


Mid - term Exam

Answer the following questions (Total points: 100 points)
1.{12 points }
(1)What are the cybersecurity and information security? [5 points]
Cybersecurity - the protection of information that is stored, transmitted, and processed in a networked system of computers, other digital devices, and network devices and transmission lines, including the Internet
Information Security – the preservation of confidentiality, integrity, and availability

(2)We know unconditional security and computational security. What is unconditional security? [5 points]
(3)Tell me that what the “security” exactly means in information security. [2 points] 计算安全

2.{10 points }
(1)What are the relationships among security service, security attack and security mechanism? [5points] 安全服务防止安全攻击,安全机制开发安全服务
(2)And please present an example to show the relationships [5 points]. AES开发机密性安全服务防止信息泄露[可以是其它例子]

3.{10 points }We studied the S-P network. Which operation is used to implement the diffusion and confusion respectively? [10 points] 替代—》混淆,置换-》扩散

4.{10 points }
(1)What is the passive attack? [2 points] 监听,不干扰通讯(双方)
(2)And present two examples of the passive attack? [4 points] 信息内容泄露,流量分析Could you tell us that it is easy to detect the passive attacks? [2 points] And why? [2 points] 不容易,因为不干扰和打断通信

5.{10 points }What is the difference between block cipher and stream cipher? [10 points]

6.{10 points }
(1)We know the last round is non-standard round in AES. How many transformations/functions in the non-standard round? [2 points] 3
(2)What are the three transformations? [6 points] 字节替代、行移位、轮密钥加
(3)What are the key sizes in AES cipher? [2 points] 128,192,256

7.{10 points }
(1)We know there are three misunderstandings in public key encryption. Please tell us. [6 points] 公钥加密比对称加密安全;公钥加密目的是取代对称加密;公钥管理不重要
(2)There are two significant distinctions between asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption on implementing the security. Please tell us. [4 points] 非对称加密安全性基于数学困难问题,对称加密通过复杂的替代和置换实现;非对称加密由两个密钥:公钥和私钥;对称加密只有一个密钥。

8.{16 points }
(1)As we know there are two issues/problems that are not easy to be addressed using symmetric cipher. Please tell me the two issues. [4 points] 密钥分发;数字签名
(2)In public key cryptosystem, it has two keys: public key and private key. Please tell us the differences between them. [6 points] 3个方面:公钥:公开,加密,验证签名;私钥:保密,解密,生成签名
(3)What are three typical applications for public key encryption? [6 points] 加密/解密—》机密性,数字签名-》认证/鉴别,会话密钥交换

9.{12 points }
(1)About PRNGs, it should meet the three important requirements. Please tell us. [6 points] 随机性、不可预测性、种子的安全性
(2)Apart from that, give me the distinctions between PRNGs and TRNGs. [6 points]

