
Setting up and tearing down a test harness.With the following steps, we will setup and
teardown a test harness for each test method.
1. Create a new file called in which to put all our code for this recipe.

2. Pick a class to test. In this case, we will use a slightly altered version of our Roman
numeral converter, where the function, not the constructor, provides the input value
to convert.

3. Create a test class using the same name as the class under test with Test appended
to the end.

4. Create a setUp method that creates an instance of the class under test.

5. Create a tearDown method that destroys the instance of the class under test.

6. Create all the test methods using self.converter.

7. Make the entire script runnable and then use the test runner of unittest.
if __name__ == "__main__":

8. Run the file from the command line.






Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
.Creating a new RomanNumeralConverter...
Destroying the RomanNumeralConverter...
Ran 8 tests in 0.001s


