
Options For Change:(职业转型的不同选择)

Low Risk Option:(低度风险的选择)

The low risk option is seeking a job similar to your current/last position, in the same industry sector.(所谓低度风险选择就是在同一行业中寻找一份与你目前或过去职位相似的工作。)

You may already had useful contacts in your work area: use them to network and indentify new opportunities.(你可能已经在目前的工作圈子建立了相当有用的人际关系:通过他们来帮助你搜寻和发现新的机会。)

Medium Risk Option(中度风险的选择)

1. New skills, same business sector:(1、新的技能,同一行业)

For example, moving from a quality assurance role in the food sector to technical training with another food company.(例如,从食品行业的质量保证岗位转换到另一个食品公司的技术培训岗位)

This may involve retraining: are you prepared for this?(这可能要涉及再培训事宜:你做好准备了吗)

Would your personal circumstances allow you to study?(你的个人情况允许你学习新技能吗)

Can you afford the costs of retraining?(你能承担再培训所需的投入吗)

Are you still physically and intellectually capable of the change?(在体力和智力上你能胜任职业的改变吗)

Are you at a relatively early stage in your career and how well do you know your own sector?(你是否处在整个职业生涯中相对较早的阶段?你对目前自己所从事行业的了解有多少)

Have you indentified a potential skill shortage?(你发现自己在技能方面还存在哪些潜在的不足吗)

The long-term benefits may well be worth the initial financial sacrifice.(长期的收益能够弥补起步阶段的经济损失)

2. Same skills, new business sector:(同样的技能,新的行业)

Eg: an accountant can move relatively easily from the food sector to the travel industry.(例如:一名会计能相对容易地从食品行业转到旅游业工作)

Some skills, experience and competencies can also lead you into consultancy work of various kinds.(某些技能、经验和能力还能帮助你进入咨询行业,从事各种各样的顾问工作)
