亨利休格故事1--The Boy Who Talked with Animals

昨天读完了Thomas Paine的Common Sense一文,真的想说太清醒的认知了。放在现在这个时代都毫不逊色,历史的舞台不过风水轮流转。尤其是和之后的一篇托马斯杰斐逊的自传选段一起读,能碰撞出很多有趣的发现,涉及到的内容就不过多评论了,毕竟豹豹还是更喜欢谈一谈温暖而甜蜜的童书。但此文很值得一读。

因为亨利休格的故事没有第一篇音频,睡前就随便扒拉了Matilda的广播剧,实在是太趣味盎然了。没忍住,这本书也慢慢看吧,真得太迷罗尔德大爷了。当父母对自己的熊孩子夸夸其谈时,真得让人忍不住想说"Bring us a basin! we are going to be sick!"哈哈哈,开篇就这么狠厉,是不是太过打人七寸啦!很欢乐的阅读感受。亨利休格第一个故事已经读完了,只想说作为一个故事高开低走,或者说有点烂尾。类似The Twits里面的情节,前半部分超级有意思,到了后面就落了窠臼,实在可惜。


Not so long ago, I decided to spend a few days in the West Indies. I was to go there for a short holiday. Friends had told me it was marvellous. I would laze around all day, they said, sunning myself on the silver beaches and swimming in the warm green sea.


The big Jamaican who drove the taxi told me that up in those forests lived whole communities of diabolical people who still practised voodoo and witch-doctory and other magic rites.


Voodoo is a form of religion involving magic which is practised by some people in the West Indies, especially Haiti. (西印度群岛人、尤其是海地人信奉的) 伏都教

A rite is a traditional ceremony that is carried out by a particular group or within a particular society. (传统的) 仪式, 典礼

The whole island, the mountains and the forests, the black rocks along the coastline and the trees cascading with brilliant scarlet flowers, all these and many other things made me feel uncomfortable in my skin. There was something malignant crouching underneath the surface of this island. I could sense it in my bones.


If water cascades somewhere, it pours or flows downwards very fast and in large quantities. (水) 飞流直下, 倾泻而下


If you say that someone is malignant, you think they are cruel and like to cause harm. (人) 恶意的, 恶毒的


The Jamaican girl who came in to tidy my room told me that a wealthy American called Mr Wasserman had met his end in precisely this manner only two months before.


而消息被hush up(掩盖)了,最后she added with a touch of relish, ‘is the very last sunset Mr Wasserman ever did see.’有声有色神补刀。

‘Was he dead?’

‘Dead as a doornail,’ she said.

在莎士比亚时代as dead as a doornail不能再普遍,死的透透的。据说是莎翁在写《亨利六世》被演员托马斯修门时敲得的灵感。

There was a narrow canoe-type fisherman’s boat pulled up on the sand nearby, and all I could think of was that the fisherman had come in with a lot of fish and that the crowd was looking at it.A haul of fish is something that has always fascinated me.


The men were wearing those frightful Bermuda shorts that came down to the knees, and their shirts were bilious with pinks and oranges and every other clashing colour you could think of.



If someone describes the appearance of something as bilious, they mean that they think it looks unpleasant and rather disgusting. 令人不快的; 让人恶心的(书面用语,贬义词)


Upside down it lay, this magnificent creature, with its four thick flippers waving frantically in the air, ...

The crowd of hotel guests was thrilled and delighted by this spectacle. A dozen cameras were out and clicking away. Many of the women were squealing with pleasure clutching on to the arms of their men, and the men were demonstrating their lack of fear and their masculinity by making foolish remarks in loud voices.


Flippers are flat pieces of rubber that you can wear on your feet to help you swim more quickly, especially underwater. 脚蹼; 橡皮脚掌; 鸭脚板

Masculinity means the qualities, especially sexual qualities, which are considered to be typical of men. 男子气概; 阳刚之气

‘Leave him alone,’ the fisherman said. ‘It don’t help to get him all stirred up.’



‘Did you hear that?’ shouted another man. ‘He’s sold it to the manager of our hotel! And you know what that means? It means turtle soup, that’s what it means!’

当众人听说乌龟是卖给旅馆的,瞬间高兴了。这意味着turtle soup,甲鱼汤和鹿肉venison似乎在英国文化中一直是有钱有地位的象征,不管是散文中见到的还是狄更斯作品中流露的。不大明白。

He was senior to any of them in age. For probably one hundred and fifty years he had been cruising in the green waters of the West Indies. He was there when George Washington was President of the United States and Napoleon was being clobbered at Waterloo.


‘Hey, listen!’ cried a muscular young man. ‘Why don’t we drag him up?’ The muscular young man was wearing magenta and pea-green Bermuda shorts and no shirt. He had an exceptionally hairy chest, and the absence of a shirt was obviously a calculated touch. ‘What say we do a little work for our supper?’ he cried, rippling his muscles.



ripple: 涌起,涟漪

The men handed their drinks to the women and rushed to catch hold of the rope. They ranged themselves along it as though for a tug of war, and the hairy-chested man appointed himself anchor-man and captain of the team.


a tug of war, 拔河比赛

And now the gigantic turtle began very slowly to slide up the beach towards the hotel, towards the kitchen, towards the place where the big knives were kept.



The crowd froze. The tug-of-war men stopped tugging and the onlookers stopped shouting and every single person present turned towards the place where the screams were coming from.

The tug-of-war pullers remained motionless, still holding the rope with the gigantic turtle on the end of it. Everyone stood silent and surprised, staring at the boy. They were all a bit off-balance now. They had the slightly hangdog air of people who had been caught doing something that was not entirely honourable.

Several people began shuffling their feet around in the sand. Here and there in the crowd it was possible to sense a slight change of mood, a feeling of uneasiness, a touch even of shame.



The guests began wandering back towards the hotel. They were curiously subdued. There was no joking or bantering now, no laughing. Something had happened. Something strange had come fluttering across the beach.






你可能感兴趣的:(亨利休格故事1--The Boy Who Talked with Animals)