



        kd 树是一种二叉树数据结构,可以用来进行高效的 kNN 计算。kd 树算法偏于复杂,本篇将先介绍以二叉树的形式来记录和索引空间的思路,以便读者更轻松地理解 kd 树。


2.1 定义



        对于更高维查询,我们需要一个数据结构,该结构可以在任何维数下使用 。* 注意:如果用树嵌套查询不足以构成各维度对等模型,因此,二叉树的迭代查询是不可取的。

 2.2 引进KD树


  • K维空间域,(例如三维中的一个长方体),
  • 一个K维点的坐标
  • 两个儿子下标


const int K=3;
struct KD_Tree
    int d[K],son[2];
    int x[2],y[2],z[2]     ;//Range[K][2];
} tr[N];


2.3 构造Kd树


  • KD树是一颗平衡二叉树,其中每个非叶节点,可以想象一个超平面,用来分割其储存的空间域,其中超平面垂直于坐标轴。
  • 树尽量平衡,超平面划分的两个空间内的点尽量一样多。
  • 为了有扩展性,树的每一层的超平面垂直的坐标轴,要轮流来取。即第一层垂直x轴,第二层垂直y轴,第三层垂直z轴····


2.4 二维的例子说明原理








  • 在x的l1线的左侧找到y轴上的二分线l2


  • 在l1和l2包含区域找x的二分线l4








3.1 假如下面例子


3.2 构建示例代码(python)


class KDTree(object):
    A super short KD-Tree for points...
    so concise that you can copypasta into your homework 
    without arousing suspicion.
    This implementation only supports Euclidean distance. 
    The points can be any array-like type, e.g: 
        lists, tuples, numpy arrays.
    1. Make the KD-Tree:
        `kd_tree = KDTree(points, dim)`
    2. You can then use `get_knn` for k nearest neighbors or 
       `get_nearest` for the nearest neighbor
    points are be a list of points: [[0, 1, 2], [12.3, 4.5, 2.3], ...]
    def __init__(self, points, dim, dist_sq_func=None):
        """Makes the KD-Tree for fast lookup.
        points : list
            A list of points.
        dim : int 
            The dimension of the points. 
        dist_sq_func : function(point, point), optional
            A function that returns the squared Euclidean distance
            between the two points. 
            If omitted, it uses the default implementation.

        if dist_sq_func is None:
            dist_sq_func = lambda a, b: sum((x - b[i]) ** 2 
                for i, x in enumerate(a))
        def make(points, i=0):
            if len(points) > 1:
                points.sort(key=lambda x: x[i])
                i = (i + 1) % dim
                m = len(points) >> 1
                return [make(points[:m], i), make(points[m + 1:], i), 
            if len(points) == 1:
                return [None, None, points[0]]
        def add_point(node, point, i=0):
            if node is not None:
                dx = node[2][i] - point[i]
                for j, c in ((0, dx >= 0), (1, dx < 0)):
                    if c and node[j] is None:
                        node[j] = [None, None, point]
                    elif c:
                        add_point(node[j], point, (i + 1) % dim)

        import heapq
        def get_knn(node, point, k, return_dist_sq, heap, i=0, tiebreaker=1):
            if node is not None:
                dist_sq = dist_sq_func(point, node[2])
                dx = node[2][i] - point[i]
                if len(heap) < k:
                    heapq.heappush(heap, (-dist_sq, tiebreaker, node[2]))
                elif dist_sq < -heap[0][0]:
                    heapq.heappushpop(heap, (-dist_sq, tiebreaker, node[2]))
                i = (i + 1) % dim
                # Goes into the left branch, then the right branch if needed
                for b in (dx < 0, dx >= 0)[:1 + (dx * dx < -heap[0][0])]:
                    get_knn(node[b], point, k, return_dist_sq, 
                        heap, i, (tiebreaker << 1) | b)
            if tiebreaker == 1:
                return [(-h[0], h[2]) if return_dist_sq else h[2] 
                    for h in sorted(heap)][::-1]

        def walk(node):
            if node is not None:
                for j in 0, 1:
                    for x in walk(node[j]):
                        yield x
                yield node[2]

        self._add_point = add_point
        self._get_knn = get_knn 
        self._root = make(points)
        self._walk = walk

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._walk(self._root)
    def add_point(self, point):
        """Adds a point to the kd-tree.
        point : array-like
            The point.
        if self._root is None:
            self._root = [None, None, point]
            self._add_point(self._root, point)

    def get_knn(self, point, k, return_dist_sq=True):
        """Returns k nearest neighbors.
        point : array-like
            The point.
        k: int 
            The number of nearest neighbors.
        return_dist_sq : boolean
            Whether to return the squared Euclidean distances.
            The nearest neighbors. 
            If `return_dist_sq` is true, the return will be:
                [(dist_sq, point), ...]
                [point, ...]
        return self._get_knn(self._root, point, k, return_dist_sq, [])

    def get_nearest(self, point, return_dist_sq=True):
        """Returns the nearest neighbor.
        point : array-like
            The point.
        return_dist_sq : boolean
            Whether to return the squared Euclidean distance.
            The nearest neighbor. 
            If the tree is empty, returns `None`.
            If `return_dist_sq` is true, the return will be:
                (dist_sq, point)
        l = self._get_knn(self._root, point, 1, return_dist_sq, [])
        return l[0] if len(l) else None


import unittest
import random
import cProfile
from kd_tree import *

class KDTreeUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_all(self):

        dim = 3

        def dist_sq_func(a, b):
            return sum((x - b[i]) ** 2 for i, x in enumerate(a))

        def get_knn_naive(points, point, k, return_dist_sq=True):
            neighbors = []
            for i, pp in enumerate(points):
                dist_sq = dist_sq_func(point, pp)
                neighbors.append((dist_sq, pp))
            neighbors = sorted(neighbors)[:k]
            return neighbors if return_dist_sq else [n[1] for n in neighbors]

        def get_nearest_naive(points, point, return_dist_sq=True):
            nearest = min(points, key=lambda p:dist_sq_func(p, point))
            if return_dist_sq:
                return (dist_sq_func(nearest, point), nearest) 
            return nearest

        def rand_point(dim):
            return [random.uniform(-1, 1) for d in range(dim)]

        points = [rand_point(dim) for x in range(10000)]
        additional_points = [rand_point(dim) for x in range(100)]
        query_points = [rand_point(dim) for x in range(100)]

        kd_tree_results = []
        naive_results = []
        global test_and_bench_kd_tree
        global test_and_bench_naive

        def test_and_bench_kd_tree():
            global kd_tree
            kd_tree = KDTree(points, dim)
            for point in additional_points:
            kd_tree_results.append(tuple(kd_tree.get_knn([0] * dim, 8)))
            for t in query_points:
                kd_tree_results.append(tuple(kd_tree.get_knn(t, 8)))
            for t in query_points:

        def test_and_bench_naive():
            all_points = points + additional_points
            naive_results.append(tuple(get_knn_naive(all_points, [0] * dim, 8)))
            for t in query_points:
                naive_results.append(tuple(get_knn_naive(all_points, t, 8)))
            for t in query_points:
                naive_results.append(tuple(get_nearest_naive(all_points, t)))

        print("Running KDTree...")
        print("Running naive version...")

        print("Query results same as naive version?: {}"
            .format(kd_tree_results == naive_results))
        self.assertEqual(kd_tree_results, naive_results, 
            "Query results mismatch")
        self.assertEqual(len(list(kd_tree)), len(points) + len(additional_points), 
            "Number of points from iterator mismatch")

if __name__ == '__main__':


GitHub - Vectorized/Python-KD-Tree: A simple and fast KD-tree for points in Python for kNN or nearest points. (damm short at just ~60 lines) No libraries needed.
