原创文章;转载请注明出处:©️ Sylvan Ding
∂ f ∂ x = f ( x + 1 ) − f ( x ) \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = f(x+1)-f(x) ∂x∂f=f(x+1)−f(x)
∂ 2 f ∂ x 2 = f ( x + 1 ) − f ( x − 1 ) + 2 f ( x ) \frac{\partial ^2f}{\partial x^2} = f(x+1)-f(x-1)+2f(x) ∂x2∂2f=f(x+1)−f(x−1)+2f(x)
对于二维函数图像 f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y),其拉普拉斯算子定义为:
∇ 2 f = ∂ 2 f ∂ x 2 + ∂ 2 f ∂ y 2 \nabla^{2} f=\frac{\partial^{2} f}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} f}{\partial y^{2}} ∇2f=∂x2∂2f+∂y2∂2f
在 x x x 方向和 y y y 方向上有:
∂ 2 f ∂ x 2 = f ( x + 1 , y ) + f ( x − 1 , y ) − 2 f ( x , y ) \frac{\partial^{2} f}{\partial x^{2}}=f(x+1, y)+f(x-1, y)-2 f(x, y) ∂x2∂2f=f(x+1,y)+f(x−1,y)−2f(x,y)
∂ 2 f ∂ y 2 = f ( x , y + 1 ) + f ( x , y − 1 ) − 2 f ( x , y ) \frac{\partial^{2} f}{\partial y^{2}}=f(x, y+1)+f(x, y-1)-2 f(x, y) ∂y2∂2f=f(x,y+1)+f(x,y−1)−2f(x,y)
∇ 2 f ( x , y ) = f ( x + 1 , y ) + f ( x − 1 , y ) + f ( x , y + 1 ) + f ( x , y − 1 ) − 4 f ( x , y ) \nabla^{2} f(x, y)=f(x+1, y)+f(x-1, y)+f(x, y+1)+f(x, y-1)-4 f(x, y) ∇2f(x,y)=f(x+1,y)+f(x−1,y)+f(x,y+1)+f(x,y−1)−4f(x,y)
[ 0 1 0 1 − 4 1 0 1 0 ] \begin{bmatrix}0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1& -4 &1 \\ 0& 1 &0 \end{bmatrix} ⎣⎡0101−41010⎦⎤
中四个角均为 0 0 0,没有纳入拉普拉斯算子的线性计算中,因为这样构造出的模版只是在 x、y 坐标轴方向上求了二阶微分,那么可以考虑向定义中拉普拉斯算子里加入 4 5 ∘ 45^\circ 45∘、 13 5 ∘ 135^\circ 135∘ 的对角线方向的二阶微分。
∇ 2 f ( x , y ) = f ( x − 1 , y + 1 ) + f ( x + 1 , y + 1 ) + f ( x + 1 , y − 1 ) + f ( x − 1 , y − 1 ) + f ( x + 1 , y ) + f ( x − 1 , y ) + f ( x , y + 1 ) + f ( x , y − 1 ) − 8 f ( x , y ) \nabla^{2} f(x, y)=f(x-1, y+1)+f(x+1, y+1)+f(x+1, y-1)+f(x-1, y-1)+f(x+1, y)+f(x-1, y)+f(x, y+1)+f(x, y-1)-8 f(x, y) ∇2f(x,y)=f(x−1,y+1)+f(x+1,y+1)+f(x+1,y−1)+f(x−1,y−1)+f(x+1,y)+f(x−1,y)+f(x,y+1)+f(x,y−1)−8f(x,y)
[ 1 1 1 1 − 8 1 1 1 1 ] \begin{bmatrix} 1& 1 &1 \\ 1& -8 &1 \\ 1& 1 &1 \end{bmatrix} ⎣⎡1111−81111⎦⎤
g ( x , y ) = f ( x , y ) − [ ∇ 2 f ( x , y ) ] g(x, y)=f(x, y)-\left[\nabla^{2} f(x, y)\right] g(x,y)=f(x,y)−[∇2f(x,y)]
其中, f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y) 为原图, g ( x , y ) g(x,y) g(x,y)为锐化后所得到的图像函数。
由于 ∇ 2 f ( x , y ) \nabla^{2} f(x, y) ∇2f(x,y) 拉普拉斯图像中既有负值也有正值,故在展示拉普拉斯图像时,负值会截断成灰度值 0,超过 255 的灰度值也会截断成 255,所以需要标定,本质上是归一化。
cv.filter2D(src, ddepth, kernel[, dst[, anchor[, delta[, borderType]]]]) -> dst
Convolves an image with the kernel.
The function applies an arbitrary linear filter to an image. In-place operation is supported. When the aperture is partially outside the image, the function interpolates outlier pixel values according to the specified border mode.
The function does actually compute correlation, not the convolution:
dst ( x , y ) = ∑ 0 ≤ x ′ < kernel.cols 0 ≤ y ′ < kernel.rows kernel ( x ′ , y ′ ) ∗ src ( x + x ′ − anchor. x , y + y ′ − anchor.y ) \operatorname{dst}(x, y)=\sum_{\begin{array}{l} 0 \leq x^{\prime}<\text { kernel.cols } \\ 0 \leq y^{\prime}<\text { kernel.rows }\end{array} } \operatorname{kernel}\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}\right) * \operatorname{src}\left(x+x^{\prime}-\text { anchor. } x, y+y^{\prime}-\text { anchor.y }\right) dst(x,y)=0≤x′< kernel.cols 0≤y′< kernel.rows ∑kernel(x′,y′)∗src(x+x′− anchor. x,y+y′− anchor.y )
That is, the kernel is not mirrored around the anchor point. If you need a real convolution, flip the kernel using flip and set the new anchor to (kernel.cols - anchor.x - 1, kernel.rows - anchor.y - 1)
CV_8U (0…255)
CV_8S (-128…127)
CV_16U (0…65535)
CV_16S (-32768…32767)
is channel number, CV_8UC1 means 8 unsigned with a channel.
cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT: It adds a constant colored border. The value should be given as a keyword argument
cv2.BORDER_REFLECT: The border will be mirror reflection of the border elements. Suppose, if image contains letters “abcdefg” then output will be “gfedcba|abcdefg|gfedcba“.
cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101 or cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT: It does the same works as cv2.BORDER_REFLECT but with slight change. Suppose, if image contains letters “abcdefgh” then output will be “gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba“.
cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE: It replicates the last element. Suppose, if image contains letters “abcdefgh” then output will be “aaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhh“.
不难发现,模版2 比 模版1 效果更好。
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Laplace(img, kernel):
des_8U = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel=kernel, borderType=cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
des_16S = cv2.filter2D(img, ddepth=cv2.CV_16SC1, kernel=kernel, borderType=cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
g = img - des_16S
g[g<0] = 0
g[g>255] = 255
# origin, des_8U, des_16S, filtered
plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(des_8U, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(des_16S, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(g, cmap='gray')
img0 = 'moon.tif'
f = cv2.imread(img0, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
kernel1 = np.asarray([[0, 1, 0],
[1, -4, 1],
[0, 1, 0]])
Laplace(f, kernel1)
kernel2 = np.asarray([[1, 1, 1],
[1, -8, 1],
[1, 1, 1]])
Laplace(f, kernel2)