

The database names of Activiti all start with ACT_. The second part is a two-character identification of the use case of the table. This use case will also roughly match the service API.

  • ACT_RE_*: RE stands for repository. Tables with this prefix contain static information such as process definitions and process resources (images, rules, etc.).

  • ACT_RU_*: RU stands for runtime. These are the runtime tables that contain the runtime data of process instances, user tasks, variables, jobs, etc. Activiti only stores the runtime data during process instance execution, and removes the records when a process instance ends. This keeps the runtime tables small and fast.

  • ACT_ID_*: ID stands for identity. These tables contain identity information, such as users, groups, etc.

  • ACT_HI_*: HI stands for history. These are the tables that contain historic data, such as past process instances, variables, tasks, etc.

  • ACT_GE_*: general data, which is used in various use cases.


activiti的所有数据表名称都以“ACT_”开头, 第二部分是两个字符, 这两个字符代表该数据表的使用场景(用途)。第二部分的两个字符, 大致也可匹配到我们要使用的service的API。

ACT_RE_:* ’RE’表示repository( 存储 ),RepositoryService接口所操作的表。带此前缀的表包含的是静态信息,如,流程定义,流程的资源(图片,规则等)。
ACT_RU_:* ‘RU’表示runtime,运行时表-RuntimeService。这是运行时的表存储着流程变量,用户任务,变量,职责(job)等运行时的数据。Activiti只存储实例执行期间的运行时数据,当流程实例结束时,将删除这些记录。这就保证了这些运行时的表小且快。
ACT_ID_:* ’ID’表示identity ( 组织机构 ),IdentityService接口所操作的表。用户记录,流程中使用到的用户和组。这些表包含标识的信息,如用户,用户组,等等。
ACT_HI_:* ’HI’表示history,历史数据表,HistoryService。就是这些表包含着流程执行的历史相关数据,如结束的流程实例,变量,任务,等等

ACT_GE_:* 全局通用数据及设置(general),各种情况都使用的数据。
