Oracle-BCT(Block Change Tracking)参数优化配置


      Oracle10g之后引入的BCT(Block Change Tracking)功能,可以用以提高增量备份的效率,减少扫描的块数量时间,但对于开启了BCT功能的数据库,在业务高并发的期间可能会出现性能的缓慢问题,经常可以观察到等待事件block change tracking buffer space,change tracking file synchronous read/write,除了尽可能的应用最新的补丁来规避bug问题,Oracle官方建议可以通过调整BCT的相关隐含参数进行优化以尽可能的规避出现的性能问题。


BCT隐含参数(Version:Oracle 19.3):

select a.ksppinm name, b.ksppstvl value, a.ksppdesc description
from sys.x$ksppi a, sys.x$ksppcv b
where a.indx = b.indx and a.ksppinm like '%bct%'
order by name
NAME                                     VALUE                DESCRIPTION
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_bct_bitmaps_per_file                    8                    number of bitmaps to store for each datafile
_bct_buffer_allocation_max               104857600            maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes
_bct_buffer_allocation_min_extents       1                    mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer allocation
_bct_buffer_allocation_size              2097152              size of one change tracking buffer allocation, in bytes
_bct_chunk_size                          0                    change tracking datafile chunk size, in bytes
_bct_crash_reserve_size                  262144               change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in bytes
_bct_file_block_size                     0                    block size of change tracking file, in bytes
_bct_file_extent_size                    0                    extent size of change tracking file, in bytes
_bct_fixtab_file                                              change tracking file for fixed tables
_bct_health_check_interval               60                   CTWR health check interval (seconds), zero to disable
_bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size     0                    initial number of entries in the private change tracking dba buffers
_bct_mrp_timeout                         600                  CTWR MRP wait timeout (seconds), zero to wait forever
_bct_public_dba_buffer_dynresize         2                    allow dynamic resizing of public dba buffers, zero to disable
_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize           0                    max buffer size permitted for public dba buffers, in bytes
_bct_public_dba_buffer_size              0                    total size of all public change tracking dba buffers, in bytes


        参数说明:全部change tracking buffer分配的最大值


        建议值:根据Oracle MOS(Doc ID 2094946.1)


select dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size from x$krcstat;

        参数测试:在Oracle19.3版本测试,_bct_buffer_allocation_max参数无法限制CTWR dba buffer的大小

SQL> alter system set "_bct_buffer_allocation_max"=5242880;
System altered.
--当前CTWR dba buffer大小为1.79M
SQL> select inst_id,pool,name,bytes/1024/1024 as MB ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool';
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                                             MB     CON_ID
---------- -------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                              2028.84766          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta                      .375          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk                        1.98046875          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                                      15          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer                            1.796875          0
--执行大批量的块更新之后,CTWR dba buffer大小变为14.359MB,超过了5MB,参数并不能限制CTWR dba buffer的大小
SQL> r
  1* select inst_id,pool,name,bytes/1024/1024 as MB ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool'
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                                             MB     CON_ID
---------- -------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                              2016.28516          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta                      .375          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk                        1.98046875          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                                      15          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer                           14.359375          0
NAME                                     VALUE                DESCRIPTION
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_bct_buffer_allocation_max               5242880              maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes


        参数说明:允许分配全部public change tracking dba buffer的最大值



        _bct_public_dba_buffer_size<=建议值<=2*_bct_public_dba_buffer_size 并且小于large_pool池大小

        参数测试:在Oracle19.3版本测试,_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize参数控制CTWR dba buffer的最大值

alter system set "_bct_buffer_allocation_max"=5242880;
alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize"=524288;
alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_size"=524288;
NAME                                     VALUE                                    DESCRIPTION
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
_bct_buffer_allocation_max               524288                                   maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in b
_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize           524288                                   max buffer size permitted for public dba buffers, in bytes
_bct_public_dba_buffer_size              524288                                   total size of all public change tracking dba buffers, in byt
--当前CTWR dba buffer为1MB,接近2倍_bct_public_dba_buffer_size
SQL> select inst_id,pool,name,bytes/1024/1024 as MB ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool';
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                                             MB     CON_ID
---------- -------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                              189.636719          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta                      .375          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk                        1.98046875          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                                      15          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer                           1.0078125          0
--进行大批量的块操作,可以看到产生大量的block change tracking buffer space等待事件
SAMPLE_TIME                              EVENT                                    SESSION_ID BLOCKING_SESSION SESSION PROGRAM                                  TIME_WAITED/1000
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------
19-MAR-23 PM                control file sequential read                    497                  WAITING oracle@rac19a (CKPT)                                 .297
19-MAR-23 PM                change tracking file synchronous read           510                  WAITING rman@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                              .233
19-MAR-23 PM                                                                 10                  ON CPU  oracle@rac19a (CTWR)                                    0
19-MAR-23 PM                change tracking file synchronous read           750                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                          5.282
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              507                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        999.912
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              382                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        999.727
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              626                  WAITING oracle@rac19a (W002)                              999.692
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              750                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        999.642
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              139                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        999.587
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              626                  WAITING oracle@rac19a (W002)                              780.752
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              507                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        962.714
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              382                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        793.489
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              139                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        968.197
19-MAR-23 PM                block change tracking buffer space              750                  WAITING sqlplus@rac19a (TNS V1-V3)                        966.412
--当前CTWR dba buffer为1MB没有任何动态调整
alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize"=104857600;
--当前CTWR dba buffer动态调整为CTWR dba buffer,block change tracking buffer space等待事件消失
  1* select inst_id,pool,name,bytes/1024/1024 as MB ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool'
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                                             MB     CON_ID
---------- -------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                              2016.28516          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta                      .375          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk                        1.98046875          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                                      15          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer                           14.359375          0


        参数说明:全部public change tracking dba buffer的总值


        建议值:根据Oracle MOS(Doc ID 2094946.1)

        推荐为2倍dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size并且小于large_pool池大小,减少block change tracking buffer space的等待产生

select dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size from x$krcstat;

        ​参数测试:在Oracle19.3版本测试,_bct_public_dba_buffer_size参数影响CTWR dba buffer的当前大小        

        2倍dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size<CTWR dba buffer<=2倍_bct_public_dba_buffer_size

否则可能会出现错误02097, 00000, "parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid"
// *Cause: Though the initialization parameter is modifiable, the modified
//         value is not acceptable to the parameter
--当前CTWR dba buffer 14MB
SQL> select inst_id,pool,name,bytes/1024/1024 as MB ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool'
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                               MB     CON_ID
---------- -------------- -------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                2016.28516          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta        .375          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk          1.98046875          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                        15          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer             14.359375          0
SQL> select dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size from x$krcstat;
SQL> alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize"=15056640;    
System altered.
SQL> alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_size"=15056640;
System altered.
--当前CTWR dba buffer为28MB,基本等于两倍_bct_public_dba_buffer_size 
SQL> select inst_id,pool,name,bytes ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool';
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                            BYTES     CON_ID
---------- -------------- -------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                2099171328          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta      393216          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk             2076672          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                  15728640          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer              30113792          0
SQL> alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize"=60227584;
System altered.
SQL> alter system set "_bct_public_dba_buffer_size"=60227584;
System altered.
--当前CTWR dba buffer为60MB,大于当前两倍dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size
SQL> select inst_id,pool,name,bytes ,con_id from gv$sgastat where pool='large pool';
   INST_ID POOL           NAME                            BYTES     CON_ID
---------- -------------- -------------------------- ---------- ----------
         1 large pool     free memory                2065534976          0
         1 large pool     ASM map operations hashta      393216          0
         1 large pool     krcc extent chunk             2076672          0
         1 large pool     PX msg pool                  15728640          0
         1 large pool     CTWR dba buffer              63750144          0
SQL> select dba_buffer_count_public*dba_entry_count_public*dba_entry_size from x$krcstat;




Oracle-BCT(Block Change Tracking)参数优化配置_第1张图片





