中心化 vs 去中心化


如今的互联网世界是中心化的世界(Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, etc.), 去中心化似乎带有更多的互联网基因(虽然如此,互联网应用却未必需要去中心化)却未能在这场竞争中胜出,未来的机会会在哪里?


  • 中心化:有一个中心节点控制整个网络(不一定是一台/一组服务器,也可以是上文提到的一个公司)
  • 去中心化:有多个中心节点。比如早期的protocol(FTP, TELNET, TCP/IP)
  • 分布式: 整个网络分布在所有的参与者上


从进化的角度来看,去中心化就像尼安德特人,而中心化像现代人类。一开始的沟通都是从个人与个人开始(host-to-host protocol),沟通方式可以各异、去中心化。之后慢慢发展进化出来统一的交流方式、中心化的管理,比各自为政更加高效经济。

Centralization is not only possible now, it's economical, it's practical, it's controlable, it's governable, it's economies of scalable, it's reliable, it's walled gardenable, it's monetizable, it's affordable, it's performance tunable, it's scalable, it's cacheable, it's securable, it's defensible, it's brandable, it's ownable, it's right to be forgetable, it's fast releasable, it's debuggable, it's auditable, it's iterable, it's easier to usable, it's easier to onboardable, it's copyright checkable, it's GDPRable, it's safe for China searchable, it's machine learnable, it's monitorable, it's spam filterable, it's value addable.



去中心化有其应用场景(如匿名化),但是找到一个turning point, 或许需要有以下的一个或多个契机。他们现在看上去还比较遥远

  1. 完全的信用流失以致于避免中心化权力成为了必需
  2. 极其低廉的成本
  3. 成为了大众流行概念
  4. 用去中心化的方式能够制造出比中心化优异(至少不落后)的产品,尤其是在方便程度和可靠性上
  5. 地理的分离(宇宙太空)

What Do You Believe Now That You Didn't Five Years Ago? Centralized Wins. Decentralized Loses.
Here is my shot at defining various terms in this context

你可能感兴趣的:(中心化 vs 去中心化)