vab 灾难性错误_愚蠢的SEO错误导致大灾难

vab 灾难性错误

There are number of instances when people can be seen bothering about their website not getting indexed in search engines. No matter how much they try, despite every effort taken, the websites and its pages simply fail to get indexed. It may be due to the lack of knowledge or due to insufficient tools, webmasters are not able to identify the actual problem at the first go, hence building to frustration and a few incorrect moves.

在很多情况下,可以看到人们不知道自己的网站在搜索引擎中没有被索引。 无论他们付出了多大努力,尽管付出了一切努力,但网站及其页面却始终无法建立索引。 这可能是由于缺乏知识或由于工具不足而导致,网站管理员无法在一开始就识别出实际问题,因此会感到沮丧和一些错误的举动。


First of all, once you have created your web site and hosted at a web hosting UK server, it is important that you get it verified in the Google Webmaster Tools wherein you are also required to build an XML sitemap and submit it to Google. Upon verification, you would be informed with the exact reason about is stopping your website to be indexed in Google. There may be numerous reasons to it, but one of the very common one’s is because Google bots and spiders are blocked in robots.txt which is actually responsible for grabbing the sitemap of a particular website.

首先,一旦创建了网站并托管在 英国 的 Web托管 服务器上,重要的是要在Google网站管理员工具中对其进行验证,其中还需要构建XML网站地图并将其提交给Google。 经过验证后,系统会通知您有关阻止您的网站在Google中建立索引的确切原因。 可能有很多原因,但是最常见的原因之一是因为robots.txt中阻止了Google僵尸程序和蜘蛛程序,而robots.txt实际上负责抓取特定网站的站点地图。

Further, as a matter of fact, no webmaster would intentionally block the search engines from crawling the website in robots.txt.


So, in the first place you might not even know that your website is blocking search engines through robots.txt. You must take a closer look at this file, if you find anything similar to what is shown below, it confirms that there is a problem with the permissions of robots.txt.

因此,首先,您甚至可能都不知道您的网站正在通过robots.txt阻止搜索引擎。 您必须仔细查看该文件,如果发现与以下所示类似的内容,则表明robots.txt的权限存在问题。

User-agent: * Disallow: /




This concludes your hunt for the problem.


如何使网站对搜索引擎可见? (How to make a website Visible to search engines ?)

Well the solution too simple than what you can least expect.


You are required to login to your WordPress Website as an admin. Then go to the Privacy Settings option. There you need to select the option that says “I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Sphere, Technorati) and archivers”. To avoid such instances, it important that you do not uncheck the option that says “Allow my blog to appear in search engines like Google and Technorati.”

您需要以管理员身份登录WordPress网站。 然后转到“ 隐私设置”选项。 在那里,您需要选择“ 我希望所有人,包括搜索引擎(例如Google,Sphere,Technorati)和存档者”都能看到我的博客的选项 为避免此类情况,请不要取消选中“ 允许我的博客出现在Google和Technorati之类的搜索引擎中 ”的选项,这一点很重要

Once you have made the necessary changes to the settings in WordPress, you must resubmit it in Google Webmaster Tools for re-verification. Don’t be surprised to see that your website and its various are now indexed. If not, you would need to check in webmaster tools for the reason and dig deeper to resolve the issue.

对WordPress中的设置进行必要的更改后,您必须在Google网站管理员工具中重新提交该设置以进行重新验证。 看到您的网站及其各种内容都已编入索引,不要感到惊讶。 如果不是,您将需要检查网站站长工具的原因,并进行更深入的研究以解决问题。


vab 灾难性错误
