

Defining test suites inside the test module.

Each test module can provide one or more methods that define a different test suite. One
method can exercise all the tests in a given module; another method can define a particular

1. Create a new file called in which to put our code for this recipe.

2. Pick a class to test. In this case, we will use our Roman numeral converter.

3. Create a test class using the same name as the class under test with Test appended
to the end.

4. Write a series of test methods, including a setUp method that creates a new
instance of the RomanNumeralConverter for each test method.

5. Create some methods in the recipe's module (but not in the test case) that define
different test suites.

6. Create a runner that will iterate over each of these test suites and run them through
unittest's TextTestRunner.

7. Run the combination of test suites, and see the results.





Running test suite 'high_and_low'
test_parsing_millenia (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_one (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 0.000s

Running test suite 'combos'
test_combo1 (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_combo2 (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_combo3 (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok

Ran 3 tests in 0.000s

Running test suite 'all'
test_combo1 (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_combo2 (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_combo3 (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_empty_roman_numeral (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_no_roman_numeral (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_century (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_decade (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_half_century (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_half_decade (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_millenia (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok
test_parsing_one (__main__.RomanNumeralConverterTest) ... ok

Ran 11 tests in 0.001s

