@vue/cli-service version:3.1.2 development 模式源码解读

2018-11-04 06:30:00 Cloudy and rainy
入口文件main.js 里面有这么一行代码:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') require('@/mock')

process.env.NODE_ENV 是什么鬼,又是如何设置为production的呢?我大概翻了翻目录,发现没有类似env的配置文件,于是我走向了一条不归路....

"scripts": {
    "dev": "vue-cli-service serve --open",
    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
    "lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
    "test:unit": "vue-cli-service test:unit",
    "test:e2e": "vue-cli-service test:e2e"

在node_modules里面找到@vue/cli-service/bin 下的vue-cli-service.js

#!/usr/bin/env node

const semver = require('semver')
const { error } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
const requiredVersion = require('../package.json').engines.node
if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, requiredVersion)) {
    `You are using Node ${process.version}, but vue-cli-service ` +
    `requires Node ${requiredVersion}.\nPlease upgrade your Node version.`
const Service = require('../lib/Service')
const service = new Service(process.env.VUE_CLI_CONTEXT || process.cwd())

const rawArgv = process.argv.slice(2)
const args = require('minimist')(rawArgv, {
  boolean: [
    // build
    // serve
    // inspect
const command = args._[0]
service.run(command, args, rawArgv).catch(err => {

嗯,大概浏览一遍,实例话了 Service 类,执行了 run 函数;process.env.VUE_CLI_CONTEXT 首先这玩意如果不定义是肯定 undefined ,所以读取了当前项目的根目录位置;

Service Class

  async run (name, args = {}, rawArgv = []) {
    // name = serve;args = {},;rawArgv = []
    const mode = args.mode || (name === 'build' && args.watch ? 'development' : this.modes[name])
    // mode的取值应该是this.modes[name],那么让我们看一下this.modes是什么(暂且忽略下面的代码哈)

    args._ = args._ || []
    let command = this.commands[name]
    if (!command && name) {
      error(`command "${name}" does not exist.`)
    if (!command || args.help) {
      command = this.commands.help
    } else {
      args._.shift() // remove command itself
    const { fn } = command
    return fn(args, rawArgv)


module.exports = class Service {
  constructor (context, { plugins, pkg, inlineOptions, useBuiltIn } = {}) {
    process.VUE_CLI_SERVICE = this
    this.initialized = false
    this.context = context
    this.inlineOptions = inlineOptions
    this.webpackChainFns = []
    this.webpackRawConfigFns = []
    this.devServerConfigFns = []
    this.commands = {}
    // Folder containing the target package.json for plugins
    this.pkgContext = context
    // package.json containing the plugins
    this.pkg = this.resolvePkg(pkg)
    // If there are inline plugins, they will be used instead of those
    // found in package.json.
    // When useBuiltIn === false, built-in plugins are disabled. This is mostly
    // for testing.
    this.plugins = this.resolvePlugins(plugins, useBuiltIn)
    // resolve the default mode to use for each command
    // this is provided by plugins as module.exports.defaultModes
    // so we can get the information without actually applying the plugin.
    this.modes = this.plugins.reduce((modes, { apply: { defaultModes }}) => {
      return Object.assign(modes, defaultModes)
    }, {})

在最后一行看到 this.modes 进行了一个初始赋值,来源是 this.pluginsthis.plugins 又来源于 this.resolvePlugins(plugins, useBuiltIn),让我们看一下这个函数的内容,同时需要注意的是,this.resolvePlugins(plugins, useBuiltIn) 的第一个参数是undefined

//const pluginRE = /^(@vue\/|vue-|@[\w-]+\/vue-)cli-plugin-/
//exports.isPlugin = id => pluginRE.test(id)

resolvePlugins (inlinePlugins, useBuiltIn) {
    const idToPlugin = id => ({
      id: id.replace(/^.\//, 'built-in:'),
      apply: require(id)

    let plugins

    const builtInPlugins = [
      // config plugins are order sensitive
    ].map(idToPlugin) // 这一步,把内置的模块进行拼装成id,apply(是一个require)的形式
   // 代码看到这里,我们大概可以知道,builtInPlugins就是一个二维数组,每一项都有一个id和apply函数
   // 由形参可以知道,下面会走else的代码
    if (inlinePlugins) {
      plugins = useBuiltIn !== false
        ? builtInPlugins.concat(inlinePlugins)
        : inlinePlugins
    } else {
      // this.pkg就是package.json(项目的)的json结构,感兴趣了可以自己去看看代码如何获取的就行了
      const projectPlugins = Object.keys(this.pkg.devDependencies || {})
        .concat(Object.keys(this.pkg.dependencies || {}))
        .filter(isPlugin)  // 过滤了咱们的包里面是@vue/cli-plugin 插件的
        .map(id => {
        // 下面代码也是走的else
          if (
            this.pkg.optionalDependencies &&
            id in this.pkg.optionalDependencies
          ) {
            let apply = () => {}
            try {
              apply = require(id)
            } catch (e) {
              warn(`Optional dependency ${id} is not installed.`)
            return { id, apply }
          } else {
            return idToPlugin(id)
      plugins = builtInPlugins.concat(projectPlugins) // 合并了builtIn插件和project插件
    ******** (暂时省略这么多代码)

看到这里,我们可以知道 resolvePlugins 返回的就是一个数组,数组的每一项分别是id和require的内容(这个后面是需要了解的,但是我们暂且不做分析,继续往下走)

this.modes = this.plugins.reduce((modes, { apply: { defaultModes }}) => {
      return Object.assign(modes, defaultModes)
    }, {})

@vue/cli-service/lib/commands/serve 挑出来它看一下把,翻回文件的末尾:

module.exports.defaultModes = {
  serve: 'development'


{ serve: 'development',
  build: 'production',
  inspect: 'development' }


  init (mode = process.env.VUE_CLI_MODE) {
    if (this.initialized) {
    this.initialized = true
    this.mode = mode

    if (mode) {   // 执行这一步骤
    // load base .env
    // load user config
    const userOptions = this.loadUserOptions()
    this.projectOptions = defaultsDeep(userOptions, defaults())
    // apply plugins.
    this.plugins.forEach(({ id, apply }) => {
      apply(new PluginAPI(id, this), this.projectOptions)
    // apply webpack configs from project config file
    if (this.projectOptions.chainWebpack) {
    if (this.projectOptions.configureWebpack) {

loadEnv (mode) {
    const logger = debug('vue:env')
    const basePath = path.resolve(this.context, `.env${mode ? `.${mode}` : ``}`)
    const localPath = `${basePath}.local`

    const load = path => {
      try {
        const res = loadEnv(path)
        logger(path, res)
      } catch (err) {
        // only ignore error if file is not found
        if (err.toString().indexOf('ENOENT') < 0) {
    // by default, NODE_ENV and BABEL_ENV are set to "development" unless mode
    // is production or test. However the value in .env files will take higher
    // priority.
    if (mode) {
      // always set NODE_ENV during tests
      // as that is necessary for tests to not be affected by each other
      const shouldForceDefaultEnv = (
        process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST &&
      const defaultNodeEnv = (mode === 'production' || mode === 'test')
        ? mode
        : 'development'
      if (shouldForceDefaultEnv || process.env.NODE_ENV == null) {
        process.env.NODE_ENV = defaultNodeEnv
      if (shouldForceDefaultEnv || process.env.BABEL_ENV == null) {
        process.env.BABEL_ENV = defaultNodeEnv

// 非类的函数loadEnv
module.exports = function loadEnv (path = '.env') {
  const config = parse(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'))
  Object.keys(config).forEach(key => {
    if (typeof process.env[key] === 'undefined') {
      process.env[key] = config[key]
  return config

核心的步骤就是readFileSync一下 .env.env.local内容,然后赋值给 process.env,不过关于.env这一块儿我暂时没看明白,随后再看;然后开始执行

this.plugins.forEach(({ id, apply }) => {
   apply(new PluginAPI(id, this), this.projectOptions)


module.exports = (api, options) => {
  api.registerCommand('serve', {
    description: 'start development server',
    usage: 'vue-cli-service serve [options] [entry]',
    options: {
      '--open': `open browser on server start`,
      '--copy': `copy url to clipboard on server start`,
      '--mode': `specify env mode (default: development)`,
      '--host': `specify host (default: ${defaults.host})`,
      '--port': `specify port (default: ${defaults.port})`,
      '--https': `use https (default: ${defaults.https})`,
      '--public': `specify the public network URL for the HMR client`
  }, async function serve (args) {
    info('Starting development server...')

    // although this is primarily a dev server, it is possible that we
    // are running it in a mode with a production env, e.g. in E2E tests.
    const isInContainer = checkInContainer()
    const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
      // 下面删除的代码比较多,可能大括号不对应哈


class PluginAPI {
   * @param {string} id - Id of the plugin.
   * @param {Service} service - A vue-cli-service instance.
  constructor (id, service) {
    this.id = id
    this.service = service
 registerCommand (name, opts, fn) {
    if (typeof opts === 'function') {
      fn = opts
      opts = null
    this.service.commands[name] = { fn, opts: opts || {}}  // this值得是Service实例,主要是给实例的service的commands赋值
  ********* // 有删减

截至到现在,应该至少知道了this.service.commands['serve']的值是{ fn: async 函数,opts: 那一堆配置 }
然后在Servicerun函数知道,async函数就要执行了,传递了两个参数,argsrawArgv 然后就是webpack自己的事情了,开启服务啊,热更新啊什么乱七八糟的...


2018-11-01 10:46:00 Sleep


你可能感兴趣的:(@vue/cli-service version:3.1.2 development 模式源码解读)