sencha touch 使用searchfield控件卡顿现象



onSearchKeyp: function(field) {
        //get the store and the value of the field
        var value = field.getValue(),
        store = Ext.getStore('Customers');

        //first clear any current filters on the store. If there is a new value, then suppress the refresh event

        //check if a value is set first, as if it isnt we dont have to do anything
        if (value) {
            //the user could have entered spaces, so we must split them so we can loop through them all
            var searches = value.split(','),
                regexps = [],
                i, regex;

            //loop them all
            for (i = 0; i < searches.length; i++) {
                //if it is nothing, continue
                if (!searches[i]) continue;

                regex = searches[i].trim();
                regex = regex.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");

                //if found, create a new regular expression which is case insenstive
                regexps.push(new RegExp(regex.trim(), 'i'));

            //now filter the store by passing a method
            //the passed method will be called for each record in the store
            store.filter(function(record) {
                var matched = [];

                //loop through each of the regular expressions
                for (i = 0; i < regexps.length; i++) {
                    var search = regexps[i];
                    var didMatch = search.test(record.get('customerName'));

                    //if it matched the first or last name, push it into the matches array

                return (regexps.length && matched.indexOf(true) !== -1);

关键在这里,经过反复查找发现是因为开始没有写 infinite: true,所以会有卡顿现象
id : 'clientList',
			disableSelection: true,
			scrollable : 'vertical',
			xtype : 'list',
			store : "app0010000002Store",
			flex : 1,
			itemTpl : new Ext.XTemplate("<div><span>{customerName}</span></div>"),
			infinite: true,

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