如何计算序列间的种内和种间遗传距离 How to Calculate Max-intra and Min-inter Distance distribution

step 1. Prepare the distance matrix.

Tool: DistanceMatrix In DECIPHER(R package)



a= DistanceMatrix(DNAStringSet,

type = "matrix",

includeTerminalGaps = FALSE,

penalizeGapLetterMatches = FALSE,

penalizeGapGapMatches = FALSE,

correction = "none",

processors = NULL,

verbose = TRUE)

write.csv(a, file = "S:/xxxxxxx.csv")

step 2. Search the intra- and inter Distances of all sequences

Tool: Excel

Use MAXIF and MINIF formula to get intra- and inter Distances for each sequence;


step 3. Search Max-intra and Min-inter Distances for every species

Tools: Excel, SpeciesIdentify in TaxonDNA


Use Species Summary Function to get species name list;

Use VLOOKUP formula to search Max-intra and Min-inter distance for every species (Notice that use Species name list as Lookup_value,and sort the previous intra- and inter Distances results by descending and scending to get the final maximum and minimum results;

step 4. Draw scatter diagram.

The x-coordinate is Max-intra distane,The y-coordinateMin-inter distance.

你可能感兴趣的:(如何计算序列间的种内和种间遗传距离 How to Calculate Max-intra and Min-inter Distance distribution)