Iron fist, iron glove: Chinese defence

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Iron fist, iron glove: Chinese defence

  • iron n. 铁; adj. 坚强的
  • 【这里应该是指中国的国防力量内外都非常厉害】
  1. Deng Xiaoping advised his countrymen to “hide your strength and bide your time”.
  • countrymen 同胞,骨肉同胞
  • hide your strength and bide your time 韬光养晦
  1. His successors take a different view, flaunting China’s flashiest warplanes over the skies of Zhuhai at a six-day airshow beginning today.
  • successor 接班人, 继任者
  • flaunt 炫耀;夸耀;夸示;卖弄
  • flashy 闪光的
  • warplane 军用飞机
  1. The highlight will be the stealthy J-20 fighter, which made a brief debut in 2016 but is expected to wow crowds with an aerobatic performance this year.
  • stealthy 隐秘的
  • debut 初次登场;首次上场;出道
  • aerobatic performance 飞行性能
  1. China will also show off new drones, including one that transforms mid-air from helicopter to fixed-wing aircraft.
  • show off 卖弄, 炫耀
  • drone 无人机
  • fixed-wing 固定机翼的
  1. The show is partly to impress potential buyers.
  • impress 给…留下深刻的好印象
  • potential buyer 潜在的购买者
  1. China is becoming one of the world’s major arms exporters; deals worth $40bn were reportedly signed at the last show.
  • arms exporter arms exporter
  • deals worth 交易金额
  1. But it is also a message to neighbors.

  2. The J-20 may not be as proficient at slipping under radars as its American counterparts.

  • proficient 熟练的;精通的
  • counterpart 同行,对手
  1. But it will be produced in bigger numbers, and beats anything in the arsenals of Japan, India or Australia.
  • beat 比…更好;赛过;胜过
  • arsenal 武器库,军械库
  1. China’s rivals will have their binoculars ready.
  • rival 竞争对手;对手
  • binocular 双筒望远镜
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