2021-04-17 【Blog Day22】 学以致用,难能可贵

9:14-9:34 TED Talk

9:34-10:40 学Java

10:40-11:15 早饭

11:15-12:07 读书

12:15-13:05 数学

13:05-23:00 出去玩

23:05-00:10 学Java


TED Talk《To find work you love, don't follow your passion》

-What we can do for other people?

-Follow your passion

    1)Identify your greatest interest

    2)Find careers that match those interests

    3)Pursue those interests

-Your present interests are not solid for career decisions.

-Do what's valuable

    "A man's true wealth is the good he does to this world."



-How to find your value?


    2)Get good at flexible skills

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