朴的民风民俗。

• 夷陵广场;

DAY7: Enshi/ Yichang (4hr) 

• Chexi Folk Custom Scenic Area- it is famous for its scenery and the interesting customs of Tujia Nationality. There are quite a few museums to explore, including "China's First Farmhouse Museum", "Three Gorges Region's Largest Shadow Museum".

• Yiling Square;


DAY8 宜昌/武汉(4.5小时)✈新加坡

• 前往武汉,前往“中国第一街”楚河汉街自由活动。

DAY8: Yichang/ Wuhan✈Singapore 

•  Transfer to Wuhan. Stroll along the Chu He Han Jie Street, a famous shopping street in Wuhan.

• 依时送往机场乘搭豪华客机返温暖家园新加坡。希望您与大通旅游渡过一段愉快的假期。

•  Transfer to the airport for the international flight back to Singapore. We hope you have enjoyed your vacation with CTC Travel.

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