图说 敏捷沟通要点


图说 敏捷沟通要点



Table 1.  Effectiveness of communication strategies on agile development teams.

 Communication Strategy Within Team With Stakeholders
Face to face (F2F) 4.25 4.06
F2F at Whiteboard 4.24 3.46
Overview diagrams 2.54 1.89
Online chat 2.10 0.15
Overview documentation 1.84 1.86
Teleconference calls 1.42 1.51
Videoconferencing 1.34 1.62
Email 1.08 1.32
Detailed Documentation -0.34 0.16



Table 2. Communication Technologies.

Technology Description
Collaborative modeling tools CASE tools that enable several developers to simultaneously work on one or models with real-time updates of those models.
Collaborative writing tools Word processing tools that enable several people to simultaneously write a document with real-time updates of that document.
Discussion tools Tools such as email, newsgroups, mailing lists, instant messaging, and chat rooms that enable transmission of text messages, and potentially other attachments, between people.
Inclusive Models Models which use simple tools and techniques that stakeholders can easily learn and adoption
Personal video A camera and software is installed on your workstation to enable video conversation between you and someone with a similar video setup.
Version control tools Software tools used to check in/out, define, and manage versions of project artifacts.
Virtual meeting tools Tools that enable communication between several people who are in different physical locations.



