流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 6·Unit 2·Part 4·Reading Global Life Expectancy

Global Life Expectancy

People today are living longer than at any point in human history. Virtually every country enjoys a higher life expectancy than it did in the 19th century. In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years. By 2015 that number had increased to 71, more than doubling.

ps: 今天的人们比人类历史上任何时候都长寿。几乎每个国家的预期寿命都比19世纪高。1870年,普通人可以预期活30年。到2015年,这一数字增加到71个,翻了一番多。

Virtually几乎; 差不多; 事实上; 实际上; 模拟; 虚拟; 以模拟现实技术 英 [ˈvɜːtʃuəli] 美 [ˈvɜːrtʃuəli]

enjoys享受…的乐趣; 欣赏; 喜爱; 过得快活; 玩得痛快; 得到乐趣; 享有; 享受; enjoy的第三人称单数

life expectancy预期寿命; 预计存在的期限

expect to期待

live for为…而生活,以…为生活目的

increased增长,增多; 增加; increase的过去分词和过去式

more than比…更;比…更重要; 超出需要;超乎寻常

doubling加倍; 是…的两倍; 把…对折; 折叠; 以二垒打使上二垒; 击出二垒安打

The West was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy. Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs and disease. New medicines and treatments were developed, and people adopted more hygienic lifestyles. Public health measures were a major factor. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, if which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.

ps: 西方是第一个预期寿命增长的地区。科学发现使人们对细菌和疾病的认识日益加深。新的药物和治疗方法被开发出来,人们采用了更加卫生的生活方式。公共卫生措施是一个主要因素。在20世纪,美国的平均寿命增加了30多年,如果这25年可以归因于公共卫生的进步。

increase in在…方面增长

life expectancy预期寿命; 预计存在的期限

lifespan寿命; 可持续年限; 有效期

United States美国;美利坚合众国; 美国

more than比…更;比…更重要; 超出需要;超乎寻常

be attributed to被认为是…所为

in public公开地; 当众

awareness觉察,觉悟,意识 英 [əˈweənəs] 美 [əˈwernəs]

germ 英 [dʒɜːm] 美 [dʒɜːrm]n.微生物;细菌;病菌;起源;发端;萌芽;胚芽;胚原基;芽孢;胚胎

hygienic卫生的,保健的 英 [haɪˈdʒiːnɪk] 美 [haɪˈdʒenɪk]

Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years. However, this did not reflect the experience of the rest of the world, which largely remained impoverished and underdeveloped. In 1950, Asia’s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa’s was 36. In the following decades, living conditions in both continents improved, along with life expectancy. As Asian economies grew, people had better access to health services and greater quantities of food. In Africa however, several countries did not see significant economic growth, but still enjoyed a growing life expectancy. This was due to better access to medicines and vaccines. As of 2015, the life expectancies of Asia and Africa were about 72 and 60 years respectively

ps: 从1900年到1950年,欧洲的预期寿命从43岁增长到65岁。然而,这并没有反映出世界其他国家的经验,这些国家在很大程度上仍然贫穷和不发达。1950年,亚洲的平均预期寿命是42岁,非洲是36岁。在接下来的几十年里,两个大陆的生活条件都有所改善,预期寿命也随之提高。随着亚洲经济的增长,人们可以更好地获得医疗服务和更多的食物。然而,在非洲,一些国家没有看到显著的经济增长,但仍然享有日益增长的预期寿命。这是由于更好地获得药品和疫苗。截至2015年,亚洲和非洲的预期寿命分别约为72年和60年。

life expectancy预期寿命; 预计存在的期限

did not没有; 未; 的缩写

living conditions生活条件

along with除某物以外; 随同…一起,跟…一起

had better最好

access to接近,去…的通路,使用…的机会

quantities of大量的

economic growth经济增长;经济成长

life expectancies预期寿命; 预计存在的期限; life expectancy的复数

impoverished英 [ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt]  美 [ɪmˈpɑːvərɪʃt] adj.赤贫的;不名一文的;贫乏的;贫瘠的;枯竭的v.使贫穷;使贫瘠;使枯竭impoverish的过去分词和过去式

vaccine英 [ˈvæksiːn]  美 [vækˈsiːn] n.疫苗;菌苗

respectively英 [rɪˈspektɪvli]  美 [rɪˈspektɪvli] adv.分别;各自;顺序为;依次为

In all countries, some facts are universal, including higher mortality rates associated with childhood. Therefore, life expectancy increases with age. Economics condition also affect life expectancy. For example, in the UK, life expectancy among the wealthiest is several years higher than among the poorest. This may reflect factors such as diet and lifestyle, as well as access to medical care.

ps: 在所有国家,有些事实是普遍存在的,包括与儿童有关的较高死亡率。因此,预期寿命随年龄增长而增加。经济状况也影响预期寿命。例如,在英国,最富有的人的预期寿命比最贫穷的人高出好几年。这可能反映了诸如饮食、生活方式以及获得医疗服务等因素。

In all总共;合计; 非常; 总计

associated with参加;与…有关;与…相联系

life expectancy预期寿命; 预计存在的期限

For example例如;比如

several years几年

such as例如; 像; 象…这样; 诸如…之类

as well as既…又…; 除…之外; 此外

access to接近,去…的通路,使用…的机会

medical care医疗处理

mortality英 [mɔːˈtæləti]  美 [mɔːrˈtæləti] n.生命的有限;死亡数量;死亡率;死亡

And finally, women enjoy an advantage over men. Females have a higher survival rate from birth to old age. Of individuals aged 110, 90% are women. In fact, for almost all animal species except birds, females have higher survival rates than males.

ps: 最后,女人比男人更有优势。女性从出生到老年的存活率较高。在110岁的人中,90%是妇女。事实上,除了鸟类,几乎所有的动物物种中,雌性的存活率都高于雄性。

survival rate存活率

old age老年; 暮年

individuals个人; 与众不同的人; 有个性的人; 某种类型的人; 古怪的人; individual的复数

aged…岁; 年迈的; 老人; 变老; 使显老; 使变老; 使苍老; 成熟,变陈; age的过去分词和过去式

In fact事实上,其实; 准确地说;确切地说

almost all几乎所有

birds鸟; 禽; 姑娘; 妞; 某类人; 古怪的人,不寻常的人; bird的第三人称单数和复数

males男性; 雄性; 雄株; male的复数


1. Overall, the tongue of this article is factual and objective.

ps: factual根据事实的; 事实的; 真实的

objective目标; 目的; 物镜; 客观的; 就事论事的; 不带个人感情的; 客观存在的; 

2. Why does life expectancy increase with age?

Higher mortality rates are associated with childhood.

3. What has been the overall trend life expectancy is around the world?

 They have significantly increased.

4. What region of world saw increase in life expectancy despite no significant economic growth?

 some countries in Africa

5. What plays a significant role in improving life expectancy?

 public health

6. The attribute higher life expectancy to better public health means that better public health is a cause.

7. To do things in their respective order means to do them in the order already mentioned.

8. To reflect the experience means to serve as an example of it.

9. To be impoverished means to be extremely poor, in a state of poverty.

10. To be hygienic means to be clean and sanitary.

Please tap the first correct sentence to appear:

1. Which region of the world was the first to see an increase in life expectancy?

The west was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy.

2. How does life expectancy depends on age?

Therefore, life expectancy increases with age.

3. What was the average life expectancy in Asia in 1950?

 In 1950, Asia’s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa’s was 36.

4. What help to increase life expectancy in Africa even without economic growth?

This was due to better access to medicines and vaccines.

Fill in the blanks:

1.In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years. By 2015 that number had increased to 71, more than doubling.

2. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, if which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.

3.Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years. However, this did not reflect the experience of the rest of the world, which largely remained impoverished and underdeveloped. 

Put the sentences below in order:

Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years. However, this did not reflect the experience of the rest of the world, which largely remained impoverished and underdeveloped. In 1950, Asia’s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa’s was 36. In the following decades, living conditions in both continents improved, along with life expectancy.

In all countries, some facts are universal, including higher mortality rates associated with childhood. Therefore, life expectancy increases with age. Economics condition also affect life expectancy. For example, in the UK, life expectancy among the wealthiest is several years higher than among the poorest. This may reflect factors such as diet and lifestyle, as well as access to medical care.

Repeat & Read Sentences:

1. In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years.

2. Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs and disease.

3. Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years.

4. New medicines and treatments were developed, and people adopted more hygienic lifestyles.

5. As of 2015, the life expectancies of Asia and Africa were about 72 and 60 years respectively.

6.People today are living longer than at any point in human history. 

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