巨衫数据库 SequoiaDB-v3 SCDD认证答案(仅供参考)



stmt = conn.createStatement();// Write sql

String sql = "CREATE TABLE employee_quiz " +

    "(" +


    "ename VARCHAR(128), " +

    "age INT" +

    ")";// Execute sql


stmt = conn.createStatement();

// Write sql

String sql2 = "INSERT INTO employee_quiz VALUES (10001, 'George', 48),(10002, 'Bezalel', 21),(10006 ,'Anneke',19)";

// Execute sql to insert data into employee



stmt = conn.createStatement();// Write sql

String sql = "UPDATE employee_quiz SET age = 34 WHERE empno = '10001'";// Execute sql



stmt = conn.createStatement();// Write sql

String sql = "DELETE FROM employee_quiz WHERE empno = '10006'";// Execute sql



stmt = conn.createStatement();// Execute sql

stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW employee_bak AS SELECT * FROM employee_quiz;");


stmt = conn.createStatement();

// Write sql

String sql2 = "INSERT INTO user VALUES (1,NOW(),PASSWORD(‘123456’))";

// Execute sql to insert data into employee




Sequoiadb db = new Sequoiadb("sdbserver1", 11810,"sdbadmin", "sdbadmin");

db.createCollectionSpace("company ");

CollectionSpace cs = db.getCollectionSpace("company ");

DBCollection cl = cs.createCollection("employee");

BasicBSONObject column = new BasicBSONObject();// Index contains fields

column.put("empno", 1);// Create a unique index.

cl.createIndex("idx_empno", column, true, false);


List records = new ArrayList<>();

BasicBSONObject r1 = new BasicBSONObject();

r1.put("empno", 10001);

r1.put("ename", "Georgi");

r1.put("age", 48);


BasicBSONObject r2 = new BasicBSONObject();

r2.put("empno", 10002);

r2.put("ename", "Bezalel");

r2.put("age", 21);




BSONObject matcher = new BasicBSONObject();

BSONObject et = new BasicBSONObject();

et.put("$et", 10001);

matcher.put("empno", et);// Set the modified value.

BSONObject modifier = new BasicBSONObject();

BSONObject value = new BasicBSONObject();

value.put("age", 34);

modifier.put("$set", value);// Execute update operation.

cl.update(matcher, modifier, null);


BasicBSONObject record = new BasicBSONObject();// Add attributes for the personnel.

record.put("ename", "Mike");

record.put("empno", 10007);// Add an array type attribute for the personnel favorite.// favorite:[basketball,football]

BasicBSONList favorite = new BasicBSONList();


favorite.add("swimming");// Insert the favorite array into the properties of the personnel record.

record.put("favorite", favorite);// Insert this record into the employee collection.





AWSCredentials credentials =

            new BasicAWSCredentials("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST",


    String endPoint = "";

    AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration =

        new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(endPoint, null);

    //Create the S3 connection object

    s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()



        new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials)






把以下代码,粘贴到LobQuiz.java的public void createCS方法的TODO和TODO END之间,运行即可;

Sequoiadb db = new Sequoiadb("sdbserver1", 11810, "", "");

CollectionSpace cs = db.createCollectionSpace("school");//Get collection object

        BasicBSONObject mainOptions = new BasicBSONObject();

        mainOptions.put("ShardingKey",new BasicBSONObject("date",1));

        mainOptions.put("ShardingType", "range");//Claim the main collection

        mainOptions.put("IsMainCL", true);


        DBCollection maincl = cs.createCollection("student",mainOptions);

        BasicBSONObject subOptions = new BasicBSONObject();//Set the partition key

        subOptions.put("ShardingKey",new BasicBSONObject("sid",1));//Set the partition method

        subOptions.put("ShardingType", "hash");

        DBCollection subCL1 = cs.

                createCollection("student_202004", subOptions);

        DBCollection subCL2 = cs.

                createCollection("student_202005", subOptions);

        BasicBSONObject attachOptions = new BasicBSONObject();

        attachOptions.put("LowBound", new BasicBSONObject("date", "20200401"));

        attachOptions.put("UpBound", new BasicBSONObject("date", "20200501"));//Get the main table object

        BasicBSONObject attachOptions2 = new BasicBSONObject();

        attachOptions2.put("LowBound", new BasicBSONObject("date", "20200501"));

        attachOptions2.put("UpBound", new BasicBSONObject("date", "20200601"));//Get the main table object

        maincl.attachCollection("school.student_202004", attachOptions);

        maincl.attachCollection("school.student_202005", attachOptions2);

        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        Date date1 = sdf.parse("2020-04-05");

        ObjectId lobID = maincl.createLobID(date1);

        DBLob lob = maincl.createLob(lobID);

        FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("/home/sdbadmin/sequoiadb.txt" );//Write data to the Lob

        lob.write(fileInputStream);//Close the Lob


        DBCursor dbCursor = maincl.listLobs();


            BSONObject record = dbCursor.getNext();




Connection connection2 = DriverManager.getConnection(

                "jdbc:hive2://sdbserver1:10000/quiz",// Hive JDBC connection url

                "sdbadmin",// Hive JDBC connection user name

                ""// Hive JDBC connection password (authentication is not enabled by default)


        // Create Statement

        Statement statement = connection2.createStatement();

        // Drop the existing employee table

        String dropTable =

                "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS quiz.employee1";

        // Execute the SQL statement of drop table


        String dropTable2 =

                "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS quiz.employee2";

        // Execute the SQL statement of drop table


        // Create a mapping table for the employee collection

        String mappingTable =

                "CREATE TABLE quiz.employee1 " +

                        "USING com.sequoiadb.spark  " +

                        "OPTIONS( " +

                        "host 'sdbserver1:11810', " +

                        "collectionspace 'quiz', " +

                        "collection 'employee1', " +

                        "user 'sdbadmin'," +

                        "password 'sdbadmin'" +


        String mappingTable2 =

                "CREATE TABLE quiz.employee2 " +

                        "USING com.sequoiadb.spark  " +

                        "OPTIONS( " +

                        "host 'sdbserver1:11810', " +

                        "collectionspace 'quiz', " +

                        "collection 'employee2', " +

                        "user 'sdbadmin'," +

                        "password 'sdbadmin'" +


        // Execute the SQL statement of create mapping table




try {

            // Load Hive JDBC driver


            // Create Hive JDBC connection

            Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(

                    url,// Hive JDBC connection url

                    "sdbadmin",// Hive JDBC connection user name

                    ""// Hive JDBC connection password (authentication is not enabled by default)


            Statement statement = null;

// Initialize ResultSet

            ResultSet resultSet = null;

            try {

                // SQL statement of create database

                String createDatabaseSQL = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS quiz";

                // Create Statement

                statement = connection.createStatement();

                // Execute the SQL statement of create database


                statement = null;

// Initialize ResultSet

                resultSet = null;

                // TODO END

            } catch (SQLException e) {



        } catch (SQLException e) {





Connection connection2 = DriverManager.getConnection(

                "jdbc:hive2://sdbserver1:10000/quiz",// Hive JDBC connection url

                "sdbadmin",// Hive JDBC connection user name

                ""// Hive JDBC connection password (authentication is not enabled by default)


        // Create Statement

        Statement statement = connection2.createStatement();

        // Drop the existing employee table

        String mappingTable2 =

                "create table quiz.employee_count "+

                        "USING com.sequoiadb.spark  " +

                        "OPTIONS( " +

                        "host 'sdbserver1:11810', " +

                        "collectionspace 'quiz', " +

                        "collection 'employee_count', " +

                        "user 'sdbadmin'," +

                        "password 'sdbadmin'" +


                        "as select sex,count(*) as num from quiz.employee1 group by sex";



Connection connection2 = DriverManager.getConnection(

                "jdbc:hive2://sdbserver1:10000/quiz",// Hive JDBC connection url

                "sdbadmin",// Hive JDBC connection user name

                ""// Hive JDBC connection password (authentication is not enabled by default)


        // Create Statement

        Statement statement = connection2.createStatement();

        // Drop the existing employee table

        String inserts = "insert into employee1 select * from employee2";

        // Execute the SQL statement of create mapping table


        // TODO END


五 直接粘贴即可

package com.sequoiadb.lesson.flink.quiz;

import com.chaoc.flink.streaming.connectors.SequoiadbSink;

import com.chaoc.flink.streaming.connectors.SequoiadbSource;

import com.chaoc.flink.streaming.connectors.option.SequoiadbOption;

import com.sequoiadb.lesson.flink.common.FlinkQuizCheck;

import com.sequoiadb.lesson.flink.common.Init;

import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobExecutionResult;

import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction;

import org.apache.flink.api.java.functions.KeySelector;

import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple;

import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2;

import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple3;

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.*;

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.windowing.WindowFunction;

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.windows.GlobalWindow;

import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;

import org.bson.BSONObject;

import org.bson.BasicBSONObject;

import org.bson.types.BSONDecimal;

import java.util.Iterator;


 * 考试


public class AssignmentMain {


     * 请在此处添加数据源


     * 通过使用 SequoiadbSource 将巨杉数据库中的集合作为数据源添加到执行环境

     * @param env 流执行环境

     * @return


    private static DataStream source(StreamExecutionEnvironment env) {

        DataStreamSource dataSource = null;

        // TODO code 1

        SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()







        // Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")

        dataSource = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"));

        // TODO END

        return dataSource;



     * 请在此处实现数据类型转换


     * 通过 map 算子将 BSONObject 转换为 Tuple3 类型

     * @param transData 原始数据集

     * @return


    private static DataStream> map(DataStream transData) {

        DataStream> resultData = null;

        // TODO code 2

        resultData = transData.map(new MapFunction

                Tuple3>() {


             * Execute on every event

             * @param object Original event

             * @return

             * @throws Exception



            public Tuple3 map(BSONObject object)

                    throws Exception {

                // Extract the required fields

                return Tuple3.of(object.get("trans_name").toString(),                                  ((BSONDecimal) object.get("money")).toBigDecimal().doubleValue(), 1);



        // TODO END

        return resultData;



     * 请在此处按照 Tuple3 中的第一个字段进行分组


     * 通过 keyBy 算子完成分组操作

     * @param moneyData 类型转换后的数据集

     * @return


    private static KeyedStream, Tuple> keyBy(DataStream

            Double, Integer>> moneyData) {

        KeyedStream, Tuple> resultData = null;

        // TODO code 3

        resultData = moneyData.keyBy(0);

        // TODO END

        return resultData;



     * 请在此处完成开窗


     * 通过 countWindow 算子对数据集进行开窗,此处请使用滑动计数窗口,窗口大小为 100,滑动步长为 50

     * @param keyedData 分组后的数据集

     * @return


    private static WindowedStream, Tuple, GlobalWindow> countWindow(

            KeyedStream, Tuple> keyedData) {

        WindowedStream, Tuple, GlobalWindow> resultData = null;

        // TODO code 4

        resultData = keyedData.countWindow(100, 50);

        // TODO END

        return resultData;



     * 请在此处统计每个窗口内的每种交易的交易总额和交易次数


     * 通过 apply 算子迭代遍历所有事件完成交易总额与交易次数的统计

     * @param countWindow 开窗后的数据集

     * @return


    private static DataStream> reduce(WindowedStream,

            Tuple, GlobalWindow> countWindow) {

        DataStream> resultData = null;

        // TODO code 5

        resultData = countWindow.apply(new WindowFunction, Tuple2, Tuple, GlobalWindow>() {


             * Execute when the window meets the conditions, which similar to the flatMap operator

             * @param tuple Group field value. Since the subscript was used for grouping, the specific data type cannot be obtained, so the Tuple abstract representation is used here.

             * @param globalWindow Global window reference

             * @param iterable References to all data sets in the current window

             * @param collector Result collector

             * @throws Exception



            public void apply(Tuple tuple, GlobalWindow globalWindow, Iterable> iterable,

                              Collector> collector) throws Exception {

                double sum = 0;

                Iterator> iterator = iterable.iterator();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                    sum += iterator.next().f1;


                collector.collect(Tuple2.of(tuple.getField(0), sum));



        // TODO END

        return resultData;



     * 请将数据格式转换为 BSONObject


     * 通过 map 算子将 Tuple2 转换为 BSONObject

     * @param dataStream 聚合后的结果数据集

     * @return


    private static DataStream toBson(DataStream> dataStream) {

        DataStream bsonData = null;

        // TODO code 6

        bsonData = dataStream.map(new MapFunction, BSONObject>() {


            public BSONObject map(Tuple2 value) throws Exception {

                BasicBSONObject obj = new BasicBSONObject();

                obj.append("trans_name", value.f0);

                obj.append("total_sum", value.f1);

                return obj;



        // TODO END

        return bsonData;



     * 请向结果 DataStream 中添加 Sink


     * 通过添加 SequoiadbSink 将结果写入到 SequoiaDB

     * @param dataStream 类型转换为 BSONObject 的数据集

     * @return


    private static DataStreamSink sink(DataStream dataStream) {

        DataStreamSink streamSink = null;

        // TODO code 7

        SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()







        streamSink = dataStream.addSink(new SequoiadbSink(option));

        // TODO END

        return streamSink;



     * 程序主干,严禁修改


     * @param args 参数

     * @throws Exception


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Init.initCollection(true, "ASSIGNMENT_CHECK", "ASSIGNMENT");

        // 获取执行环境

        StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

        // 通过数据源读入数据

        DataStream transSource = source(env);

        // 对数据进行map转换

        DataStream> moneyData = map(transSource);


        // 数据分组

        KeyedStream, Tuple> keyedData = keyBy(moneyData);


        // 通过window进行分组

        WindowedStream, Tuple, GlobalWindow> countWindow = countWindow(keyedData);


        // 聚合求结果

        DataStream> sumData = reduce(countWindow);

        // 转换结果为BsonObject

        DataStream bsonDataStream = toBson(sumData);

        // 将结果写入sequoiadb


        // 执行流作业

        JobExecutionResult executionResult = env.execute("flink window");



