老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第5集台词

英文 中文
So,kids,would you like to hear the story of the time I went deaf? 那么, 孩子们, 你们想听 我变聋的那个故事吗?
Why does he even ask? 他干嘛问我们?
I know,he's just going to tell us anyway. 是啊, 无论如何他 都会讲给我们听
I sure am. 我确实会讲
It all began when robin strolled into the bar and said... 故事的开始 是Robin来到酒吧说……
say you're my bitch. 说你是我的小贱人
I'm your bitch. Why this time? 我是你的小贱人 这次是为什么?
Cause tonight I'm getting us all into okay. 因为今晚 我将把大家全带进Okay
"Okay," awesome! "Okay" 太棒了!
What's going on? Did I just have a stroke? 怎么回事? 我刚才中风了吗?
Okay is the name of a club. Okay是一个夜总会的名字
Yeah,it's supposed to be incredibly exclusive. 对, 这有点让人难以置信
This friend of mine once waited outside for two hours,couldn't get in. 有一次我和朋友在外面 等了两个小时, 还是进不去
A friend of yours named you? 你的朋友叫"你"?
No,a friend of mine named shut up. 不, 我的朋友叫"闭嘴"
Yeah,well,the owner goes to my gym. 好吧, 夜总会的老板 和我去同一个健身馆
It turns out that he is a fan of my reporting for metro news one. 结果发现他是我播报的 都市新闻的忠实观众
So now I'm on the list for tonight. 所以我在今晚出席的名单上
Nice going,sherbotsky. 干的不错, Sherbotsky
You're becoming a long and difficult-to-spell household name. 你又长又难拼的名字 变得家喻户晓了
He's even getting me into the V.I.P. Room. 他甚至把我列入了V.I.P. 房的名单
Yeah,he just wants to show you his own V.I.P.,If you know what I mean. 对, 他只是想让你看看他的V.I.P.如果你知道我在说什么
All right,what does V.I.P. Stand for in your little universe? 好吧, 在你的小世界里V.I.P. 代表什么?
Well,I know that "p" is penis. 嗯, 我知道"p"表示阴茎
Great,so you guys are in. Should I invite marshal and lily? 好吧, 你们两个会跟我一起去 我应该邀请Marshal和Lily吗?
Why was this funny? 有什么好笑的呢?
I'll explain. 我来解释给你们听
You see,lily was a kindergarten teacher, 你们知道, Lily是幼儿园老师
and so one fateful nap time... 命中注定的一次午休时间时……
austin and I spent saturday night at the most charming little bed and breakfast. Austin和我在 迷人的小床上共渡周末
It was so nice. 那太美妙了
What did you do this weekend? 这个周末你怎么过的?
Go,come on,chug,chug,chug! 来吧, 加油, 咕嘟, 咕嘟, 咕嘟!
Ten conds! 十秒!
Suck it,losers! 喝干了, 输家!
you know,quiet time with the fiance 你知道, 与未婚夫普通平静的日子
I don't know,I just felt embarrassed. 我也不知道, 我就觉得丢脸
Claire is my age and she and her husband do all this classy grownup stuff. Claire和我同年,她和丈夫享受着 所有成年人做的上等的事情
Maybe we should start doing some grownup stuff. 也许我们也应该开始做些成熟的事
That's some pretty grownup stuff we did this morning. 我们早上做的不就是吗
Yeah,but it wasn't classy. 对啊, 但不是上等的
Maybe we should have a wine-tasting party. 也许我们该办个品酒会
I like wine. I like tasting. 我喜欢酒 我也喜欢品尝
You know I can party. Let's do it. Let's rock it. Maturity style. 你知道我能狂欢 来狂欢吧 来摇摆吧 成人风格
And ever since then she's been signing him up for book clubs,cooking classes... 以后她就会鼓动 他参加读书俱乐部, 烹饪班……
all the things you do when you know where your next thousand lays are coming from 所有能把下月千元工资花掉的事情
so,no,lily andarshall will not be joining us. 所以, 不, Lily和Marshal l不会和我们一起去
Got it. Anyway,ted,part two of my story: 知道了 不管怎样 Ted, 我要说的第二件事
My friend kelly's going to be there. 我朋友kelly也会去
Kelly,who supposedly I'm going to love. Kelly, 看样子我要爱上她?
Oh,you are going to love kelly. 噢, 你会喜欢上Kelly的
She's fun,she's smart,she lives in the moment... 她很风趣, 很聪明, 她单身……
translation: She's ugly,she's ugly,she ugs in the ugly.
Oh,and she's totally hot. 噢, 还有她很正点
Okay,I guess I could take her off your hands for an evening. 好吧, 我猜今晚我可以接手她
so do you have any other hot,single friends? 那你还有别的正点,单身的朋友吗?
No. Kelly... 没有 Kelly……
oh,no,ted,your blazer! 噢, 天那, Ted, 你的运动衫!
What,what,what? 怎么, 怎么, 怎么?
Somebody spilled gorgeous all over it. 有人弄的如此耀眼
--Love it.--Thank you. --不错 --谢谢
And his hair was perfect. 瞧他完美的发型
We're wearing the same shirt. 我们穿了一样的衬衫
Oh,wait,no,that's just my shirt reflected in yours. 噢, 等等, 不, 是 我的衬衫反射在你的上了
One of the 24 similarities between girls and fish is that 女孩们和鱼的24条相同点之一是
they're both attracted to shiny objects. 他们都被发光的物体吸引
You really never read my blog,do you? 你从来没看过我的博客, 是不?
All right,tin man,let's hit it. 好吧, 罐头小子, 我们狂欢去吧
All right,well,have fun at your little disco,guys. 好吧, 嗯 好好享受你们的迪斯科, 伙计们
What the hell happened to these two? 你们两到底怎么了?
Marshall and I are just growing up. 我和Marshall长大了
Yeah,it's going to be sweet,too. 对, 这会变的很不错
Like tonight,we're tasting all these different wines, 就象今晚, 我们将品尝所有这些不同的酒
pairing them up with these cool gourmet cheeses. 与这些美味的奶酪组合起来
Wow,who knew being in a committed heterosexual retionship 哇, 谁能料到忠于一段异性恋情
could make a guy so gay? ……可以让一个男人 变得这么像同性恋?
All right,cool kids are leaving now. 好吧, 酷小孩们要走了
Grandma,grandpa,don't wait up 爷爷, 奶奶, 不用等我们了
my,oh,my. There are some ferocious-looking cutlets here tonight. 天那, 噢, 我的天那 今晚这里有好多辣妹啊
All right,hookup strategy. Colon,find a cutlet, 好吧, 勾引计划专栏, 找个辣妹
lock her in early, 早早锁定住她
grind with her all nightill she's mine. 整晚纠缠她直到她属于我
Do these strategies ever work for you? 你这些计划起过作用吗?
The question is: Do these strategies ever not work for me? 应该这样问 这些计划什么时候没起作用?
Either way,the answer is about half the time. 两个问题, 答案都是一半一半
My bitches! Check this out um,they're with me. 我的小贱人们! 瞧我的 呃,他们是和我一起的
Um,we're her bitches,too. 呃, 我们也是她的小贱人
Wel wait here. 我们还是在这等着
And with today's interest rate climate, 依据现在的利率情况
you've got to go for the 30-year fixed mortgage. 你得去申请30年的低压贷款
--Oh,totally.--Yeah. --噢, 是啊 --对
So,marshall,what about you? 嗯, Marshall, 说说你们的事吧?
You guys thinking house,baby? 你们在考虑买房生小孩吗?
Oh! No,think we're going to wait on the baby thing. 噢! 不, 我们会等等 再考虑生孩子的事
I mean,I love babies. Babies rule. 我是说, 我喜欢小孩 小孩很可爱
Pudgy arms and stuff... 小胖胳膊还有……
but,uh,they make you old. 但是, 呃, 他们让你显老
Kind of like this anchor weighing you down to one spot... 就像把你困在原地 的大铁锚……
forever. 永远困住
I'm three months pregnant. 我怀孕3个月了
Not awkward,guys. 别觉得尴尬, 伙计们
Not awkward unless we let it be awkward. 别尴尬除非 我们让事情变的尴尬
This place seems great. Is kelly here? 这地方看起来不错 kelly在这吗?
Yeah,she's around somewhere. 对, 她就在这
Uh,let's go find her. I'll introduce you guys. 呃, 我们去找她吧 我会介绍你们认识
Then I should probably duck into the V.I.P. Room. 然后我就得去V.I.P. 房了
It's so stupid and arbitrary,isn't it? 这很蠢而且专制, 不是吗?
Who gets to be a V.I.P and who doesn't? 谁可以去V.I.P房谁不能?
Can we come? 我们能去吗?
It's not that arbitrary. 也不是那么专制
Whoa,this place is loud. You think? -哇, 这地方真吵 -你觉得吗?
Ok,it is a little loud 好吧, 是有点吵
There is Kelly Kelly在那边!
You want to go somewhere we can talk 你想去找个能讲话的地方吗?
Totally! 好啊!
......Okay...... ……好吧……
think it was kind of weird that ted didn't invite me out with him? 不觉得Ted没有 邀我和他一起出去很奇怪吗?
Why? You'd rather be out at some dance club,all noisy and sweaty,with the... 为什么? 你宁愿去某个夜总会 充满噪音和汗臭味, 还有……
is that what you want? 这就是你想要的吗?
is this what you want? 这就是你想要的吗?
"30-year fixed mortgage... 30年的低押借款……
I'm three months pregnant." 我怀孕3个月了
That was awkward. 这是该尴尬的时候了
Let's start drinking! 我们开始品酒吧!
Not so fast. In order for the tannins to mellow, 别这么急 要让红酒的单宁酸醇香
we should let it breathe for about 30 minutes. 我们应该让它先“呼吸”30分钟
Freaking tannins. 该死的单宁酸
So,how do you know Robin? 那么, 你怎么认识Robin的?
Sagittarius 人马座!
Is that near Westchester? 离威郡很近吗?
I would love one! 我很乐意来一杯!
Just a beer! 一瓶啤酒就好了!
do you know what they're doing in there right now? 你知道他们现在在干嘛吗?
They're watching claire's ultrasound video. 他们在看Claire的超声波录象带
And I swear to god,even the baby looks bored. 我发誓, 连婴儿自己 都觉得无聊了
Come on,it's not that bad. 拜托, 没那么糟糕
We're really starting to click with these guys. 我们已经开始溶入这些人了
Claire and austin just invited us to their fondue fest next saturday night. Claire和Austin刚刚还邀请我们 去参加周六晚的奶酪火锅宴
Are you honestly trying to get me excited about fondue? 你是真的想让我 对奶酪火锅感到兴奋吗?
It's dipping stuff in hot cheese. What's not to love? 把食物浸在热奶酪里 有什么不让人喜欢的?
Okay,that does sound good. 好吧, 听起来是不错
But it's dipping stuff in hot cheese with boring people. 但是是与一群乏味的家伙 把食物浸在热奶酪里
Marshall,it's time for us to grow up. Marshall, 我们是时候成熟起来了
Marshall knew she was right. Marshall知道她是对的
He had to stop acting like a kid. 他必须别再表现的象个小孩
But not tonight. 但不是今晚
Now,our apartment was on the third floor, 好吧, 我们的公寓在3楼
so I'm not sure if this part is actually true, 所以不确定这部分是不是真的
but uncle marshall swears it happened. 但是Marshall叔叔发誓 这是真正有发生的
Taxi! 记程车!
the new album is great. It's all smooth and polished, 新专辑很棒 平静优美
not dark a heavy like the early stuff. 不象以前的那些音乐一样 那么节奏很强了
Oh,yeah,nora jones just gets better and better. 噢, 是啊, Nora Jones越来越棒了
Please,tell me we can drink the wine now. 天那, 告诉我现在能开始品酒了
Five more minutes.Don't want to rush those tannins. 再等5分钟, 别弄糟单宁酸
Freaking tannins. 该死的单宁酸
You really like this place? 你真喜欢这地方吗?
You have no idea what I am saying,do you? 你不知道我在说什么, 是吗?
I am from outer space! 我是从外星球来的!
I got thrown out of Sea World for humping a dolphin! 我因为上了一只海豚 被赶出海底世界!
I am wetting my pants! 我尿裤子了!
I think that's when I realized, 我就在那时候意识到
clubs weren't awesome. 夜总会不是那么棒
Clubs weren't even okay. 夜总会一点都不好
Clubs sucked. 夜总会太烂了
I had to get out of there. 我得离开这
--Hey,robin.--Hey. --嘿, Robin --嘿
--Why aren't you inside?--I'm calling the owner. --你怎么不在里面? --我在给那老板打电话
There's a guy in there who won't let me in to the stupid V.I.P. Room. 里面那家伙不让我进V.I.P. 房
What are you doing here? 你在这干嘛?
Oh,I had this move,so I came here to bust it. 噢, 我有这个心情 所以就来这狂欢了
Can you get me in? 你能把我弄进去吗?
Great. Voice mail. 好样的 语音信箱
--Thanks,I'll see you!--Bye! --谢谢, 一会见! --拜!
Oh,come on,he just got here. 噢, 天那, 他才刚刚到这
He's probably famous. 他肯定很有名
Oh,yeah. Isn't there a third affleck brother? 噢, 是啊 Affleck有3兄弟吗?
Keith affleck or brian affleck or something? Keith Affleck还是 Brian Affleck还是其他什么人?
Holy crap,we just saw brian affleck. 天啊, 我们刚刚 看见了Brian Affleck
It's not like I care so much about getting in the V.I.P. Room, 不是我有多在意能进V.I.P. 房
I have been in tons of V.I.P. Rooms. 我已经去过无数个V.I.P. 房
I'm not exactly a V.I.P. Room virgin. 我不是第一次进V.I.P. 房
But seriously,call me back. 但是真的, 回我电话
Oh,um,I was just in there, 噢, 呃, 我刚刚还在里面
robin sherbotsky. I'm on the list. Robin Sherbotsky 我在单子上
Name's already crossed off. Sorry. 名字已经被划掉了 抱歉
But I'm robin sherbotsky. 但是我是Robin Sherbotsky
I'm a reporter for channel one. 我是一台的记者
There's a channel one? Back of the line. 有一台吗? 到后面去排队
Should have snuck in with brian affleck. 应该跟着Brian Affleck溜进去
I am bailing,see ya. 我要走了, 回头见
Oh hey,I can not see her face.Is she hot? 噢, 嘿, 我看不见她的脸 她辣吗?
Nice eyes 迷人的眼睛
Cute smile 笑的很可爱
Out of your league 你泡不到的
Aah! Coat wench,do not uncheck that man's jacket! 啊! 外套寄存女佣 别让这家伙取走外套!
Sorry,just being dramatic. 抱歉, 只是在演戏
You're not a coat wench. 你不是外套寄存女佣
No,no,no,coat wench,I like it. 不, 不, 不, 外套寄存女佣 我喜欢这个
I should get a sign made up. 我需要一个称号
What are you doing here? Lily let you go? 你在这干嘛? Lily让你走吗?
Lily? Who cares,right? Lily? 谁管她, 是不?
--You are so dead.--Oh,I am so dead. --你完了 --噢, 我是完了.
Wow,I'm going home. 哇, 我要回家了
No,uh-uh. I put my ass and probably other parts of my body on the line 别, 呃 我把我的屁股很有可能还有 我身体的其他部分拿来冒险
to come down here and party with my bro. 来这和我的兄弟狂欢
Now,damn it we're going to party. 现在, 管他妈的我们去派对吧
--All right,one beer.--Yes! --好吧, 一瓶啤酒 --好!
Finally,I don't have to wait a half an hour for a drink. 太好了, 我终于不需要 等半个小时才能喝酒了
Yeah! 耶!
No tannins! 没有单宁酸!
Oh,man,Ican't believe I forgot to tell you this. 噢, 天那, 我不敢相信 我差点忘记告诉你们这个了
This is important to the story. 这是故事里很重要的一部分
Earlier that day, 那天早些时候
marshall went to the dentist and got a temporary crown put in. Marshall去牙医那 装了个临时的假齿冠
Okay,so anyway... 嗯, 所以无论如何……
Come on,Let's go! 来吧, 我们走!
I'm staying1 我要留下来!
Marshall,are you okay? Marshall, 你还好吧?
Again,I wasn't there, 又一次, 我当时不在那
so I'm a little foggy on the details. 所以在细节上我有点模糊
Taxi! 记程车!
--Hey.--Hey. --嘿 --嘿
Marshall just ditched out on our own party. Marshall刚刚从我们的派对上溜了
Can you get me in there? I kind of need to kill him. 你能让我进去吗? 我要杀了他
Actually,I can't even get myself in. 事实上, 我自己都进不去了
I was such a dork. 我真是个呆子
I get recognized one time,and I start thinking I'm julia roberts. 我被认出来了一次 就觉得自己是Julia Roberts
I'm no V.I.P. 我不是什么V.I.P.
I'm not even an I.P. 我连I.P. 都不是
I'm just a lowly little pea, 我只是颗平凡的小小P
sitting out here in the gutter. 坐在街边台阶上
You know something? 你知道吗?
I'd take a pea in the gutter over julia roberts 我永远把台阶上的小P 看的比Julia Roberts重
There's Barney,I'm leaving1 Barney在那边,我要走了!
I broke my tooth! 我弄伤牙齿了!
Do you have... ... 你有……
any aspirin? 阿司匹林?
Maybe there's... 也许那里有……
a machine in... ... 一台机器……
the restroom. 在卫生间
Now to this day, 那天
I don't know what happened in there, 我不知道在那发生了什么事
but when marshall came out a few minutes later... 但是几分钟后 当Marshall出来的时候……
--rough night?--Yeah. --糟糕的一晚? --是啊
These clubs are supposed to be fun,right? 这种夜总会应该很有趣, 不是吗?
Why do I hate them so much? 为什么我这么讨厌这些呢?
Because all of the stuff you're supposed to like.. 因为所有这些 你本该喜欢上的……

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你可能感兴趣的:(老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第5集台词)