第三章Three Heads Had the Dragon6

第三章Three Heads Had the Dragon6 - 知乎

《冰与火之歌前传火与血 英文原版 权力的游戏300年前的故事Fire and Blood Game of Thrones Song of Ice 乔治马丁 [精装] George R.R. Martin [平装] George R.R. Martin》 George R.R. Martin【摘要 书评 试读】图书

Grand Maester Gawen was the third in that office. Aegon Targaryen had always kept a maester on Dragonstone, as his father and father's father had before him. All the great lords of Westeros, and many lesser lords and landed knights, relied upon masters trained in the Citadel of Oldtown to serve their households as healers, scribes, and counselors, to breed and train the ravens who carried their messages (and write and read those messages for lords who lacked those skills), help their stewards with the house-hold accounts, and teach their children. During the Conquest, Aegon and his sisters each had a maester serving them, and afterward the king sometimes employed as many as half a dozen to deal with all the matters brought before him.


But the wisest and most learned men in the Seven Kingdoms were the archmaesters of the Citadel, each of them the supreme authority in one of the great disciplines. In 5 AC, King Aegon, feeling that the realm might benefit from such wisdom, asked the Conclave to send him one of their own number to advise and consult with him on all matters relating to the governance of the realm. Thus was the office of Grand Maester created, at King Aegon's request.


The first man to serve in that capacity was Archmaester Ollidor, keeper of histories, whose ring and rod and mask were bronze. Though exceptionally learned, Ollidar was also exceptionally old, and he passed from this world less than a year after taking up the mantle of Grand Master. To fill his place, the Conclave selected Archmaester Lyonce, whose ring and rod and mask were yellow gold. He proved more robust than his predecessor, serving the realm until 12 AC, when he slipped in the mud, broke his hip, and died soon thereafter, whereupon Grand maester Gawen was elevated.



scribes:n 抄写员


stewards:n 管理员

wisest:adj 聪明的

most learned:有学问的

archmaesters:n 博士

supreme:adj 至高的

consult:vi 磋商,协商

rod:n 权杖

mud:n 泥沼

hip:n 臀部

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