基于 python pulp 库求解船舶泊位调度线性规划问题


  • 基于 python pulp 库求解船舶泊位调度线性规划问题
    • 泊位调度问题建模
    • 代码实现
      • 准备包
      • 代码讲解
      • 绘制图像
    • 完整代码
    • 题外话

基于 python pulp 库求解船舶泊位调度线性规划问题


  • 船舶泊位调度问题指将进港的船舶有序规划, 使各个船舶进港, 离港时间和位置都不冲突
  • 由于是帮朋友做的, 他直接把模型给了我, 建模本人也不太了解, 下面就直接放一下模型.
    min ⁡ f ( x , y , z ) = ∑ i = 1 T { c 1 i ∣ x i − p i ∣ + c 2 i ( y i + b i − d i ) + } s . t . { x i + l i ≤ L , i = 1 , 2 , ⋯   , L x i + l i ≤ x j + M ( 1 − Z i j x ) , i = 1 , ⋯   , l ; j = 1 , ⋯   , l ; i ≠ j y i + b i ≤ y j + M ( 1 − Z i j y ) , i = 1 , ⋯   , l ; j = 1 , ⋯   , l ; i ≠ j Z i j x + Z i j y + Z j i x + Z j i y ≥ 1 , i = 1 , ⋯   , l ; j = 1 , ⋯   , l ; i < j y i ≥ a i , i = 1 , ⋯   , l x i ≥ 0 , i = 1 , ⋯   , l Z i j x , Z i j y = 0 , 1 , i = 1 , ⋯   , l ; j = 1 , ⋯   , l ; i ≠ j \min f(x, y, z)=\sum_{i=1}^{T}\left\{c_{1 i}\left|x_{i}-p_{i}\right|+c_{2 i}\left(y_{i}+b_{i}-d_{i}\right)^{+}\right\} \\ s.t. \left\{ \begin{array}{l} x_{i}+l_{i} \leq L, i=1,2, \cdots, L \\ x_{i}+l_{i} \leq x_{j}+M\left(1-Z_{i j}^{x}\right), i=1, \cdots, l ; j=1, \cdots, l ; i \neq j \\ y_{i}+b_{i} \leq y_{j}+M\left(1-Z_{i j}^{y}\right), i=1, \cdots, l ; j=1, \cdots, l ; i \neq j \\ Z_{i j}^{x}+Z_{i j}^{y}+Z_{j i}^{x}+Z_{j i}^{y} \geq 1, i=1, \cdots, l ; j=1, \cdots, l ; iminf(x,y,z)=i=1T{c1ixipi+c2i(yi+bidi)+}s.t. xi+liL,i=1,2,,Lxi+lixj+M(1Zijx),i=1,,l;j=1,,l;i=jyi+biyj+M(1Zijy),i=1,,l;j=1,,l;i=jZijx+Zijy+Zjix+Zjiy1,i=1,,l;j=1,,l;i<jyiai,i=1,,lxi0,i=1,,lZijx,Zijy=0,1,i=1,,l;j=1,,l;i=j
    • 其中 p i , a i , b i , d i , l i , c 1 i , c 2 i p_i,a_i,b_i,d_i,l_i,c_{1i},c_{2i} pi,ai,bi,di,li,c1i,c2i均为随机生成的参数



  • Pulp 库安装: pip install PuLP(anaconda 不能使用conda install PuLP, conda 库里没有 Pulp 包)
    • Pulp 库的使用可以看看 YouCans 大大的文章, 这里就不过多介绍了
  • matplotlib: conda install matplotlib
  • pandas: conda install pandas


  • createPara(l)随机生成模型中的参数并存储到 dataframe 中
def createPara(l):

        l (int): number of vessels

        dataframe: 参数表格
    df = pd.DataFrame()  # 创建一个空dataframe(空表格)
    df['vessel'] = list(range(l))  # 船只的编号:0-l-1, 共l搜船只
    # random.randint(x,y): 生成一个x到y之间的随机整数
    # [random.randint(x,y) for i in range(l)]: 生成一个长度为l的列表,列表中的元素均为x到y之间的随机整数
    # df['列名'] = 列表: 将列表赋值给df的列
    df['p_i'] = [
        random.randint(0, 550) for i in range(l)
    ]  # best berth location of vessel i
    df['a_i'] = [
        random.randint(0, 75) for i in range(l)
    ]  # expected arrival time of vessel i
    df['b_i'] = [
        random.randint(6, 11) for i in range(l)
    ]  # ship operational time required for vessel i
    df['d_i'] = [
        random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(l)
    ]  # requested departure time of vessel i
    df['l_i'] = [random.randint(150, 300) for i in range(l)]  # length of vessel i
    df['c_{1i}'] = [
        random.randint(5, 9) for i in range(l)
    ]  # additonal travel cost of vessel i
    df['c_{2i}'] = [random.randint(5, 9) for i in range(l)]  # penalty cost of vessel i
    return df
  • createVar(l)函数根据船只数生成对应变量(根据模型,船只数变化时,变量数量是要变化的)
def createVar(l):

        l (int): number of vessels

        list: 每个列表存储不同种类的变量
    x_variables = ['x_' + str(i) for i in range(l)]  # berth location of vessel i
    y_variables = ['y_' + str(i) for i in range(l)]  # berthing time of vessel i
    zx_variables = [
        [f'zx_{i}{j}' for j in range(l)] for i in range(l)
    ]  # zx_{ij} = 1 if vessel i located to the left_hand of vessel j
    zy_variables = [
        [f'zy_{i}{j}' for j in range(l)] for i in range(l)
    ]  # zy_{ij} = 1 if vessel i located below vessel j
    abs_variables = [
        f'abs_{i}' for i in range(l)
    ]  # 目标函数中有绝对值, 然而线性规划中是不支持绝对值的, 所以需要新增一个变量来代替绝对值
    return x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables
  • createPulpVar(x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables)函数将createVar(l)函数生成的变量转换为pulp库中的变量PulpVar
def createPulpVar(x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables):
    直接创建变量是不能用在pulp中的, 需要将变量转换为pulp的变量, 在目标函数和约束条件中必须使用pulp变量

        x_variables (lsit): berth location
        y_variables (list): berthing time
        zx_variables (list): if vessel i located to the left_hand of vessel j
        zy_variables (list): if vessel i located below vessel j
        abs_variables (list): a variable to replace the absolute value
    # lowBound=0: 变量的下界为0, cat='Integer': 变量的类型为整数, cat='Binary': 变量值为0或1
    BerthLocation = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        'BerthLocation', x_variables, lowBound=0, cat='Integer'
    )  # 将x_variables转换为pulp变量
    BerthTime = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        'BerthTime', y_variables, lowBound=0, cat='Integer'
    )  # 将y_variables转换为pulp变量
    LeftSide = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        [item for row in zx_variables for item in row],
    )  # 将zx_variables转换为pulp变量
    Below = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        [item for row in zy_variables for item in row],
    )  # 将zy_variables转换为pulp变量
    Abs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        'Abs', abs_variables, lowBound=0, cat='Integer'
    )  # 将abs_variables转换为pulp变量
    return BerthLocation, BerthTime, LeftSide, Below, Abs
  • main(l)主函数, 输入船只数, 调用上述函数, 生成模型并进行求解
def main(l):

        l (int): number of vessels
    model = pulp.LpProblem('BerthAllocation', pulp.LpMinimize)

    # 用dataframe存储随机生成的系数
    df = createPara(l)  # 随机生成参数
    print(df)  # 打印随机生成的参数
    x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables = createVar(
    )  # 创建变量
    BerthLocation, BerthTime, LeftSide, Below, Abs = createPulpVar(
        x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables
    )  # 将变量转换为pulp变量
    # 创建目标函数
    model += pulp.lpSum(
            df.iloc[i, 6]
            * (Abs[abs_variables[i]])  # 使用绝对值变量代替|x_i-p_i|, 并在约束中增加对绝对值变量的约束保证取到了绝对值
            + df.iloc[i, 7]
            * (BerthTime[y_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 3] - df.iloc[i, 4])
            for i in range(l)

    # 增加约束
    for i in range(l):
        # 绝对值变量约束: 绝对值变量要大于等于(x_i-p_i)和(p_i-x_i), 从而保证取到了绝对值
        model += (
            Abs[abs_variables[i]] >= BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] - df.iloc[i, 1]
        )  # 绝对值变量要大于等于(x_i-p_i)
        model += (
            Abs[abs_variables[i]] >= -BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 1]
        )  # 绝对值变量要大于等于(p_i-x_i)
        # 其他约束
        # x_i >= 0 和 zx_ij, zy_ij 只能为0或1 在定义变量时已经限制了, 约束中不需要写了
        model += BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 5] <= L  # x_i + l_i <= L
        model += BerthTime[y_variables[i]] >= df.iloc[i, 2]  # y_i >= a_i
        model += (
            BerthTime[y_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 3] - df.iloc[i, 4] >= 0
        )  # y_i + b_i - d_i >= 0 (目标函数中的加号项)
        for j in range(l):
            if i < j:
                model += (
                    + Below[zy_variables[i][j]]
                    + LeftSide[zx_variables[j][i]]
                    + Below[zy_variables[j][i]]
                    >= 1
                )  # zx_ij + zy_ij + zx_ji + zy_ji >= 1
            if i != j:
                model += (
                    BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 5]
                    <= BerthLocation[x_variables[j]]
                    + (1 - LeftSide[zx_variables[i][j]]) * M
                )  # x_i + l_i <= x_j + M * (1-zx_ij)
                model += (
                    BerthTime[y_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 3]
                    <= BerthTime[y_variables[j]] + (1 - Below[zy_variables[i][j]]) * M
                )  # y_i + t_i <= y_j + M * (1-zy_ij)
    )  # 求解线性规划模型(pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=False)的作用为不显示log)
        "求解状态:", pulp.LpStatus[model.status]
    )  # 打印求解状态, Optimal: 存在最优解; Infeasible: 无解
    if pulp.LpStatus[model.status] == 'Optimal':
        # 若有最优解, 则打印最优解并绘制图像
        draw(model, l, df)
        print("最优总成本 = ", pulp.value(model.objective))


  • getColor()函数以及draw(model, l, df)用于可视化结果.
    • 单纯看结果的'Optimal'(有最优解)或'Infeasible'(无解)不够直观
    • 设计了两个函数, 用于在有最优解时, 绘制出最优解对应的船舶调度方案和目标值, 给出更直观的图像
  • getColor()函数用以给各个船舶随机生成颜色
def getColor():

    color1 = random.randint(16, 255)
    color2 = random.randint(16, 255)
    color3 = random.randint(16, 255)
    color1 = hex(color1)
    color2 = hex(color2)
    color3 = hex(color3)
    ans = "#" + color1[2:] + color2[2:] + color3[2:]
    return ans
  • draw(model, l, df)用于绘制结果
def draw(model, l, df):

    x_list, y_list = [0 for i in range(l)], [0 for i in range(l)]  # 初始化两个列表分别用以存储x,y的值
    for v in model.variables():
        if 'BerthLocation' in v.name:
            x_list[int(v.name[-1])] = v.varValue  # 将变量的值按顺序存储
        if 'BerthTime' in v.name:
            y_list[int(v.name[-1])] = v.varValue
    print('BerthLocation:', x_list)
    print('BerthTime:', y_list)
    for i in range(l):
        # 绘制每个船只的矩形
        color = getColor()  # 随机生成颜色
        rect = plt.Rectangle(
            (x_list[i], y_list[i]),  # 矩形左下角坐标为(BerthLocation, BerthTime)
            df.iloc[i, 5],  # 矩形的宽度为length of vessel
            df.iloc[i, 3],  # 矩形的高度为ship operational time
            df.iloc[i, 1], df.iloc[i, 4], color=color
        )  # 在图上标出该船只的(best location, required departure time)
    plt.title(f'BerthAllocation of {l} vessels')  # 标题
    plt.legend(['vessel', 'best location and required departure time'])  # 图例
    plt.grid(True)  # 显示网格
    plt.axis('auto')  # 使x,y轴比例相同
  • 生成图像展示
    • 五辆船舶时有最优解
    • 输出结果
         vessel  p_i  a_i  b_i  d_i  l_i  c_{1i}  c_{2i}
      0       0  520   73    8    2  276       5       9
      1       1  323   21    8   55  199       9       9
      2       2  297    0    6    0  287       5       5
      3       3  174   13   11   34  159       5       5
      4       4   38   23   11   29  236       5       7
      求解状态: Optimal
      BerthLocation: [520.0, 323.0, 297.0, 174.0, 38.0]
      BerthTime: [73.0, 47.0, 0.0, 34.0, 23.0]
    • 结果图像
      基于 python pulp 库求解船舶泊位调度线性规划问题_第1张图片
    • 25辆船时无解
          vessel  p_i  a_i  b_i  d_i  l_i  c_{1i}  c_{2i}
      0        0  535   11   11   87  198       8       6
      1        1  537   73    7   68  278       6       5
      2        2  103    7    8   34  171       5       7
      3        3   19   17    7   33  199       5       5
      4        4  138   64    7   21  208       5       9
      5        5  455   74   10   54  198       8       6
      6        6  543   45    9    7  247       9       7
      7        7  479   33    9   71  268       9       8
      8        8  176   20    8   40  284       8       8
      9        9  364   59    8  100  179       7       9
      10      10  367   29   10   56  275       7       6
      11      11  280   39    8   88  286       9       7
      12      12  411   63    8   38  280       9       7
      13      13  475   71   11   96  205       8       9
      14      14  154   29    6   88  174       7       8
      15      15   98    8   11   78  258       7       9
      16      16  100   62    9   64  238       7       5
      17      17  303   45    9   97  265       6       6
      18      18  407   50    9   34  232       9       7
      19      19  113   55    6   75  286       7       7
      20      20  538    3   10   99  176       5       7
      21      21  309   46    8   72  223       9       7
      22      22  358   26   11   22  208       8       5
      23      23  456   61    9   63  172       6       7
      24      24   33   11    8   69  259       5       8
      求解状态: Infeasible


# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import random
import pulp
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 常量
L = 900  # 总泊位长度
M = 9999999  # 大M法

def createPara(l):

        l (int): number of vessels

        dataframe: 参数表格
    df = pd.DataFrame()  # 创建一个空dataframe(空表格)
    df['vessel'] = list(range(l))  # 船只的编号:0-l-1, 共l搜船只
    # random.randint(x,y): 生成一个x到y之间的随机整数
    # [random.randint(x,y) for i in range(l)]: 生成一个长度为l的列表,列表中的元素均为x到y之间的随机整数
    # df['列名'] = 列表: 将列表赋值给df的列
    df['p_i'] = [
        random.randint(0, 550) for i in range(l)
    ]  # best berth location of vessel i
    df['a_i'] = [
        random.randint(0, 75) for i in range(l)
    ]  # expected arrival time of vessel i
    df['b_i'] = [
        random.randint(6, 11) for i in range(l)
    ]  # ship operational time required for vessel i
    df['d_i'] = [
        random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(l)
    ]  # requested departure time of vessel i
    df['l_i'] = [random.randint(150, 300) for i in range(l)]  # length of vessel i
    df['c_{1i}'] = [
        random.randint(5, 9) for i in range(l)
    ]  # additonal travel cost of vessel i
    df['c_{2i}'] = [random.randint(5, 9) for i in range(l)]  # penalty cost of vessel i
    return df

def createVar(l):

        l (int): number of vessels

        list: 每个列表存储不同种类的变量
    x_variables = ['x_' + str(i) for i in range(l)]  # berth location of vessel i
    y_variables = ['y_' + str(i) for i in range(l)]  # berthing time of vessel i
    zx_variables = [
        [f'zx_{i}{j}' for j in range(l)] for i in range(l)
    ]  # zx_{ij} = 1 if vessel i located to the left_hand of vessel j
    zy_variables = [
        [f'zy_{i}{j}' for j in range(l)] for i in range(l)
    ]  # zy_{ij} = 1 if vessel i located below vessel j
    abs_variables = [
        f'abs_{i}' for i in range(l)
    ]  # 目标函数中有绝对值, 然而线性规划中是不支持绝对值的, 所以需要新增一个变量来代替绝对值
    return x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables

def createPulpVar(x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables):
    直接创建变量是不能用在pulp中的, 需要将变量转换为pulp的变量, 在目标函数和约束条件中必须使用pulp变量

        x_variables (lsit): berth location
        y_variables (list): berthing time
        zx_variables (list): if vessel i located to the left_hand of vessel j
        zy_variables (list): if vessel i located below vessel j
        abs_variables (list): a variable to replace the absolute value
    # lowBound=0: 变量的下界为0, cat='Integer': 变量的类型为整数, cat='Binary': 变量值为0或1
    BerthLocation = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        'BerthLocation', x_variables, lowBound=0, cat='Integer'
    )  # 将x_variables转换为pulp变量
    BerthTime = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        'BerthTime', y_variables, lowBound=0, cat='Integer'
    )  # 将y_variables转换为pulp变量
    LeftSide = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        [item for row in zx_variables for item in row],
    )  # 将zx_variables转换为pulp变量
    Below = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        [item for row in zy_variables for item in row],
    )  # 将zy_variables转换为pulp变量
    Abs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        'Abs', abs_variables, lowBound=0, cat='Integer'
    )  # 将abs_variables转换为pulp变量
    return BerthLocation, BerthTime, LeftSide, Below, Abs

def getColor():

    color1 = random.randint(16, 255)
    color2 = random.randint(16, 255)
    color3 = random.randint(16, 255)
    color1 = hex(color1)
    color2 = hex(color2)
    color3 = hex(color3)
    ans = "#" + color1[2:] + color2[2:] + color3[2:]
    return ans

def draw(model, l, df):

    x_list, y_list = [0 for i in range(l)], [0 for i in range(l)]  # 初始化两个列表分别用以存储x,y的值
    for v in model.variables():
        if 'BerthLocation' in v.name:
            x_list[int(v.name[-1])] = v.varValue  # 将变量的值按顺序存储
        if 'BerthTime' in v.name:
            y_list[int(v.name[-1])] = v.varValue
    print('BerthLocation:', x_list)
    print('BerthTime:', y_list)
    for i in range(l):
        # 绘制每个船只的矩形
        color = getColor()  # 随机生成颜色
        rect = plt.Rectangle(
            (x_list[i], y_list[i]),  # 矩形左下角坐标为(BerthLocation, BerthTime)
            df.iloc[i, 5],  # 矩形的宽度为length of vessel
            df.iloc[i, 3],  # 矩形的高度为ship operational time
            df.iloc[i, 1], df.iloc[i, 4], color=color
        )  # 在图上标出该船只的(best location, required departure time)
    plt.title(f'BerthAllocation of {l} vessels')  # 标题
    plt.legend(['vessel', 'best location and required departure time'])  # 图例
    plt.grid(True)  # 显示网格
    plt.axis('auto')  # 使x,y轴比例相同

def main(l):

        l (int): number of vessels
    model = pulp.LpProblem('BerthAllocation', pulp.LpMinimize)

    # 用dataframe存储随机生成的系数
    df = createPara(l)  # 随机生成参数
    print(df)  # 打印随机生成的参数
    x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables = createVar(
    )  # 创建变量
    BerthLocation, BerthTime, LeftSide, Below, Abs = createPulpVar(
        x_variables, y_variables, zx_variables, zy_variables, abs_variables
    )  # 将变量转换为pulp变量
    # 创建目标函数
    model += pulp.lpSum(
            df.iloc[i, 6]
            * (Abs[abs_variables[i]])  # 使用绝对值变量代替|x_i-p_i|, 并在约束中增加对绝对值变量的约束保证取到了绝对值
            + df.iloc[i, 7]
            * (BerthTime[y_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 3] - df.iloc[i, 4])
            for i in range(l)

    # 增加约束
    for i in range(l):
        # 绝对值变量约束: 绝对值变量要大于等于(x_i-p_i)和(p_i-x_i), 从而保证取到了绝对值
        model += (
            Abs[abs_variables[i]] >= BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] - df.iloc[i, 1]
        )  # 绝对值变量要大于等于(x_i-p_i)
        model += (
            Abs[abs_variables[i]] >= -BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 1]
        )  # 绝对值变量要大于等于(p_i-x_i)
        # 其他约束
        # x_i >= 0 和 zx_ij, zy_ij 只能为0或1 在定义变量时已经限制了, 约束中不需要写了
        model += BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 5] <= L  # x_i + l_i <= L
        model += BerthTime[y_variables[i]] >= df.iloc[i, 2]  # y_i >= a_i
        model += (
            BerthTime[y_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 3] - df.iloc[i, 4] >= 0
        )  # y_i + b_i - d_i >= 0 (目标函数中的加号项)
        for j in range(l):
            if i < j:
                model += (
                    + Below[zy_variables[i][j]]
                    + LeftSide[zx_variables[j][i]]
                    + Below[zy_variables[j][i]]
                    >= 1
                )  # zx_ij + zy_ij + zx_ji + zy_ji >= 1
            if i != j:
                model += (
                    BerthLocation[x_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 5]
                    <= BerthLocation[x_variables[j]]
                    + (1 - LeftSide[zx_variables[i][j]]) * M
                )  # x_i + l_i <= x_j + M * (1-zx_ij)
                model += (
                    BerthTime[y_variables[i]] + df.iloc[i, 3]
                    <= BerthTime[y_variables[j]] + (1 - Below[zy_variables[i][j]]) * M
                )  # y_i + t_i <= y_j + M * (1-zy_ij)
    )  # 求解线性规划模型(pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=False)的作用为不显示log)
        "求解状态:", pulp.LpStatus[model.status]
    )  # 打印求解状态, Optimal: 存在最优解; Infeasible: 无解
    if pulp.LpStatus[model.status] == 'Optimal':
        # 若有最优解, 则打印最优解并绘制图像
        draw(model, l, df)
        print("最优总成本 = ", pulp.value(model.objective))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for number in range(5, 30, 5):  # 分别生成船只数量为5,10,15,20,25时的最优解


  • 帮学弟做的一门课程的大作业, 我自认为做的不错, 然而他老师给他大作业打了 0 分, 不知道什么原因, 可能是因为他老师调研过班里并没有人会 python, 觉得第一次用 python 不可能写成这样? 还是确实哪里做错了, 请大家指正.
