Better Together


Better Together

Better Together
There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
like a, shoebox of photographs
with sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
at least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? and where do we go?
And how come we're so hard?
It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing its always better when we're together
MMM its always better when we're together
look at the stars when we're together
its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together
And all of these moments
just might find there way into my dreams tonight
But I know that theyll be gone
when the morning light sings
and brings new things
but tomorrow night you see
that theyll be gone too
too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find there way
into my day to day scene
Ill be under the impression
i was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree
its always better when we're together
Somewhere in between together
its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together
MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
I believe in memories
they look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
you look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is no time,
and there is no song I could sing
and there is no, combination of words I could say
but I will still tell you one thing
We're Better together.

Better Together

Jack Johnson,凡庸的名字也许会让他淹没在茫茫大海,可是他没有改名;出生在海浪翻滚的夏威夷,他却在十七岁放弃了职业的冲浪运动员生涯。清瘦的Jack Johnson拿起了吉他,拨动尼龙琴弦,于是就有了今天这张音乐如温暖海风吹过面颊的专辑。这张于2001年发行的处男大作并非是Jack Johnson的首次亮相,两年以前在G. Love & Special Sauce的专辑中他便客串演唱过。而在专辑《Brushfire Fairytales》里,Jack Johnson带来的不仅是好听的歌曲这么简单。专辑的题目来自第一首歌曲的第一句,歌曲《Inaudible Melodies》讲述着Jack Johnson在太平洋小岛上庸懒的生活,他唱到:"海风卷着碎屑吹进我的咖啡杯,阳光照射下的植物好像全是塑料品。"如仙似神的生活,简单的拨弄几下原声吉他,简单的音乐让人轻轻漂浮。歌曲《Flake》有着上口的旋律,它唱出了爱情的苦涩滋味,其中由Ben Harper演奏的滑棒吉他更是格外精彩。特别值得一说的是Ben Harper不光自己为Jack Johnson的专辑演奏了多首歌曲的吉他部分,他还把自己的专用制作人介绍来为Jack Johnson做专辑的录制工作。另外的重要歌曲还有《Fortunate Fool》,随意的歌词没有复杂的解说,只有达意的哼唱,Jack Johnson称自己心爱的女孩是一个"Fortunate Fool",温暖的声音让我觉得自己和他一样都是爱情的傻瓜。纯净的民谣歌曲《The News》唱了一个悲伤的故事,人们遇到灾难,母亲鼓励失去亲人的孩子要坚强,就像九个月后在纽约真的发生的那样,人们究竟该怎样度过全是新闻的这些天。专辑拥有一曲完美的结束,低沉的钢琴曲.
