



Unless you regularly peruse the less—ahem—mainstream portions of the web’s personal electronics sites, you might not be very familiar with the booming low-price gadget trade. Manufacturers in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea are more than willing to offer phones, tablets, music players, and even full PCs to buyers whose budgets won’t stretch to the big brand names.

除非您定期仔细阅读网站的个人电子站点的次要部分,否则您可能对蓬勃发展的低价电子产品交易不太熟悉。 中国大陆,香港,台湾和韩国的制造商更愿意为预算不涉及知名品牌的买家提供电话,平板电脑,音乐播放器,甚至是完整的PC。

为什么走人迹罕至的地方? (Why Go Off the Beaten Path?)

Now, some of the products offered on Asian import sites might not have quite the same standards for materials or features that you’re used to if you stick to the likes of Samsung and Apple. But in addition to lower prices, these imports also often come with unconventional designs. For example, the gadget pictured at the top of this post is an Android-powered knockoff of Nintendo’s 3DS design, offering only one screen but far more power—not to mention compatibility with tons of Android games and emulated ROMs that you can’t play on “official” hardware.

现在,如果您坚持使用三星和苹果之类的产品,那么在亚洲进口站点上提供的某些产品可能在材料或功能上没有完全相同的标准。 但是,除了降低价格外,这些进口产品还经常带有非常规设计。 例如,本文顶部的小工具是Nintendo 3DS设计的Android驱动仿制产品,仅提供一个屏幕,但功能更强大-更不用说与大量Android游戏和您无法玩的仿真ROM的兼容性在“官方”硬件上。

Cheap electronics are also a great way to try out new form factors or software without investing too much of your money in something you might not like. Consider this Windows-powered tablet: it’s essentially a clone of the low-end Surface, but at half the price (including a keyboard!), it’s a great way to try out the convertible style without dropping a thousand dollars or more on a Surface Pro.

廉价的电子产品也是尝试新的外形尺寸或软件而不用花太多钱购买不喜欢的东西的好方法。 考虑一下这种由Windows驱动的平板电脑:它本质上是低端Surface的克隆,但价格仅为一半(包括键盘!),这是一种尝试可转换样式而又不花一千美元或更多在Surface上尝试的好方法亲

And of course, there’s always simple cost savings to consider. If you’re willing to roll the dice on lower quality and wait a few weeks for shipping from overseas, you can save a bundle on cheap items like USB cables, phone cases, watches, tools—almost anything, really.

当然,总会考虑节省成本。 如果您愿意以较低的质量掷骰子,并等待数周从国外运送,则可以将捆绑包保存在便宜的物品上,例如USB电缆,手机壳,手表,工具-几乎所有物品。

Gearbest:直接订购的最佳选择 (Gearbest: the Best Option For Straightforward Ordering)


Gearbest sells items from its own warehouse and from affiliated sellers via its associate program. Unlike some of the other options on this list, it offers straightforward payments via all major credit cards and PayPal. Select your items, put them in your cart, and pay—that’s all there is to it. The site offers a three-day DOA return, a fourteen-day return on unopened items, and a one-year repair warranty on all items, on top of whatever warranties are offered by other sellers.

Gearbest通过其联营计划从自己的仓库和关联卖家出售商品。 与该列表中的某些其他选项不同,它通过所有主要的信用卡和PayPal提供直接付款。 选择您的物品,将它们放入购物车中,然后付款-就是所有这些。 除了其他卖家提供的任何保修服务之外,该站点还提供三天的DOA退货,十四天的未开封产品退货以及所有物品的一年维修保修。

The store’s primary focus is on consumer electronics and accessories, but it offers home goods, tools, toys, and even fashion and decorative items. Major brands are mostly absent, though imitation goods are pervasive throughout the catalog. Anecdotal evidence shows that Gearbest sellers sometimes mark items in stock when they’re not, so be prepared for the possibility of long shipping times.

该商店的主要重点是消费类电子产品和配件,但它提供家居用品,工具,玩具,甚至时装和装饰物品。 主要的品牌大多不存在,尽管整个目录中普遍存在仿制品。 轶事证据表明,Gearbest卖家有时会在没有商品的时候给商品加上标记,因此请做好准备准备较长运输时间。

BangGood:选择范围广但浅 (BangGood: Wide But Shallow Selection)


With separate warehouses in North America and Europe for at least some products featured on the main item page, BangGood might be able to get your items to you a little faster than other retailers. It also has a much broader catalog, with items in almost every conceivable category. Of course, this means some categories are rather shallow when it comes to actual selection for picky buyers. Though the site accepts payments in a few dozen international currencies via standard credit cards and PayPal, checking out can sometimes be a hassle, requiring multiple tries for payments to go through.

在北美和欧洲设有单独的仓库,至少可以在主要商品页面上显示某些商品, BangGood也许可以比其他零售商更快地将商品交付给您。 它还具有更广泛的目录,几乎所有可以想到的类别都有项目。 当然,这意味着针对挑剔买家的实际选择中的某些类别比较浅。 尽管该网站可以通过标准信用卡和PayPal接受几十种国际货币的付款,但结帐有时会很麻烦,需要多次尝试才能完成付款。

BangGood’s return policy varies with each sales department, but in general you have three days after delivery to return something. But if there’s no verified shipment tracking—a very real possibility with items going through multiple countries via cheap carriers—you only have thirty days after the order to return the item. If you’re buying from some of the pricier Chinese brands on the store, like Lenovo or Huawei, you might want to spring for deluxe tracked shipping.

BangGood的退货政策因每个销售部门而异,但是通常您在交货后三天内会退货。 但是,如果没有经过验证的货运跟踪(非常有可能通过廉价的承运人将货物运往多个国家),则您只能在下订单后三十天内退回货物。 如果您是从商店中一些价格较高的中国品牌(如联想或华为)购买的,则您可能希望弹簧式进行豪华货运。

采购:对于进口手机瘾君子 (Everbuying: For Imported Cell Phone Addicts)


Everbuying focuses on cell phones, tablets, and other consumer electronics, though it has a small selection of watches, toys, and beauty products. It sells from its primary Chinese warehouse and via affiliate sellers. Though prices are a bit higher than the previous vendors we’ve covered, Everybuying’s focus on cell phones means it has a better selection of enthusiast-favored brands like Xiaomi and Elephone. Most electronics items offer free or reduced shipping, though of course it can take a while.

Everbuying专注于手机,平板电脑和其他消费类电子产品,尽管其中有少量手表,玩具和美容产品。 它从其主要的中国仓库和联属卖家进行销售。 尽管价格比我们以前介绍的供应商要高一些,但是Everybuying专注于手机,这意味着它有更多受爱好者青睐的品牌,如小米和Elephone。 大多数电子产品提供免费或减免的运费,尽管当然可能需要一些时间。

The site accepts major credit cards and PayPal, offers FedEx and UPS shipping once items are stateside, and boasts a thirty-day guarantee on all products (unfortunately minus shipping costs). That said, the company seems pretty invested in its questionable customer service department, much preferring you to ask for their help in “fixing” something before applying for a return. Be wary of major purchases.

该网站接受主要的信用卡和PayPal,一旦商品在美国境内就可以提供FedEx和UPS送货服务,并且对所有产品均提供30天的保修(不幸的是减去运费)。 也就是说,该公司似乎对可疑的客户服务部门进行了相当多的投资,更希望您在申请退货之前寻求他们的“解决”帮助。 警惕重大购买。

速卖通:当您找不到其他地方时 (AliExpress: When You Can’t Find It Anywhere Else)


As the small business-focused alternative to the massive Alibaba online retailer, AliExpress often offers items that you can’t find online anywhere else. The downside is that it’s generally intended for resellers—that is, small businesses importing items by the dozen to sell to consumers via online or brick-and-mortar stores. That said, it’s often the only place to find certain obscure electronics or toy items.

作为专门针对小型企业的大型阿里巴巴在线零售商的替代品,速卖通经常提供您在其他任何地方都找不到的商品。 缺点是它通常是供转销商使用的,也就是说,小型企业从批发商那里进口一打的商品,然后通过在线商店或实体商店出售给消费者。 也就是说,它通常是找到某些晦涩的电子产品或玩具的唯一地方。

Unlike Alibaba, you don’t need any special account or massive bulk orders to buy from AliExpress. If a vendor offers a single item purchase, you’re welcome to grab it, though it’s usually more expensive than the bulk price prominently featured on the listing page. Payment methods are MasterCard and Visa only for major credit cards, with a wide selection of international wallet payments—but no PayPal. Be aware that AliExpress has no set-in-stone refund policy, instead offering a complex eBay-style “dispute” system between the buyer and seller. It’s not a place to go if you want an especially safe buying experience.

与阿里巴巴不同,您不需要任何特殊帐户或大量大宗订单即可从速卖通购买商品。 如果供应商提供单个项目的购买,则欢迎您购买它,尽管它通常比清单页面上突出显示的批量价格贵。 付款方式是MasterCard和Visa仅适用于主要信用卡,并且可以选择多种国际钱包付款,但没有PayPal。 请注意,全球速卖通没有固定的退款政策,而是在买卖双方之间提供了复杂的eBay风格的“争议”系统。 如果您想要特别安全的购买体验,那么这不是一个去处。

亚马逊和eBay (Amazon and eBay)

If you’re looking for a specific product that isn’t available at standard retailers, don’t forget to check Amazon. Its affiliate program means it lists items from all over the world, and enthusiast products are often bought in bulk by resellers and posted to Amazon for buyers outside of Asia. They’ll generally be more expensive than on the sites listed above, but Amazon has higher standards for sellers and a much more forgiving return system, allowing a little more peace of mind when buying. And of course, eBay is a bazaar for international low-price electronics, offering reasonably safe buyer protection via PayPal.

如果您正在寻找标准零售商无法提供的特定产品,请不要忘记查看Amazon。 它的会员计划意味着它列出了来自世界各地的商品,发烧友产品通常由转售商批量购买,然后发给亚马逊以供亚洲以外的买家使用。 它们通常比上面列出的网站贵,但亚马逊对卖家的标准更高,退货系统也更宽容,购买时更省心。 当然,eBay是国际低价电子产品的集市,可通过PayPal提供相当安全的买家保护。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325167/the-best-online-retailers-for-cheap-imported-gadgets/

