


设如下四个表,先创建表, 插入数据, 然后做后面的查询:
student (学生信息表)
sno sname sex birthday class
108 曾华男09/01/77 95033
105 匡明男10/02/75 95031
107 王丽女01/23/76 95033
101 李军男02/20/76 95033
109 王芳女02/10/75 95031
103 陆军男06/03/74 95031
tno tname sex birthday prof depart
804 李诚男12/02/58 副教授计算机系
856 李旭男03/12/69 讲师电子工程系
825 王萍女05/05/72 助教计算机系
831 刘冰女08/14/77 助教电子工程系
cno cname tno
3-105 计算机导论825
3-245 操作系统804
6-166 数字电路856
9-888 高等数学825
sno cno degree
103 3-245 86
105 3-245 75
109 3-245 68
103 3-105 92
105 3-105 88
109 3-105 76
101 3-105 64
107 3-105 91
108 3-105 78
101 6-166 85
107 6-166 79
108 6-166 81
13、显示最低分大于70,最高分小于90 的sno列。
14、显示所有学生的 sname、 cno和degree列。
15、显示所有学生的 sname、 cname和degree列。
20、显示出和学号为“108”的同学同年出生的所有学生的sno、sname和 birthday列。
31、列出所有老师和同学的 姓名、性别和生日。


2.1 创建表并插入数据

drop table score;

drop table course;

drop table student;

drop table teacher;

create table student (  
	sno			char(7)		primary key,	--学号,是主码
	sname		char(10)	not null,		--姓名
	sex			char(2),					--性别
	birthday	char(20),					--年龄
	class		int							--所在班级
)  ;

create table teacher (
	tno			char(10)	primary key,	--老师编号是主健
	tname		char(20),					--老师姓名
	sex			char(4),					--性别
	birthday	char(20),					--生日
	prof		char(20),					--职称
	depart		char(20)					--所在系


create table course (
	cno		char(10)	not null ,					--课程编号
	cname	char(20)	not null,					--课程名称
	tno		char(10)	references teacher(tno),	--上面是声明sno是外健,参照student表的tno
	primary key (cno)								--指明cno是主码

create table score(
	sno		char(7)		not null,				--学生编号
	cno		char(10)	not null,				--课程号
	degree	smallint ,							--成绩
	primary key(sno,cno),						--声明sno,cno是主码
	foreign key(sno) references student(sno),	--上面是声明sno是外健,参照student表的sno
	foreign key(cno) references course(cno)		--上面是声明cno是外健,参照course表的cno


insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('108', '曾华', '男','09/01/77',95033 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('105', '匡明', '男','10/02/75',95031 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('107', '王丽', '女','01/23/76',95033 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('101', '李军', '男','02/20/76',95033 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('109', '王芳', '女','02/10/75',95031 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('103', '陆军', '男','06/03/74',95031 );

insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('804', '李诚', '男','12/02/58','副教授','计算机系' );
insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('856', '李旭', '男','03/12/69','讲师','电子工程系' );
insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('825', '王萍', '女','05/05/72','助教','计算机系' );
insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('831', '刘冰', '女','08/14/77','助教','电子工程系' );

insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('3-105', '计算机导论', '825' );
insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('3-245', '操作系统', '804' );
insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('6-166', '数字电路 ', '856' );
insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('9-888', '高等数学', '825' );

insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('103', '3-245', '86' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('105', '3-245', '75' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('109', '3-245', '68' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('103', '3-105', '92' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('105', '3-105', '88' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('109', '3-105', '76' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('101', '3-105', '64' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('107', '3-105', '91' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('108', '3-105', '78' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('101', '6-166', '85' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('107', '6-166', '79' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('108', '6-166', '81' );


select  * from student
select  * from teacher
select  * from course
select  * from score

2.2 开始作业


select sname, sex, class from student;


select distinct depart from teacher;

DISTINCT 用于返回唯一不同的值。


select *from student
select sno as 学号, sname as 姓名, sex as 性别 ,birthday as 出生日期  from student;--as别名


select * from score where degree between 60 and 80


select * from score where degree=85 or degree=86 or degree=88
 select * from score where degree in (85, 86, 88);


select * from student where class = 95031 or sex = '女'


select * from student order by class desc;



select * from score by cno asc, degree desc


select count(*) as 学生人数 from student where class = 


select sno,cno ,degree as 最高分 from score
where degree = (select max(degree) from score)


select avg(degree)  as 课程平均分 from score where cno='3-105'


select cno,avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%'--3开头的
group by cno 
having count (*)>=5


13、显示最低分大于70,最高分小于90 的sno列。

select sno from score 
group by sno
having min(degree)>70 and max(degree)<90;

14、显示所有学生的 sname、 cno和degree列。

select sname,cno,degree from score,student
where student.sno=score.sno;


15、显示所有学生的 sname、 cname和degree列。

select sname, cname, degree from course,student,score
where student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno;


select cno,avg(degree) as 平均分  from student , score 
where student.sno=score.sno and student.class='95033'   
group by  cno;


select  sno, cno, degree from score 
where cno='3-105' and degree>(select degree from score where  cno='3-105'   and sno=109)


select a.sno, a.degree, a.cno from score a, score b
where a.sno=b.sno and a.degree<b.degree ;


select cno,sno,degree from score
where degree>(select degree from score  where sno=109 and cno ='3-105' )

20、显示出和学号为“108”的同学同年出生的所有学生的sno、sname和 birthday列。

select sno,sname,birthday from student
where birthday =(select birthday from student where sno ='108')


select cno,sno, degree from score 
where cno=(select cno from course where tno =(select tno from teacher where tname='李旭'))


select tname from teacher 
where tno in (
select tno from score,course 
where score.cno =course.cno
group by tno
having count(tno )>5)


select * from student where class in (21033,21031);


select cno from score
where degree>85 
group by cno;


select sno,cno,degree from score 
where cno in
(select cno from course where tno in
(select tno from teacher where depart like '计算机系')


select tname, prof from teacher
 where depart='计算机系' and prof  not in
           (select prof from teacher where depart='电子工程系')


select cno sno,degree from score
where cno='3-105' and degree>any
   (select degree from score where cno='3-245')
order by degree desc;


select cno,sno,degree from score 
where cno='3-105'and degree > all
(select degree from score where cno = '3-245')


select tname ,depart from teacher


select tname ,depart from teacher 
where  tno  not in 
(select tno from course)

31、列出所有老师和同学的 姓名、性别和生日。

 select tname,sex,birthday  from teacher
 select sname,sex,birthday from student


Select distinct sno  from score x
Where not exists
    (select * from score y
        where y.sno=103 and 
           not exists
             (select * from score z
                 where z.sno=x.sno and z.cno=y.cno) ) 


select student.sname from student where not exists     
	(select *  from  course
     where not exists 
          ( select * from  score where
      student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno))

2.3 完整代码

--select  子句指定 要显示的属性列 
--group by子句对查询结果按指定列的值分组,该属性列值相等的元组为一个组,通常会在每组中作用集函数
--order by子句对查询结果按指定列值升序或降序排序  ASC DESC 

drop table score;

drop table course;

drop table student;

drop table teacher;

create table student (  
	sno			char(7)		primary key,	--学号,是主码
	sname		char(10)	not null,		--姓名
	sex			char(2),					--性别
	birthday	char(20),					--年龄
	class		int							--所在班级
)  ;

create table teacher (
	tno			char(10)	primary key,	--老师编号是主健
	tname		char(20),					--老师姓名
	sex			char(4),					--性别
	birthday	char(20),					--生日
	prof		char(20),					--职称
	depart		char(20)					--所在系


create table course (
	cno		char(10)	not null ,					--课程编号
	cname	char(20)	not null,					--课程名称
	tno		char(10)	references teacher(tno),	--上面是声明sno是外健,参照student表的tno
	primary key (cno)								--指明cno是主码

create table score(
	sno		char(7)		not null,				--学生编号
	cno		char(10)	not null,				--课程号
	degree	smallint ,							--成绩
	primary key(sno,cno),						--声明sno,cno是主码
	foreign key(sno) references student(sno),	--上面是声明sno是外健,参照student表的sno
	foreign key(cno) references course(cno)		--上面是声明cno是外健,参照course表的cno


insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('108', '曾华', '男','09/01/77',95033 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('105', '匡明', '男','10/02/75',95031 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('107', '王丽', '女','01/23/76',95033 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('101', '李军', '男','02/20/76',95033 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('109', '王芳', '女','02/10/75',95031 );
insert into student(sno, sname, sex,birthday,class) values ('103', '陆军', '男','06/03/74',95031 );

insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('804', '李诚', '男','12/02/58','副教授','计算机系' );
insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('856', '李旭', '男','03/12/69','讲师','电子工程系' );
insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('825', '王萍', '女','05/05/72','助教','计算机系' );
insert into teacher(tno, tname, sex,birthday,prof,depart) values ('831', '刘冰', '女','08/14/77','助教','电子工程系' );

insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('3-105', '计算机导论', '825' );
insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('3-245', '操作系统', '804' );
insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('6-166', '数字电路 ', '856' );
insert into course(cno, cname,tno) values ('9-888', '高等数学', '825' );

insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('103', '3-245', '86' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('105', '3-245', '75' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('109', '3-245', '68' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('103', '3-105', '92' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('105', '3-105', '88' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('109', '3-105', '76' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('101', '3-105', '64' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('107', '3-105', '91' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('108', '3-105', '78' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('101', '6-166', '85' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('107', '6-166', '79' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('108', '6-166', '81' );


select  * from student
select  * from teacher
select  * from course
select  * from score


select sname, sex, class from student;

select distinct depart from teacher;

select *from student
select sno as 学号, sname as 姓名, sex as 性别 ,birthday as 出生日期  from student;--as别名

 select * from score where degree between 60 and 80; --所有记录就是select*

 select * from score where degree in (85, 86, 88);
 select * from score where degree=85 or degree=86 or degree=88

 select * from student where class=98031 or sex='女';

select * from student order by class desc;

select * from score order by cno asc, degree  desc;

select count(*) as 学生人数 from student where class=98031;

select sno ,cno,degree as 最高分 from score 
where degree =(select max(degree) from score)

select avg(degree)  as 课程平均分 from score where cno='3-105'

select cno,avg(degree) from score
where cno like '3%'--3开头的
group by cno 
having count (*)>=5

--13、显示最低分大于70,最高分小于90 的sno列。
select sno from score 
group by sno
having min(degree)>70 and max(degree)<90;

--14、显示所有学生的 sname、 cno和degree列。
select sname,cno,degree from score,student
where student.sno=score.sno;

--15、显示所有学生的 sname、 cname和degree列。
select sname, cname, degree from course,student,score
where student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno;

select cno,avg(degree) as 平均分  from student , score 
where student.sno=score.sno and student.class='95033'   
group by  cno;

select  sno, cno, degree from score 
where cno='3-105' and degree>(select degree from score where  cno='3-105'   and sno=109)

select a.sno, a.degree, a.cno from score a, score b
where a.sno=b.sno and a.degree<b.degree ;

select cno,sno,degree from score
where degree>(select degree from score  where sno=109 and cno ='3-105' )
--Select x.cno, x.sno, x.degree
--from sc x, sc y
--Where x.degree>y.degree and y.sno=109 and y.cno='3-105';

--20、显示出和学号为“108”的同学同年出生的所有学生的sno、sname和 birthday列。
select sno,sname,birthday from student
where birthday =(select birthday from student where sno ='108')

--select x.sno,x.sname,x.birthday
--from student x,student y
--Where x.sno=y.sno and y.sno='108'


select cno,sno, degree from score 
where cno=(select cno from course where tno =(select tno from teacher where tname='李旭'))
--Select cno, sno, degree from sc
--Where cno=(select x.cno from course x, teacher y
--                     where x.tno=y.tno and y.tname='李旭')

select tname from teacher 
where tno in (
select tno from score,course 
where score.cno =course.cno
group by tno
having count(tno )>5)

--select tname from teacher 
--where tno in 
--(select tno from sc,course
--where sc.cno=course.cno
--group by tno
--having count(*)>5)

--select tname from teacher 
--where tno in (select x.tno from course x,sc y
--					where x.cno=y.cno
--					group by x.tno
--					having count(x.tno)>5)

--select * from student 
--where class=21033 or class=21031
select * from student where class in (21033,21031);

select * from score

select cno from score
where degree>85 
group by cno;

--select distinct cno from sc
--where degree>85 

select sno,cno,degree from score 
where cno in
(select cno from course where tno in
(select tno from teacher where depart like '计算机系')

--26、显示“计算机系”和“电子工程系”不同职称的老师的 tname和prof。

select tname, prof from teacher
 where depart='计算机系' and prof  not in
           (select prof from teacher where depart='电子工程系')


select cno sno,degree from score
where cno='3-105' and degree>any
   (select degree from score where cno='3-245')
order by degree desc;

select cno,sno,degree from score 
where cno='3-105'and degree > all
(select degree from score where cno = '3-245')

select tname ,depart from teacher

select tname ,depart from teacher 
where  tno  not in 
(select tno from course)

--Select tname,dept  from  teacher  a
--  where tno NOT in
--      ( select tno  from course b
--            where a.tno=b.tno)

--31、列出所有老师和同学的 姓名、性别和生日。

 select tname,sex,birthday  from teacher
 select sname,sex,birthday from student

--not exists  全称量词
--exists 存在量词


Select distinct sno  from score x
Where not exists
    (select * from score y
        where y.sno=103 and 
           not exists
             (select * from score z
                 where z.sno=x.sno and z.cno=y.cno) ) 

select student.sname from student where not exists     
	(select *  from  course
     where not exists 
          ( select * from  score where
      student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno))

insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('103', '9-888', '81' );
insert into score(sno, cno,degree) values ('103', '6-166', '81' );
delete from score where cno ='9-888'
delete from score where sno ='103' and cno = '6-166' 
select * from score
