

Are you a student or do you work?

1. a mixed bag


e.g. Do you like your subject?

To tell the truth, my subject is kind of a mixed bag. Meaning, I like my tutor alot and I get a kick out of doing assignments with my classmates, but I loathehaving to write so many papers and attend lectures first thing in the morning.

2. (to take to something) like duck to water


e.g. Do you like your subject?

Absolutely! To tell the truth I took this subject like a duck to water! I’m pretty savvy when it comes to this area of study. In fact I think It’s fair to say I have a genetic predisposition for this kind of thing!

3. all the rage=(to be) hot= (to be) in=(to be) the latest fad.

Rage 通常是生气的意思,但“all the rage”意思是某事或某物在目前非常流行。

e.g. Is it a popular subject?

My subject is all the rage right now. By that I mean, many students want to choosethis major because it can possibly lead to an illustrious career. There are somany opportunities for graduates with this degree.

4. an eye-opener令人大开眼界的事

Broaden my horizon的替换

e.g. Did you like your first day at school?

Yeah, my first day at university was a real eye-opener! I’d never been on such a large campus before!

5. be snowed under (with study/work, etc.)


“I’m as busy as a bee” or  “I’m as busy as a beaver”比较过时了,现在不常用。

e.g. Do you like your job?

I like my job quite a lot, but to tell the truth, I’m usually snowed under with writing reports and meeting deadlines and so on.

6. up in the air 尚未确定

What are your future plans?

Well, next year I’m going to go abroad tostudy. After that, it’s all up in the air actually. I might try to find a job overseas or I may check out some positions locally.
