

英文 中文
Shadow, we're going to be releasing you later this afternoon. 影子我们今天下午就会释放你
Your wife-- 你妻子...
she died in the early hours of this morning. 她今天凌晨去世了
Was a-- an automobile accident... 死于...车祸
Also, you lost something vital in there, not just time. 还有你在里边失去了很重要的东西
If I was inclined, what might I call you? 如果我想的话要怎么称呼你呢
I could be Mr. Wednesday with a shake of the handed. 握个手我就能成为星期三先生
How much has our man told you? 我们老大告诉你多少了
You're my man now. 你现在是我的人了
Do you know who he is? 你知道他是谁吗
Who he really is? 他的真正身份
Oh, she long dead. 她很久之前就死了
She wouldn't give it up for Johannes up there 她不愿和上面的约翰尼斯发生关系
so he threw her off the boat. 所以被他扔下了船
Did you know your momma couldn't swim? 你知不知道你母亲不通水性
You all need to work on that. Take swimming lessons. 你们都得加油去学学游泳吧
This is how we get stereotypes. 陈规俗套就是这么形成的
Anansi... 安纳西...
You want help? 需要帮忙吗

Fine. 行啊
Let me tell you a story. 让我给你说个故事
"Once upon a time, a man got fucked." 「很久之前有个男的生活凄惨」
Now, how is that for a story? 故事的开头怎么样
Cause that's the story of black people in America. 因为那是美国黑人的故事
Shit, you all don't know you black yet. 该死你们都还不知道自己是黑人呢
You think you just people. 你们以为自己是普通人
Let me be the first to tell you 让我来第一个告诉你们
that you are all black. 你们都是黑人
The moment these Dutch motherfuckers set foot here 当那些杀千刀的荷兰人第一次踏足这里
and decided they white, 并且声称他们是白人之后
and you get to be black, 你们就都是黑人了
and that's the nice name they call you... 那还是他们好听的叫法...
Let me paint a picture 让我给你们描绘一下
of what's waiting for you on the shore. 船到岸之后等待着你们的生活
You arrive in America, 你们到达美国
land of opportunity, milk and honey, 一个充满了机遇牛奶和蜂蜜的土地
and guess what? 猜猜怎么着
You all get to be slaves. 你们都得去当奴隶
Split up, sold off and worked to death. 分开贱卖工作到死
The lucky ones get Sunday off to sleep and fuck 幸运点的人周末能放个假用来睡觉做爱
and make more slaves, and all for what? 好生出更多的奴隶孩子但是图个什么
For cotton? Indigo? 为了棉花靛蓝染料
For a fucking purple shirt? 为了紫色T恤
The only good news is 唯一的好消息就是
the tobacco your grandkids are gonna farm for free 你们的孙子在农场无偿种的烟草
is gonna give a shitload of these white motherfuckers cancer. 能让这坨白人混蛋得癌症
And I ain't even started yet. 我这还只是说了个开头
A hundred years later. 一百年后
You're fucked. 你们都死透了
A hundred years after that. 再过一百年
Fucked. 又死一批
A hundred years after you get free, 你们恢复自由身的一百年后
you still getting fucked out a job 你们还是找不到工作
and shot at by police. 被警察射杀
You see what I'm saying? 听懂我说的了吗
This guy gets it. 这个小伙子听懂了
I like him. 我欣赏他
He's getting angry. 他生气了
Angry is good. 愤怒是好事

Angry gets 愤怒
shit done. 能成大事
You shed tears for Compé Anansi, 你为安纳西留下眼泪
and here he is, telling you 现在他来了告诉你
you are staring down the barrel 等待着你们的是
of 300 years of subjugation, 长达三百年的奴役
racist bullshit and heart disease. 种族歧视和心脏病
He is telling you 他在告诉你
there isn't one goddamn reason 你有充足的理由
you shouldn't go up there right now 现在上去
and slit the throats 把那些荷兰混蛋
of every last one of these Dutch motherfuckers 全部割喉
and set fire to this ship! 然后放火烧了这艘船
You already dead, asshole. 你已经死了傻瓜
At least die a sacrifice for something worthwhile. 至少为更有意义的东西献身吧
Let the motherfucker burn! 让这个混蛋玩意烧起来吧
Let it all burn! 都烧起来吧
- Were you shot at? - No. -你中枪了吗-没有
If you were, I'd have to call the cops. 如果中枪了我就要报警了
No. 不用
No. No cops. 不不要叫警察
The fuck you do? 你干了什么好事
Why, it depends on who you ask. 这取决于你问的是谁
You ask the girl's mother, 你问的是女孩的母亲
she'll say I did a series of unspeakable things. 她会说我做了一些难以启齿的事情
You ask that mouth-breather she calls a boyfriend, 你问那个她称为男朋友的蠢蛋
he'll be at a loss for words. 他会无话可说
But you ask the girl herself, 如果你问女孩自己
I'm guessing she'll say I opened a few doors. 我猜她会说我开启了新世界的大门
Come on, ask her yourself. 来啊自己去问她
I'm asking you what do know about a slaughtered lynch mob? 我是问你知不知道实施屠杀式私刑的暴徒
I don't know what the fuck you speak of. 我不知道你他妈在说什么
I was merely passing the time as instinct indicated 我只是趁你去凭吊已故的爱妻
while you were paying your last respects to your dearly departed. 凭着本能需求打发时间而已
How was the funeral? 葬礼怎么样
It's over. 结束了
Well, you wanna come in and talk about it? 你想进来聊聊吗
You just-- just-- 你给我
Hey, you-you hungry? 你饿了吗
I mean, they got no food here, 这里没有吃的
but you can order a pizza, and you can put it on the room. 但你可以订份披萨记在房间账上
Look, I'm not fuckin' hungry. Okay? 我他妈才不饿好吗
I was just hijacked by a toad-skin-smokin' punk 我刚被一个癞皮烟鬼朋克绑架到
in a virtual fuckin' limo. 一辆鬼豪车里
Said to tell you that he's reprogrammed reality. 要我跟你说他将现实重写了
What a little asshole. 真是个小混蛋
- Oh, you know him? - Oh, I know who he is. -你认识他-我知道他是谁
They don't have a clue. They don't have a fucking clue. 他们一无所知他们屁都不知道
I don't have a fucking clue. Okay? 我他妈才屁都不知道好吗
I don't give a fuck if they don't have a fucking clue. 我他妈才不在乎他们知不知道
I want one. Give me a fucking clue. 我想知道给我一点提示
Clues were not in the agreement. 提示不在协议之内
Oh, neither was my ass hanging from a fucking tree. 协议内也不包括我被挂在树上
I was lynched. Strange fuckin' fruit. 有人要绞死我像奇怪的果子
Plucked plucky fruit. Here you stand. 英勇的果子落地了你这不好好的吗
Unusual outcome for a lynching. 绞刑通常都不是这后果
Chalk it all up to occupational hazard. 都算到职业危险账上吧
And occupational hazard gets hazard pay. 职业危险自有危险津贴
Double your salary. That do it? 给你双倍工资行吗
- It'll do something. - Good. -勉强说得过去-好
Compact amended. 协议已修订
How much longer you gonna be in this town? 你还要在这镇上待多久
I don't know. Maybe another day. 不知道可能再待一天
You're done here, we're done here. 这里没你啥事了我们也没啥说的了
Goodnight. Your first bed as a free man. Enjoy it. 晚安获释后的第一觉好好享受
Shadow? 影子
About that little shit in the big limo. 豪车里那个小贱种
An assault on you is an insult to me. 攻击你就等于侮辱我
Don't think because I didn't lose my temper 别以为我没发脾气
I'm not angry or I'm lacking a plan. 就代表我没生气或束手无策
I didn't mean to wake you. 我不是故意吵醒你的
Laura... 劳拉
they told me you died. 他们说你死了
Who said I died, puppy? 谁说我死了狗狗
Everyone. 都这么说
Oh, you were just having a bad dream. 你只是做了个噩梦
欢迎回家 影子
科西阿斯科县 法医办公室
在上班 对 加班吗 但愿不会 下班了告诉我 刚下班 马上出发 到家了 一会儿见
You going to miss it? 你会怀念这吗
Eagle Point? 鹰角镇吗
Too many Laura memories. 有太多劳拉的记忆
Never really had a life here. 从没真正在这生活过
It's Laura's town. 这里是劳拉的小镇
Too many people tell each other not to repress their emotions, 很多人跟彼此说不要压抑自己的情感
to release their feelings, to let the pain go. 把感受发泄出来忘掉痛苦
There's a lot to be said for bottling up emotions. 关于压抑自己的情感有很多好处可言
I'm gonna tell you something and you're gonna want to hurt me, 我有话要跟你说你听了会想揍我
but what I say has gotta be said. 但我这话不得不说
So I want you to consider my words very carefully 所以希望你仔细考虑我的话
and refrain from knocking my teeth out. 以及克制住别打掉我的牙
- Say it. - Word on the street is -说吧-有传言说你妻子死的时候
your wife died sucking your best friend's cock. 嘴里还含着你最好朋友的阴茎
And you, sir, are only obligated to feel bad about that for so long. 而先生你只可以难过一阵
Thank you... 谢谢你
for warning me. 提醒我
Why coin tricks? 为什么玩硬币戏法
You don't really have the personality to be a magician. 你的性格真的不适合做魔术师
You can't weave the stories that are necessary for belief 你编造不出足够让人信服的故事
unless you have a little personality. 除非你有一点个性
- You do have craft, though. - Thank you. -但你的技术确实可以-谢谢
Turn off here. 在这下去
- No, the highway's ahead. - We're not taking the highway. -不前面就是高速路-我们不走高速
Not now, not ever. 现在不永远也不
- No highways. - Okay, okay, no highways. -不走高速-好好不走高速
- Why no highways? - Seen one, seen 'em all. -为何不走高速-天下高速大同小异
No chance for serendipitous lovely. 没机会偶然碰到什么美景
Let there be beauty where there can be. 去可能的地方发掘美吧
And keep her under 70, would you, huh? 速度保持在100公里以下行吗
- Betty likes a slow ride. - So what's the plan? -贝蒂喜欢开慢点-你怎么打算的
Plan is we will be meeting with a number of people 打算是跟一些在各自领域
preeminent in their respective fields. 卓有成就的人见面
And then we will rendezvous 然后我们要在
at one of the most important places in the entire country. 全国最重要的地方之一会合
Where is the most important place in the country? 全国最重要的地方在哪
One of the most important places. 最重要的地方之一
Opinion is justifiably varied. 观点当然众说纷纭
But we will be stopping in Chicago first. 但我们要先到芝加哥停一停
What's in Chicago? 芝加哥有什么
My hammer. 有我的锤子

