a, an


  • indefinite article - a
    • Pronunciation
    • Explanation
    • Word Origin
  • noun - A
    • Pronunciation
    • Explanation
    • Idioms
  • symbol - A
    • Pronunciation
    • Explanation
  • Abbreviation - A
    • Pronunciation
    • Explanation
  • 惯用法
  • Reference

本文首发于 Josh Gao 的博客:https://josh-gao.top/posts/6635e93f.html。本文部分内容可能未正确渲染,请以原博客为准。

indefinite article - a


  • BrE: /ə/, strong form /eɪ/
  • NAmE: /ə/, strong form /eɪ/

also an

  • BrE: /ən/, strong form /æn/
  • NAmE: /ən/, strong form /æn/

The form a is used before consonant sounds and the form an before vowel sounds. When saying abbreviations like ‘FM’ or ‘UN’, use a or an according to how the first letter is said. For example, F is a consonant, but begins with the sound /e/ and so you say: an FM radio. U is a vowel but begins with /j/ and so you say: a UN declaration.


  1. A1 used before countable or singular nouns referring to people or things that have not already been mentioned(用于可数名词或单数名词前,表示未曾提到的)一(人、事、物)

    • a man/horse/unit 一个人;一匹马;一个单位
    • an aunt/egg/hour/X-ray 一位姑母;一枚鸡蛋;一小时;一张 X 光片
    • I can only carry two at a time. 我一次只能带两个。
    • There's a visitor for you. 有位客人找你。
    • She's a friend of my father's (= one of my father's friends). 她是我父亲的朋友。
  2. A1 used to show that somebody/something is a member of a group or profession(表示为某一群体或职业中的一员)

    • Their new car's a BMW. 他们的新轿车是辆宝马。
    • She's a Buddhist. 她是佛教徒。
    • He's a teacher. 他是教师。
    • Is that a Monet (= a painting by Monet)? 那是莫奈的画吗?
  1. A1 any; every 任何一;每一

    • A lion is a dangerous animal. 狮子是猛兽。
  2. B1 used before uncountable nouns when these have an adjective in front of them, or phrase following them(用于前有形容词或后有短语的不可数名词前)

    • a good knowledge of French 精通法语
    • a sadness that won’t go away 挥之不去的悲愁
  3. used in front of two nouns that are seen as a single unit(用于视为一体的两个名词之前)

    • a knife and fork 一副刀叉
  4. used instead of one before some numbers(用于某些数字前,代替 one)

    • A thousand people were there. 那里有一千人。
  5. used when talking about prices, quantities and rates(用于价格、数量、比率等)一,每一

    Synonyms per

    • BrE: /pə(r)/, strong form /pɜː(r)/
    • NAmE: /pər/, strong form /pɜːr/

    used to express the cost or amount of something for each person, number used, distance travelled, etc. 每;每一

    • Rooms cost £50 per person, per night. 房价每人每晚 50 英镑。
    • 60 miles per hour 每小时 60 英里
    • France consumes around 200 000 tonnes of cocoa per year. 法国每年消费约 20 万吨可可。
    • This country has a higher crime rate per 100 000 of the population than most other European countries. 这个国家的每 10 万人口犯罪率比大多数其他欧洲国家高。
    • They cost 50p a kilo. 这些东西一公斤 50 便士。
    • I can type 50 words a minute. 我每分钟能打 50 个单词。
    • He was driving at 50 miles an hour. 当时他正以每小时 50 英里的速度驾车。
  6. a person like somebody 像(某人)的人;… 式的人物

    • She's a little Hitler. 她是个小希特勒。
  7. used before somebody’s name to show that the speaker does not know the person(用于某人姓名前,表示说话者不认识此人)有个

    • There's a Mrs Green to see you. 有位格林太太要见你。
  8. used before the names of days of the week to talk about one particular day(用于一星期中某天的名称前,表示具体某一天)

    • She died on a Tuesday. 她是在某个星期二去世的。

Word Origin

Middle English: weak form of Old English ān ‘one’.

noun - A


  • BrE: /eɪ/
  • NAmE: /eɪ/

also a

plural As, A’s, a’s

  • BrE: /eɪz/
  • NAmE: /eɪz/


  1. [countable, uncountable] the first letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第 1 个字母

    • ‘Apple’ begins with (an) A/‘A’. apple 一词以字母 a 开头。
  2. A [countable, uncountable] (music 音乐) the 6th note in the scale of C major A 音(C 大调音阶的第六级音)

  3. [countable, uncountable] A (in/for something) a grade that a student can get for a piece of work or course of study that shows that it is excellent(学业成绩)第一等,优,甲

    • She got (an) A in biology. 她生物得了 A。
    • He had straight A's (= nothing but A's) all through high school. 他读中学时成绩全部是 A。
  4. A [uncountable] used to represent the first of two or more possibilities(表示两个或更多可能性中的)第一个

    • Shall we go for plan A or plan B? 我们采用第一方案还是第二方案?
  5. A [uncountable] used to represent a person, for example in an imagined situation or to hide their identity(代表一个假设的或不指名的人)甲

    • Assume A knows B is guilty. 假定甲知道乙有罪。

see also A-frame

  • BrE: /ˈeɪ freɪm/
  • NAmE: /ˈeɪ freɪm/

(also A-frame house) (especially North American English)

a house with very steep sides that meet at the top in the shape of the letter A A 形房屋

see also A level

  • BrE: /ˈeɪ levl/
  • NAmE: /ˈeɪ levl/

(also advanced level)

[countable, uncountable] a British exam taken in a particular subject, usually in the final year of school at the age of 18 高级证书考试(英国中学单科考试,通常在毕业年级进行)

  • You need three A levels to get onto this university course. 你要学习这门大学课程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。
  • What A levels are you doing? 你在准备哪些科目的高级证书考试?
  • I'm doing maths A level. 我在准备数学高级证书考试。
  • two A level passes/two passes at A level 两门高级证书考试及格

see also A-road

  • BrE: /ˈeɪ rəʊd/
  • NAmE: /ˈeɪ rəʊd/

(in the UK) a road that is less important than a motorway, but wider and straighter than a B-road(英国)干线公路,A 级公路(略次于高速公路,但较 B 级公路宽直)


  • from A to B

    from one place to another 从一地到另一地

    • For me a car is just a means of getting from A to B. 在我看来,汽车只不过是从一地到另一地的代步工具。
  • from A to Z

    including everything there is to know about something 从头到尾;彻底地;完全

    • He knew his subject from A to Z. 他通晓自己的学科。

symbol - A


  • BrE: /eɪ/
  • NAmE: /eɪ/


  1. used in the UK before a number to refer to a particular important road A 级公路,干线公路(英国公路代号,后接数字)

    • the A34 to Newbury 通往纽伯里的 A34 号(干线)公路
  2. used (but not in the US) before numbers that show standard metric sizes of paper(除美国外,用于数字前表示标准纸张尺寸)A… 纸(尺寸)'

    • a sheet of A4 paper (= 297×210mm) 一张 A4 纸(= 297 毫米 × 210 毫米)
    • A3 (= 420×297mm) A3 纸(= 420 毫米 × 297 毫米)
    • A5 (= 210×148mm) A5 纸(= 210 毫米 × 148 毫米)

Abbreviation - A


  • BrE: /eɪ/
  • NAmE: /eɪ/


(in writing) amp 安,安培(电流单位)


  1. a 和 an 用法的区别,一般说来,是在以辅音开首的词前面用 a,在以元音开首的词前面用 an。不过要注意,这里说的是辅音和元音,不是辅音字母和元音字母。

    • 如 hour 以辅音字母 h 开首,但读音作[ˈaʊə],是以元音开首的,所以前面该用 an,不用 a。又如 one 以元音字母 o 开首,但读音作[wʌn],是以辅音开首的,所以前面该用 a,不用 an。

    • 又如 M. A.(=Master of Arts,文科硕士)里的 M 是辅音字母,但读音作[em](M. A. 读[ˈemˈeɪ]或[emˈeɪ]),所以前面该用 an,不用 a。

    • MS(=manuscript,手稿)前面往往用 a 而不用 an,并不因为 M 是辅音字母,却因为读音往往作[ˈmænjʊskrɪpt]。

    • 又如 8 并不是词,无所谓辅音或元音,但读音作[eɪt],所以前面该用 an,不用 a。

    • & 只是一个符号,因为它的名称是 ampersand,读音作[ˈæmpəsænd],所以前面该用 an。

    据有些语法书说,以[h]音开首而没有重音的音节前面该用 an,如 an historian,不作 a historian。这规则现在可说不成立了(虽然还有人 —— 尤其是英国人 —— 遵守着),现在尽可用 a,用 an 反嫌不自然。例如:

    a habitual smile, a heroic act, a historian, a hotel, a hypothesis

    有些英国人,在以[juː]或[jʊ]音开首的词(如 eulogy, euphonic, European, university, united 和 usual)前面,用 an 而不用 a,在以[h]音开首的词(如 hero, history, hospital, hundred 和 hymn)前面也用 an 而不用 a,在 one 前面也用 an 而不用 a,这种人似乎现在比以前少了。

  2. 哪个名词前面可以用 a(或 an),哪个名词前面不可用 a(或 an)呢?

    一般说来,可数名词前面可以用 a(或 an),不可数名词前面不可用 a(或 an),如可以说 a healthy boy,却不可说 a health,可以说 a chair,却不可说 a furniture。但事实并不这样简单。所谓 “可数” 和 “不可数”,要看那个词的正确意思而定,不可根据它的普通汉译。

    • 如不可说 a fun, an information,却可以说 a pastime, a knowledge。

    • 又如 dance, hurry, interest, kiss 等词前面都可以用 a(或 an)。

    • 又如 with child(有孕的),in class(在教室里),take horse(上马),send word(通知)等习语里都不可用 a(或 an)。但 at a loss(不知所措的),with a view to(以…… 为目的),on an average(作为平均数),take a fancy to(喜欢)等习语里的 a(或 an)都是少不得的。这些都应该从习惯,不是几条规则所能包括得了的。

    一般说来,有复数形式的名词前面可以用 a(或 an),无复数形式的名词前面不可用 a(或 an)。如 boy 和 laugh 有复数形式 boys 和 laughs,所以可以说 a boy 和 a laugh,completion 和 laughter 无复数形式,所以不可说 a completion 和 a laughter。但有些在习惯上无复数形式的名词,前面却往往也用 a(或 an)。这大概有下面四种情况:

    1. 多少有些抽象性的。例如:

      • I have a great admiration for Gorky.
      • He has received a good education.
      • She has a fondness for roses.
      • You seem to have a hatred of dogs.
      • I am in a hurry.
      • There is a bustle going on in the house.
      • We need not make a fuss about the matter.
      • The arrival of the visitors caused a great stir.
      • He speaks with a lisp.
      • She talks with a stammer.
      • We had a fine catch yesterday. (我们昨天捉到了许多鱼。)
      • We had a plentiful kill today. (我们今天打到了许多猎物。)
      • I hope you will give me a lead. (我希望你给我开个头。)
      • He has a good knowledge of Russian.
      • You must avoid such a waste of time.
      • The book has a wealth of pictures.
    2. a(或 an)... 指 “一个…… 的泉源”。例如:

      • A good pupil is a credit to his teachers.
      • A lazy boy is a discredit to his parents.
      • A lazy boy is a dishonour to his class.
      • A patriot is an honour to his country.
      • Such cruelty is a reproach to modern society.
      • Terrorism is a shame to civilization.
    3. a(或 an)... 指 “一次……”,那名词本来是动词。例如:

      • After a run (或 a climb,或 a swim) I had a wash (或 a rest,或 a feed,或 a smoke,或 a read).
    4. a...ing 指 “一次……”。例如:

      • Instead of giving the peasant a hearing, the heartless landlord gave him a good beating (或 a good hiding,或 a good lickinga good thrashing) as well as a good scolding.
  3. a(或 an)在下面几种情况里可以用在复数形式前面:

    1. 在有些习语里。例如:

      • a few (books), a very few (books), a good few (books), a good many (books), a great many (books), a many (books)
    2. 在表示时间或款项的短语前面。例如:

      • a further five minutes, a mere two hours, a very busy six weeks, a whole three years, a pleasant spring holidays, an additional ¥60
    3. 在若干在形式上是复数而在意思上是单数的单词前面。例如:

      • a barracks, a bellows, a gallows, a headquarters, an innings, a links, a means, a scissors, a shambles, a tongs
    4. 在下列美国口语中。例如:

      • a good ways, a great ways, a long ways
  4. a(或 an)有时有(1)“一个而并不是那所要的一个” 或(2)“任何一个” 的意思。例如:

    • I was expecting to hear from my father. I got a letter indeed, but it was from a friend.(1)

    • I wanted to read a book, I did not care whether it was a history, a novel, or a biography.(2)

    在这种用法里,a(或 an)该特别重读。

  5. a(或 an)通常不用在人名、地名或其他专有名词的前面,但有例外:

    1. 指有某姓或某名的某人。例如:

      • a Smith(姓 Smith 的某人)
      • a John Smith(名叫 John Smith 的某人)
    2. 指在某时的某人、某地等。例如:

      • He is now a different John Smith from what he was three years ago.
      • He was met at the door by a contented Mary, not an angry Mary.
      • Fifty years ago we little dreamt of such a Shanghai as we have today.
      • Our children will find it hard to imagine a semi-feudal, semi-colonial China.
    3. 指跟某人、某地等相仿的人、地等。例如:

      • He talks like a Johnson.(Johnson 指英国 18 世纪的大文豪 Samuel Johnson,很健谈,多妙论。)
      • The humorist considers himself a (second) Mark Twain.
      • Do you think it possible for the North Pole ever to have a Shanghai?
      • We may look upon the romantic tragedy as a Chinese Romeo and Juliet.
    4. 指某人的作品。例如:

      • A new Michael Gold(当代美国作家)has appeared.
      • A new Shakespeare(莎士比亚全集新版)is in preparation.
      • I found a Picasso(毕加索画的画)on the wall.
    5. 指某人所发明、设计或制造的机器等。例如:

      • a Remington(美国人 Philo Remington 所设计制造的打字机)
      • a Merriam-Webster(美国 G. & C. Merriam Company 出版,根据 Webster 原著编的词典)
    6. 指 “…… 的图或像”。例如:

      • a West Lake(一幅西湖图),a Cupid(一幅爱神图或一个爱神像)
    7. 指 “好比…… 那回事”。例如:

      • a Dunkirk(敦刻尔克式撤退:1940 年 5、6 月间英军从法国北部港口城市 Dunkirk 大败撤退)
      • a Munich(慕尼黑事件:1938 年 9 月 30 日德、英、法、意四国在德国南部慕尼黑城达成协议,允许当时的纳粹德国吞并捷克斯洛伐克的领土苏台德区,以图避免战争)
  6. a(或 an)有时用在表示性质的抽象名词的前面。例如:

    • The room was furnished with a simplicity that is almost elegance. (这间房子的陈设有一种近似文雅的朴素。)
    • He answered my questions with an accuracy not to be expected of an ordinary schoolboy.(他回答了我的问题,准确得不像出自一个普通小学生之口。)
    • The bird disappeared with a startling suddenness.(那只鸟惊人地忽然不见了。)


  7. a(或 an)用在物质名词前面指(1)“一种……” 或(2)“一份……” 或 “一客……”。例如:

    • a green tea, an old wine (1)
    • a coffee, a tea, an ice(英:一客冰淇淋,美:一客冷饮),a whisky and soda (2)
  8. a(或 an)通常不可用在 only 的前面,也不可用在属于最高级的词的前面。

    如不可说 an only house, a best essay, a greatest poet, a longest street,但尽可说 an only son(一个独生子),a best seller(一本畅销书),a best man(一个男傧相),a first night(某剧的第一夜表演)。因为这些已经成为习惯了。

    a 用在副词 most 前面是很普通的,如 a most happy life 和 a most learned man。但该注意这里的 most 并不真正属于最高级,它的意思跟 very 相仿。

  9. 在一个名词被用来指它的本身的时候,往往不用 a(或 an)。例如:

    • Apple is a noun.
    • He is dubbed 'poet'.(人家给他 “诗人” 的诨名。)
    • We should not call every school 'college'.(我们不该把每个学校都叫作 “学院”。)
    • 'Rogue' is too mild a term for him, he is an arrant ruffian.(对他来说,“流氓” 这名称是太轻了,他是一个十足的恶棍。)

    下面第一句里的 a 可有可无,第二句里的 a 不可省:

    • He is dubbed (a) poet.
    • We should not call every school a college.

    注意 poet 和 college 都没有引号,跟上面的各句不同。

  10. 许多语法书里说,kind of 和 sort of 后面的名词的前面不该用 a(或 an),但事实上并非绝对不可用。例如:

    • What kind (或 sort) of tree is this?
    • What kind (或 sort) of(a)man is he?

    第一句里不用 a,因为 kind 或 sort 明白地作 “种类” 解。第二句里可以用 a,因为 kind 或 sort 并不明白地作 “种类” 解。what kind (或 sort) of (a) man 是 “怎么样的一个人” 的意思。

    其实在指 “种类” 的场合,不但 kind of 和 sort of 后面的名词的前面不用 a(或 an),其他相似的短语后面也是这样。例如:

    a kind of car kinds of car a sort of car sorts of car
    a brand of car brands of car a class of car classes of car
    a form of car forms of car a make of car makes of car
    a style of car styles of car a type of car types of car
    a variety of car varieties of car
  11. part of 前面用 a 也有,不用 a 也有,但意思略有不同。例如:

    • part of it(它的一部分:不一定一半以下,也不一定一半以上)
    • a part of it(它的一小部分:一半以下)

    但 great part of it 和 a great part of it 是没有区别的。不一定一半以下,也不一定一半以上。

  12. a(或 an)不用在 a change of 后面的名词的前面。例如:

    • a change of address, a change of name, a change of scene
  13. a(或 an)不用在临时被用来作为不可数名词的前面。例如:

    • five hundred miles of railway, a stretch of road, an acre of garden, an expanse of lake
  14. 下面各种表达方式里的 no 都是形容词,等于 not a:

    • no small value(很大的价值),no mean city(名城),no such man(没有这样的人),no other person than...(不是别人,却是……)。


    • a no small value, a no mean city, no such a man, no other a person than...

    a no mean city 是不可说的,但 a no meaner city 是可以说的,no meaner 里的 no 是副词,修饰 meaner,并不等于 not a,所以前面用 a。


    • This is no (形容词) mean city. (这是一个名城。)
    • This is a no (副词) meaner city (than that). (这是一个[跟那个]同样有名的城。)
    • There is no (形容词) meaner city (than that). (没有[比那个]更无名的城。)
    • There is a no (副词) meaner city (than that). (有一个[跟那个]同样有名的城。)
  15. 在指职位、头衔、等级等的单词前面大都不用 a(或 an)。例如:

    • They asked me to act as (an) interpreter.
    • I served them fairly well in the capacity of (an) interpreter.
    • I served them fairly well in my capacity as (an) interpreter.
    • She has obtained a position as (或 of) (a) typist.
    • He has left his situation as (或 of) (a) gardener.
    • He is (a) professor of philosophy at that university.
    • He has the degree of Doctor of Literature.
    • He soon rose to the rank of colonel.
    • The title of model worker has been conferred on the young man.
    • John Keats, English poet, was born in 1795.

    注意在 As a physician, he does not deserve much praise 等句子里的 as 等于 considered as,那 a 是不可少的。

  16. 在若干动词后面用作表语的名词的前面习惯不用 a(或 an)。例如:

    • He commenced schoolmaster in 1956. (commence[d]的这种用法现在不很普通)
    • He turned soldier at twenty-one.
    • The boy was bound apprentice to a carpenter.
  17. 在若干独立短语里不用 a(或 an)。例如:

    • The old man was sitting in a chair, pipe in mouth.
    • The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand.
  18. 在下面各短语和类似的短语里都不用 a(或 an):

    • hard of heart, large of limb, nimble of foot, quick of eye, pale of face
  19. 下面各句里都不用 a(或 an),那是因为多少有些感叹的意味:

    • Lucky dog! (幸运儿!)Lucky beggar! (幸运儿!)You beauty!
    • You fool! You fool you! You lucky rascal! (你好一个幸运儿!)
    • 'Keep by me, you lovely thing!' the girl said to her cat.
    • The old man got run over, poor fellow.
    • Poor man, he never knew what love was like.
  20. a(或 an)是 “一”,one 也是 “一”,在用法上有下面几点该注意:

    1. 固定习语里的 a(或 an)和 one 不可调换。如 once upon a time(从前有一次)和 one day(有一天)里的 a 和 one 不可互换。an hour or two(一二小时,若干小时)和 one or two hours 里的 an 和 one 不可互换。to a man(全体地)不可改作 to one man。one man one vote(每人投一票)不可改作 a man a vote。但 “一个…… 还是两个” 可以说 one...or two。例如:Do you spell 'traveller' with one '1' or two?

      注意下面每组里的两句意思相同,但用了 a 该有 on,用了 one 没有 on:

      • On a warm day a stranger came to see me.
      • One warm day a stranger came to see me.
      • The ship sank on a stormy night.
      • The ship sank one stormy night.
    2. 有些习语用 a 或 one 都可以。如 at a blow 和 at one blow(一下子地),in a word 和 in one word(简单地说),be of a mind 和 be of one mind(同意),a hundred per cent... 和 one hundred per cent...(十足地……)。

    3. 有时用 a 和用 one 意思不同。如 as a man 是 “就他的性格而论”,as one man 是 “大家一致地”,at a time 是 “每次”(如 three at a time),at one time 是 “从前有一个时期”(如 At one time we met every day)。


      • more than a year (比一年多些,如一年又三个月)
      • more than one year (不止一个年头,如两年或三年)
      • more than a decade (比十年多些,如十一年或十二年)
      • more than one decade (不止一个十年,如二十年或三十年)
    4. 在姓或名前面,用 a(或 an)或 one 意思相同。如 a Smith 和 one Smith 都是 “一个姓 Smith 的人”。就语法讲,one Smith 里的 one 被看作形容词或代词都讲得通。

    5. 在 dozen, hundred, thousand 和 million 前面,用 a 或 one 意思相同,用 a 普通些。如 a dozen(一打),a hundred(一百),a thousand(一千),a million(一百万),把 a 改作 one,意思不变,但往往有跟 “二打、三打” 等,“二百、三百” 等,“二千、三千” 等,“二百万、三百万” 等对比的意味。

      注意在下面的习语里都用 a,不可用 one:

      • a hundred(许多,如 a hundred things),
      • a thousand(许多,如 a thousand thanks),
      • a hundred and one(许多,如 a hundred and one points of usage),
      • a thousand and one(许多,如 a thousand and one points of usage),
      • not a hundred miles away(不远、近),
      • one in a thousand(极难得的一个)
    6. a(或 an)只有 “一” 的意思,却并不跟 “二、三、四、五” 等相对,one 便可以有这种对比的意味。如 I have a pen 只说 “我有一枝笔”,I have one pen 便可有 “我并没有两枝、三枝或更多枝笔” 的意思。


      • Can a boy do this? (回答可能是 No, but a man can。)
      • Can one boy do this? (回答可能是 No, but two boys can。)

      列宁著的 One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward 里的 One 不可改作 A。下面两句里的 one 也不可改作 a:

      • I have one pen, but my sister has three pens.
      • I have one pen, but three pencils.

      注意上面说 a 或 an 不跟 “二、三、四、五” 等对比,并不说不可跟 two, three, four, five 等连用。I have a pen, but three pencils 里的 a 该改作 one,但 I have a pen and three pencils 里的 a 却不必改作 one。

    7. 注意下面各句的意思不同:

      • There is a pen on the table. (桌上有一枝钢笔:不是一枝铅笔或一本书。)
      • There is one pen on the table. (桌上有一枝钢笔:不是两枝、三枝或更多枝钢笔。)
      • A pen is on the table. (跟第一句意思相同,很少见。)
      • One pen is on the table. (一枝钢笔在桌上:也许还有其他笔,但在桌上没有。)
    8. 说 “每一……” 计算价钱、款项、速度等,用 a(或 an),不用 one。例如:

      • ¥3.10 a dozen(每打三元一角),¥ 70 a month(每月七十元),
      • twice a week(每星期两次),ten miles an hour(每小时十英里)

      这种用法里的 a 原来是介词,但现在不妨把它看作冠词。

  21. of a(或 an)... 表明在时间上经常的行为:

    • We would sit together in the park of a morning.
    • They often met of an afternoon.
    • The artist may have frequently been seen strolling along the street of an evening.
    • His friends used to go to see him in his cottage of a Sunday.


    1. 这种结构现在少用。
    2. 只用于经常的事,不用于一次的事,如不可说 The old man died of a morning。
  22. 由 a...of a... 构成一种习语。

    如 a fool of a man 是 “一个呆子般的男子”,a gem of a poem 是 “一首宝石般(精致)的诗”,a mountain of a wave 是 “一个高山似的浪”。又例如:

    • his angel of a wife, a beast of a place (一个很脏的地方), her brute of a husband, a devil of a hurry (极度的匆忙), his dome of a forehead, a great elephant of a woman, a jewel of an assistant, a kitten of a girl, a lamb of a temper(像羔羊般驯服的脾气), a love of a ring (一枚极可爱的戒指), a poem of a hotel (一个像诗一般幽雅的旅馆), that rascal of a landlord, her tyrant of a father

    注意 a...of a... 里的两个名词不可互调,如 a boy of a girl 是 “一个男孩子似的女孩子”,a girl of a boy 是 “一个女孩子似的男孩子”,意思各不相同。

  23. a(或 an)通常用在一般形容词的前面,如 a beautiful garden,但也有几个例外。a(或 an)该用在 what、such 和 many 三个形容词的后面。


    • What a beautiful garden! such a garden, many a garden

    假使形容词前面有 how, however, as, so 或 too,那末 a(或 an)也用在这形容词的后面。例如:

    • how beautiful a garden, however beautiful a garden, as beautiful a garden as I ever saw, so beautiful a garden, too beautiful a garden

    a so beautiful garden 和 a too beautiful garden 这种结构也有,但不很自然。似乎 a so beautiful garden 比 a too beautiful garden 更不自然。当代英国作家 William Somerset Maugham 的 On a Chinese Screen 的 Romance 一篇里有 somewhat Ouidaesque a fashion,当然极不普通。

    假使形容词前面有 no less,那末 a(或 an)用在 no less 的前面或这形容词的后面都可以。例如:

    • a no less beautiful garden, no less beautiful a garden 前者比后者自然。假使后面加上 than yours,than this 等,改作 a garden no less beautiful than... 就更自然些。

    假使形容词前面有 no more,那末 a(或 an)就用在 no more 的前面,如 a no more beautiful garden。不过 no more beautiful a garden 这种结构也有。

    假使形容词前面有 more 或 less(不是 no more 或 no less),那末 a(或 an)就用在 more 或 less 的前面,如 a more(或 lessbeautiful garden。上面所说 no less 里的 less 是副词,no less a person than... 中的 less 是形容词,作 “较不重要” 解,a 的位置不可改动。

  24. a(或 an)可以用在 quite 和 rather 的前面,也可以用在它们的后面。例如:

    • a quite big dog, quite a big dog,
    • a rather big dog, rather a big dog

    在口语里 quite a(或 an)... 和 rather a(或 an)... 比 a quite... 和 a rather... 普通。

    注意 big 和 dog 总是连在一起,不该说:

    • quite big a dog, rather big a dog
  25. 就普通语法讲,a black and a white dog 是 “一只黑狗和一只白狗”,a black and white dog 是 “一只黑白花狗”,a journalist and an author 是 “一个新闻记者和一个作家”,a journalist and author 是 “一个新闻记者兼作家”。

    但事实上为了加强语气,也有用两个 a(或 an),一个 a 和一个 an,或一个 an 和一个 a 而指一个人的。例如:

    • He has become a sadder and a wiser man.
    • He is a journalist and an author.

    也有虽然只用一个 a(或 an)而指两个人的。例如:

    • A man and woman are walking arm-in-arm.
    • A boy and girl are playing together.

    但假使具有相对立的意思,便该用两个 a(或 an),一个 a 和一个 an,或一个 an 和一个 a。例如:

    • A man and a woman may not always agree on such a question.

    明明两件东西而通常配成一件的,只用一个 a(或 an)。例如:

    • a knife and fork, a cup and saucer, a needle and thread, a coat and tie, a short beard and moustache, a swimming head and parched throat
  26. 在两个或两个以上的名词连用的场合,通常不用 a(或 an)。例如:

    • We are brother and sister.
    • He was printer, publisher, and editor before 1949.
    • This room is study, bedroom, and sitting room all in one.
    • This article is meant to appear in newspaper or magazine.
    • Like father, like son. (有其父必有其子。—— 谚语)
    • Diamond cut diamond. (旗鼓相当。)
    • Dog eat dog. (同类相残。)
  27. 假使把 though he is a child 里的 child 放在开首,a 便该去掉,作 child though he is。child as he is 有同样的意思,也不该有 a。

  28. 下面两句里都有 a:

    • A baby never sat so gracefully.
    • Did a baby ever sit so gracefully?

    假使把 never 或 ever 放在 baby 的前面,通常把 a 去掉。例如:

    • Never did baby sit so gracefully.
    • Did ever baby sit so gracefully?

    never a... 作 no... 解,不过语气强些,a 决不可省。例如:He found never a baby there. 这里的 never 并不指时间。

  29. He is a scholar 等句子里的 a(或 an)当然不可省去,但注意下面各句里都不用 a(或 an):

    • He is artist enough to appreciate these pictures.
    • Surely you are scholar enough to read this old book.
    • I was fool enough to believe him.

    这里 artist, scholar 和 fool 前面都不用 a(或 an),因为后面加上了 enough,把这些名词抽象化了。

  30. A Tale of Two Cities 里有 A,但说 Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities 或 Dickens's Tale of Two Cities 都可以。the Tale of Two Cities that I bought yesterday 里不可在 Tale 前面加上 A。

  31. 上面所讲到的 a(或 an)的省略,可说都跟语法有关,都是一般的用法。还有为了节省空间、时间、金钱或精力,或为了引起注意力,而省去 a(或 an)的,主要有下面各种情况:

    1. 报纸标题:
        1. New Book by E. G. Flynn (当代美国进步女作家) Published.
        1. Noted Scientist to Make (a) Report on (an) Important Invention at (a) Local Technical School.
    2. 工商业文件:
        1. Copy of the booklet is enclosed.
        1. Duplicate of this letter will be sent to the management.
    3. 广告:
        1. Fully furnished flat to let.
        1. Secondhand typewriter wanted.
    4. 电报:
        1. Girl born today.
      • Brother away on (a) visit.
    5. 公告:
        1. School Ahead.
      • (An) Exit.
    6. 日记:
      • Attended (a) lecture on IT technology.
      • Got (a) long letter from James.
    7. 非正式信札:
      • Hope to send you (a) picture of the Lake soon.
      • Could you let me have (a) summary of the story?
    8. 注释和定义:
      • Fleet Street: (A) Famous old London street, now the location of many newspaper offices, often used allusively for the English press.
      • landscape: (A) Piece of land scenery.
  32. few 和 a few 不同。few 是 “很少”,有 “几乎没有” 的意思。a few 是 “若干”,有 “颇有几个” 的意思。但两种表达方式的不同,不在于实际数目的大小,却在于说话者的语意。如一篇作文里有三个错误,要是你说 There are few mistakes in it,你在说它 “错误很少”,便是说它好。要是你说 There are a few mistakes in it,你在说它 “有若干错误”,便是说它不好。可以说 few, or perhaps none 和 a few, or perhaps many。注意 only a few 却等于 few,也是 “很少” 的意思。

    little 和 a little 的不同,相当于 few 和 a few 的不同。如 little trouble 是 “很少麻烦” 或 “几乎没有麻烦”,a little trouble 是 “若干麻烦” 或 “颇有些麻烦”。

  33. 下面各种表达方式里都有 half a(或 half an):

    • half a mile, half a month, half an inch, half an hour, half a bottle, half a cup, half a dozen, half a million

    在这种用法里,把 half 看作形容词或看作名词后面省去 of 都可以。但不论 half 是形容词还是名词,a 总是冠词,所以下面各种表达方式里的 a 或 an 照理都该去掉:

    • that half a mile, this half a month, another half an inch, the next half an hour, my half a dozen

    不过这个多余的 a(或 an)事实上很常见,因为 half a... 或 half an... 用得很多,好似成为一个单位了。甚至有人说 a half an hour。 上面所举的 half a mile, half a month 等表达方式里的 half a(或 half an)英美通用。但在美国也往往用 a half。例如:

    • a half mile, a half month, a half inch, a half hour

    a half 在英国也用,但不用在表示距离、时间、数量等的词的前面。如不说 a half mile, a half month 等,却说 a half length, a half share, a half conviction 等。

    ...and a half 和...and a half... 两种表达方式意思相同,如 two miles and a half 和 two and a half miles 都是 “两英里半”。这两种表达方式是英美通用的。即使在英国也并没有 two miles and half a mile, two and half a mile 或 two and half a miles 的结构。

    把 two miles and a half 跟 two and a half miles 比较起来,前者好些,因为 a half miles 读起来似乎很不自然。就时间讲,先有前者,后有后者,后者是从 miles 这种写法产生出来的。同样地,a foot and a quarter 比 one and a quarter feet 好些。

    上面说过,that half a mile 等表达方式里的 a 照理该去掉。下面各种表达方式里的 a 照理也该去掉:

    • those two miles and a half,
    • those two and a half miles,
    • the foot and a quarter,
    • the one and a quarter feet

    但习惯上这种多用的 a 可说是不可少的,省去了反而觉得不自然。


  1. Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 10th edition. Oxford University Press, 2020.

  2. Margaret Deuter, Jennifer Bradbery, Joanna Turnbull. 牛津高阶英汉双解词典,第 9 版. 商务印书馆,2018.

  3. 葛传椝. 葛传槼英语惯用法词典. 上海译文出版社,2012.
