自定义编辑框 + 搜索页面无序排列

自定义编辑框 + 搜索页面无序排列

 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  2 <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"  3  android:layout_width="match_parent"  4  android:layout_height="match_parent"  5  android:background="@drawable/bg_search" >  6  7 <LinearLayout  8 android:id="@+id/search_layout"  9  android:layout_width="match_parent" 10  android:layout_height="wrap_content" 11  android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" 12  android:layout_alignParentTop="true" 13  android:layout_marginLeft="25dp" 14  android:layout_marginRight="25dp" 15  android:layout_marginTop="30dp" 16  android:orientation="vertical" > 17 18 <com.wxcily.xunbo2.DeletableEditText 19 android:id="@+id/search_view" 20  android:layout_width="match_parent" 21  android:layout_height="wrap_content" 22  android:background="@drawable/bg_edittext" 23  android:drawableLeft="@drawable/ic_edittext_search" 24  android:drawablePadding="6dp" 25  android:drawableRight="@drawable/ic_edittext_delete" 26  android:hint="请输入您要搜索的影片..." 27  android:paddingBottom="7dp" 28  android:paddingLeft="9dp" 29  android:paddingRight="8dp" 30  android:paddingTop="7dp" 31  android:singleLine="true" 32  android:textColor="#ffffff" 33  android:textCursorDrawable="@null" 34  android:textSize="16dp" /> 35 36 <LinearLayout 37 android:layout_width="wrap_content" 38  android:layout_height="wrap_content" 39  android:layout_marginTop="10dp" 40  android:orientation="horizontal" > 41 42 <Button 43 android:id="@+id/search_button" 44  android:layout_width="match_parent" 45  android:layout_height="33dp" 46  android:background="@drawable/bg_button_green" 47  android:drawableLeft="@drawable/ic_button_search" 48  android:drawablePadding="5dp" 49  android:paddingLeft="20dp" 50  android:paddingRight="20dp" 51  android:text="云搜索" 52  android:textColor="#ffffff" 53  android:textSize="16dp" /> 54 55 <Button 56 android:id="@+id/app_button" 57  android:layout_width="match_parent" 58  android:layout_height="33dp" 59  android:layout_marginLeft="10dp" 60  android:background="@drawable/bg_button_red" 61  android:drawableLeft="@drawable/ic_button_star" 62  android:drawablePadding="5dp" 63  android:paddingLeft="15dp" 64  android:paddingRight="15dp" 65  android:text="精品应用" 66  android:textColor="#ffffff" 67  android:textSize="16dp" /> 68 </LinearLayout> 69 </LinearLayout> 70 71 <com.wxcily.xunbo2.KeywordsFlow 72 android:id="@+id/keywordsflow" 73  android:layout_width="match_parent" 74  android:layout_height="match_parent" 75  android:layout_below="@+id/search_layout" /> 76 77 <ImageView 78 android:id="@+id/back_arrow" 79  android:layout_width="wrap_content" 80  android:layout_height="wrap_content" 81  android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" 82  android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" 83  android:layout_marginBottom="14dp" 84  android:src="@drawable/ic_back_arrow" /> 85 86 </RelativeLayout>
 1 <!-- bg_button_green.xml -->  2 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  3 <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">  5 <item android:state_pressed="true"><shape>  6 <solid android:color="#24a042" />  7 <corners android:radius="3dip" />  8 </shape></item>  9 <item><shape> 10 <solid android:color="#4cc05f" /> 11 <corners android:radius="3dip" /> 12 </shape></item> 13 </selector>
<!-- bg_button_red.xml --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item android:state_pressed="true"><shape> <solid android:color="#a34337" /> <corners android:radius="3dip" /> </shape></item> <item><shape> <solid android:color="#cc4238" /> <corners android:radius="3dip" /> </shape></item> </selector>


  1 import android.content.Context;  2 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;  3 import android.text.Editable;  4 import android.text.TextWatcher;  5 import android.util.AttributeSet;  6 import android.view.MotionEvent;  7 import android.view.View;  8 import android.view.animation.Animation;  9 import android.view.animation.CycleInterpolator;  10 import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation;  11 import android.widget.EditText;  12  13 // 自定义控件  14 public class DeletableEditText extends EditText {  15 private Drawable mRightDrawable;  16 private boolean isHasFocus;  17  18 public DeletableEditText(Context context) {  19 super(context);  20  init();  21  }  22  23 public DeletableEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {  24 super(context, attrs);  25  init();  26  }  27  28 public DeletableEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {  29 super(context, attrs, defStyle);  30  init();  31  }  32  33 private void init() {  34 // getCompoundDrawables:  35 // Returns drawables for the left, top, right, and bottom borders.  36 Drawable[] drawables = this.getCompoundDrawables();  37  38 // 取得right位置的Drawable  39 // 即我们在布局文件中设置的android:drawableRight  40 mRightDrawable = drawables[2];  41  42 // 设置焦点变化的监听  43 this.setOnFocusChangeListener(new FocusChangeListenerImpl());  44 // 设置EditText文字变化的监听  45 this.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcherImpl());  46 // 初始化时让右边clean图标不可见  47 setClearDrawableVisible(false);  48  }  49  50 /**  51  * 当手指抬起的位置在clean的图标的区域 我们将此视为进行清除操作 getWidth():得到控件的宽度  52  * event.getX():抬起时的坐标(改坐标是相对于控件本身而言的)  53  * getTotalPaddingRight():clean的图标左边缘至控件右边缘的距离  54  * getPaddingRight():clean的图标右边缘至控件右边缘的距离 于是: getWidth() -  55  * getTotalPaddingRight()表示: 控件左边到clean的图标左边缘的区域 getWidth() -  56  * getPaddingRight()表示: 控件左边到clean的图标右边缘的区域 所以这两者之间的区域刚好是clean的图标的区域  57 */  58  @Override  59 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {  60 switch (event.getAction()) {  61 case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:  62  63 boolean isClean = (event.getX() > (getWidth() - getTotalPaddingRight()))  64 && (event.getX() < (getWidth() - getPaddingRight()));  65 if (isClean) {  66 setText("");  67  }  68 break;  69  70 default:  71 break;  72  }  73 return super.onTouchEvent(event);  74  }  75  76 private class FocusChangeListenerImpl implements OnFocusChangeListener {  77  @Override  78 public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {  79 isHasFocus = hasFocus;  80 if (isHasFocus) {  81 boolean isVisible = getText().toString().length() >= 1;  82  setClearDrawableVisible(isVisible);  83 } else {  84 setClearDrawableVisible(false);  85  }  86  }  88  }  89  90 // 当输入结束后判断是否显示右边clean的图标  91 private class TextWatcherImpl implements TextWatcher {  92  @Override  93 public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {  94 boolean isVisible = getText().toString().length() >= 1;  95  setClearDrawableVisible(isVisible);  96  }  98  @Override  99 public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, 100 int after) { 101  } 103  @Override 104 public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, 105 int count) { 106  } 108  } 109 110 // 隐藏或者显示右边clean的图标 111 protected void setClearDrawableVisible(boolean isVisible) { 112  Drawable rightDrawable; 113 if (isVisible) { 114 rightDrawable = mRightDrawable; 115 } else { 116 rightDrawable = null; 117  } 118 // 使用代码设置该控件left, top, right, and bottom处的图标 119 setCompoundDrawables(getCompoundDrawables()[0], 120 getCompoundDrawables()[1], rightDrawable, 121 getCompoundDrawables()[3]); 122  } 123 124 // 显示一个动画,以提示用户输入 125 public void setShakeAnimation() { 126 this.startAnimation(shakeAnimation(5)); 128  } 129 130 // CycleTimes动画重复的次数 131 public Animation shakeAnimation(int CycleTimes) { 132 Animation translateAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(0, 10, 0, 10); 133 translateAnimation.setInterpolator(new CycleInterpolator(CycleTimes)); 134 translateAnimation.setDuration(1000); 135 return translateAnimation; 136  } 137 }


import java.util.Random; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener { private static final int FEEDKEY_START = 1; private ImageView back_arrow; private Animation shakeAnim; private DeletableEditText searchEdit; private KeywordsFlow keywordsFlow; private int STATE = 1; private static String[] keywords = new String[] { "娘要嫁人", "球爱酒吧", "使徒行者", "亮剑", "完美搭档", "致青春", "非常完美", "一生一世", "穿越火线", "天龙八部", "匹诺曹", "让子弹飞", "穿越火线", "情定三生", "心术", "马向阳下乡记", "人在囧途", " 高达", " 刀剑神域", "泡芙小姐", "尖刀出鞘", "甄嬛传", "兵出潼关", "电锯惊魂3D", "古剑奇谭", "同桌的你" }; private Handler handler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case FEEDKEY_START: keywordsFlow.rubKeywords(); feedKeywordsFlow(keywordsFlow, keywords); keywordsFlow.go2Show(KeywordsFlow.ANIMATION_OUT); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(FEEDKEY_START, 5000); break; } }; }; private static void feedKeywordsFlow(KeywordsFlow keywordsFlow, String[] arr) { Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < KeywordsFlow.MAX; i++) { int ran = random.nextInt(arr.length); String tmp = arr[ran]; keywordsFlow.feedKeyword(tmp); } } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_search); shakeAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.shake_y); initView(); } private void initView() { keywordsFlow = (KeywordsFlow) findViewById(R.id.keywordsflow); keywordsFlow.setDuration(1000l); keywordsFlow.setOnItemClickListener(this); back_arrow = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.back_arrow); back_arrow.setAnimation(shakeAnim); searchEdit = (DeletableEditText) findViewById(R.id.search_view); feedKeywordsFlow(keywordsFlow, keywords); keywordsFlow.go2Show(KeywordsFlow.ANIMATION_IN); handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(FEEDKEY_START, 5000); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v instanceof TextView) { String keyword = ((TextView) v).getText().toString().trim(); searchEdit.setText(keyword); searchEdit.setSelection(keyword.length()); } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); back_arrow.clearAnimation(); handler.removeMessages(FEEDKEY_START); STATE = 0; } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); handler.removeMessages(FEEDKEY_START); STATE = 0; } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); handler.removeMessages(FEEDKEY_START); STATE = 0; } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (STATE == 0) { keywordsFlow.rubKeywords(); handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(FEEDKEY_START, 3000); } } }


  1 import java.util.LinkedList;  2 import java.util.Random;  3 import java.util.Vector;  4 import android.content.Context;  5 import android.graphics.Color;  6 import android.graphics.Paint;  7 import android.util.AttributeSet;  8 import android.util.Log;  9 import android.util.TypedValue;  10 import android.view.Gravity;  11 import android.view.View;  12 import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener;  13 import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation;  14 import android.view.animation.Animation;  15 import android.view.animation.Animation.AnimationListener;  16 import android.view.animation.AnimationSet;  17 import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;  18 import android.view.animation.Interpolator;  19 import android.view.animation.ScaleAnimation;  20 import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation;  21 import android.widget.FrameLayout;  22 import android.widget.TextView;  23  24 public class KeywordsFlow extends FrameLayout implements OnGlobalLayoutListener {  25 public static final int IDX_X = 0;  26 public static final int IDX_Y = 1;  27 public static final int IDX_TXT_LENGTH = 2;  28 public static final int IDX_DIS_Y = 3;  29 /** 由外至内的动画。 */  30 public static final int ANIMATION_IN = 1;  31 /** 由内至外的动画。 */  32 public static final int ANIMATION_OUT = 2;  33 /** 位移动画类型:从外围移动到坐标点。 */  34 public static final int OUTSIDE_TO_LOCATION = 1;  35 /** 位移动画类型:从坐标点移动到外围。 */  36 public static final int LOCATION_TO_OUTSIDE = 2;  37 /** 位移动画类型:从中心点移动到坐标点。 */  38 public static final int CENTER_TO_LOCATION = 3;  39 /** 位移动画类型:从坐标点移动到中心点。 */  40 public static final int LOCATION_TO_CENTER = 4;  41 public static final long ANIM_DURATION = 800l;  42 public static final int MAX = 10;  43 public static final int TEXT_SIZE_MAX = 21;  44 public static final int TEXT_SIZE_MIN = 14;  45 private OnClickListener itemClickListener;  46 private static Interpolator interpolator;  47 private static AlphaAnimation animAlpha2Opaque;  48 private static AlphaAnimation animAlpha2Transparent;  49 private static ScaleAnimation animScaleLarge2Normal, animScaleNormal2Large,  50  animScaleZero2Normal, animScaleNormal2Zero;  51 /** 存储显示的关键字。 */  52 private Vector<String> vecKeywords;  53 private int width, height;  54 /**  55  * go2Show()中被赋值为true,标识开发人员触发其开始动画显示。<br/>  56  * 本标识的作用是防止在填充keywrods未完成的过程中获取到width和height后提前启动动画。<br/>  57  * 在show()方法中其被赋值为false。<br/>  58  * 真正能够动画显示的另一必要条件:width 和 height不为0。<br/>  59 */  60 private boolean enableShow;  61 private Random random;  62 /**  63  * @see ANIMATION_IN  64  * @see ANIMATION_OUT  65  * @see OUTSIDE_TO_LOCATION  66  * @see LOCATION_TO_OUTSIDE  67  * @see LOCATION_TO_CENTER  68  * @see CENTER_TO_LOCATION  69  * */  70 private int txtAnimInType, txtAnimOutType;  71 /** 最近一次启动动画显示的时间。 */  72 private long lastStartAnimationTime;  73 /** 动画运行时间。 */  74 private long animDuration;  75  76 public KeywordsFlow(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {  77 super(context, attrs, defStyle);  78  init();  79  }  80  81 public KeywordsFlow(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {  82 super(context, attrs);  83  init();  84  }  85  86 public KeywordsFlow(Context context) {  87 super(context);  88  init();  89  }  90  91 private void init() {  92 lastStartAnimationTime = 0l;  93 animDuration = ANIM_DURATION;  94 random = new Random();  95 vecKeywords = new Vector<String>(MAX);  96 getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(this);  97 interpolator = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(getContext(),  98  android.R.anim.decelerate_interpolator);  99 animAlpha2Opaque = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); 100 animAlpha2Transparent = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f); 101 animScaleLarge2Normal = new ScaleAnimation(2, 1, 2, 1); 102 animScaleNormal2Large = new ScaleAnimation(1, 2, 1, 2); 103 animScaleZero2Normal = new ScaleAnimation(0, 1, 0, 1); 104 animScaleNormal2Zero = new ScaleAnimation(1, 0, 1, 0); 105  } 106 107 public long getDuration() { 108 return animDuration; 109  } 110 111 public void setDuration(long duration) { 112 animDuration = duration; 113  } 114 115 public boolean feedKeyword(String keyword) { 116 boolean result = false; 117 if (vecKeywords.size() < MAX) { 118 result = vecKeywords.add(keyword); 119  } 120 return result; 121  } 122 123 /** 124  * 开始动画显示。<br/> 125  * 之前已经存在的TextView将会显示退出动画。<br/> 126  * 127  * @return 正常显示动画返回true;反之为false。返回false原因如下:<br/> 128  * 1.时间上不允许,受lastStartAnimationTime的制约;<br/> 129  * 2.未获取到width和height的值。<br/> 130 */ 131 public boolean go2Show(int animType) { 132 if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastStartAnimationTime > animDuration) { 133 enableShow = true; 134 if (animType == ANIMATION_IN) { 135 txtAnimInType = OUTSIDE_TO_LOCATION; 136 txtAnimOutType = LOCATION_TO_CENTER; 137 } else if (animType == ANIMATION_OUT) { 138 txtAnimInType = CENTER_TO_LOCATION; 139 txtAnimOutType = LOCATION_TO_OUTSIDE; 140  } 141  disapper(); 142 boolean result = show(); 143 return result; 144  } 145 return false; 146  } 147 148 private void disapper() { 149 int size = getChildCount(); 150 for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 151 final TextView txt = (TextView) getChildAt(i); 152 if (txt.getVisibility() == View.GONE) { 153  removeView(txt); 154 continue; 155  } 156 FrameLayout.LayoutParams layParams = (LayoutParams) txt 157  .getLayoutParams(); 158 // Log.d("ANDROID_LAB", txt.getText() + " leftM=" + 159 // layParams.leftMargin + " topM=" + layParams.topMargin 160 // + " width=" + txt.getWidth()); 161 int[] xy = new int[] { layParams.leftMargin, layParams.topMargin, 162  txt.getWidth() }; 163 AnimationSet animSet = getAnimationSet(xy, (width >> 1), 164 (height >> 1), txtAnimOutType); 165  txt.startAnimation(animSet); 166 animSet.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() { 167 public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { 168  } 169 170 public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { 171  } 172 173 public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { 174 txt.setOnClickListener(null); 175 txt.setClickable(false); 176  txt.setVisibility(View.GONE); 177  } 178  }); 179  } 180  } 181 182 private boolean show() { 183 if (width > 0 && height > 0 && vecKeywords != null 184 && vecKeywords.size() > 0 && enableShow) { 185 enableShow = false; 186 lastStartAnimationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 187 // 找到中心点 188 int xCenter = width >> 1, yCenter = height >> 1; 189 // 关键字的个数。 190 int size = vecKeywords.size(); 191 int xItem = width / size, yItem = height / size; 192 Log.d("ANDROID_LAB", "--------------------------width=" + width 193 + " height=" + height + " xItem=" + xItem + " yItem=" 194 + yItem + "---------------------------"); 195 LinkedList<Integer> listX = new LinkedList<Integer>(), listY = new LinkedList<Integer>(); 196 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { 197 // 准备随机候选数,分别对应x/y轴位置 198 listX.add(i * xItem); 199 listY.add(i * yItem + (yItem >> 2)); 200 Log.e("Search", "ListX:" + (i * xItem) + "#listY:" 201 + (i * yItem + (yItem >> 2))); 202  } 203 // TextView[] txtArr = new TextView[size]; 204 LinkedList<TextView> listTxtTop = new LinkedList<TextView>(); 205 LinkedList<TextView> listTxtBottom = new LinkedList<TextView>(); 206 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { 207 String keyword = vecKeywords.get(i); 208 // 随机颜色 209 // int ranColor = 0xff000000 | random.nextInt(0x0077ffff); 210 // 随机位置,糙值 211 int xy[] = randomXY(random, listX, listY, xItem); 212 // 随机字体大小 213 int txtSize = TEXT_SIZE_MIN 214 + random.nextInt(TEXT_SIZE_MAX - TEXT_SIZE_MIN + 1); 215 // 实例化TextView 216 final TextView txt = new TextView(getContext()); 217  txt.setOnClickListener(itemClickListener); 218  txt.setText(keyword); 219 txt.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#8cffffff")); 220  txt.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, txtSize); 221 txt.setShadowLayer(1, 1, 1, 0xdd696969); 222  txt.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); 223 224 // txt.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED); 225 // 获取文本长度 226 Paint paint = txt.getPaint(); 227 int strWidth = (int) Math.ceil(paint.measureText(keyword)); 228 xy[IDX_TXT_LENGTH] = strWidth; 229 // 第一次修正:修正x坐标 230 if (xy[IDX_X] + strWidth > width - (xItem >> 1)) { 231 int baseX = width - strWidth; 232 // 减少文本右边缘一样的概率 233 xy[IDX_X] = baseX - xItem + random.nextInt(xItem >> 1); 234 } else if (xy[IDX_X] == 0) { 235 // 减少文本左边缘一样的概率 236 xy[IDX_X] = Math.max(random.nextInt(xItem), xItem / 3); 237  } 238 xy[IDX_DIS_Y] = Math.abs(xy[IDX_Y] - yCenter); 239  txt.setTag(xy); 240 if (xy[IDX_Y] > yCenter) { 241  listTxtBottom.add(txt); 242 } else { 243  listTxtTop.add(txt); 244  } 245  } 246  attach2Screen(listTxtTop, xCenter, yCenter, yItem); 247  attach2Screen(listTxtBottom, xCenter, yCenter, yItem); 248 return true; 249  } 250 return false; 251  } 252 253 /** 修正TextView的Y坐标将将其添加到容器上。 */ 254 private void attach2Screen(LinkedList<TextView> listTxt, int xCenter, 255 int yCenter, int yItem) { 256 int size = listTxt.size(); 257  sortXYList(listTxt, size); 258 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { 259 TextView txt = listTxt.get(i); 260 int[] iXY = (int[]) txt.getTag(); 261 // Log.d("ANDROID_LAB", "fix[ " + txt.getText() + " ] x:" + 262 // iXY[IDX_X] + " y:" + iXY[IDX_Y] + " r2=" 263 // + iXY[IDX_DIS_Y]); 264 // 第二次修正:修正y坐标 265 int yDistance = iXY[IDX_Y] - yCenter; 266 // 对于最靠近中心点的,其值不会大于yItem<br/> 267 // 对于可以一路下降到中心点的,则该值也是其应调整的大小<br/> 268 int yMove = Math.abs(yDistance); 269 inner: for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) { 270 int[] kXY = (int[]) listTxt.get(k).getTag(); 271 int startX = kXY[IDX_X]; 272 int endX = startX + kXY[IDX_TXT_LENGTH]; 273 // y轴以中心点为分隔线,在同一侧 274 if (yDistance * (kXY[IDX_Y] - yCenter) > 0) { 275 // Log.d("ANDROID_LAB", "compare:" + 276 // listTxt.get(k).getText()); 277 if (isXMixed(startX, endX, iXY[IDX_X], iXY[IDX_X] 278 + iXY[IDX_TXT_LENGTH])) { 279 int tmpMove = Math.abs(iXY[IDX_Y] - kXY[IDX_Y]); 280 if (tmpMove > yItem) { 281 yMove = tmpMove; 282 } else if (yMove > 0) { 283 // 取消默认值。 284 yMove = 0; 285  } 286 // Log.d("ANDROID_LAB", "break"); 287 break inner; 288  } 289  } 290  } 291 // Log.d("ANDROID_LAB", txt.getText() + " yMove=" + yMove); 292 if (yMove > yItem) { 293 int maxMove = yMove - yItem; 294 int randomMove = random.nextInt(maxMove); 295 int realMove = Math.max(randomMove, maxMove >> 1) * yDistance 296 / Math.abs(yDistance); 297 iXY[IDX_Y] = iXY[IDX_Y] - realMove; 298 iXY[IDX_DIS_Y] = Math.abs(iXY[IDX_Y] - yCenter); 299 // 已经调整过前i个需要再次排序 300 sortXYList(listTxt, i + 1); 301  } 302 FrameLayout.LayoutParams layParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( 303  FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 304  FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 305 layParams.gravity = Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP; 306 layParams.leftMargin = iXY[IDX_X]; 307 layParams.topMargin = iXY[IDX_Y]; 308  addView(txt, layParams); 309 // 动画 310 AnimationSet animSet = getAnimationSet(iXY, xCenter, yCenter, 311  txtAnimInType); 312  txt.startAnimation(animSet); 313  } 314  } 315 316 public AnimationSet getAnimationSet(int[] xy, int xCenter, int yCenter, 317 int type) { 318 AnimationSet animSet = new AnimationSet(true); 319  animSet.setInterpolator(interpolator); 320 if (type == OUTSIDE_TO_LOCATION) { 321  animSet.addAnimation(animAlpha2Opaque); 322  animSet.addAnimation(animScaleLarge2Normal); 323 TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation((xy[IDX_X] 324 + (xy[IDX_TXT_LENGTH] >> 1) - xCenter) << 1, 0, 325 (xy[IDX_Y] - yCenter) << 1, 0); 326  animSet.addAnimation(translate); 327 } else if (type == LOCATION_TO_OUTSIDE) { 328  animSet.addAnimation(animAlpha2Transparent); 329  animSet.addAnimation(animScaleNormal2Large); 330 TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation(0, (xy[IDX_X] 331 + (xy[IDX_TXT_LENGTH] >> 1) - xCenter) << 1, 0, 332 (xy[IDX_Y] - yCenter) << 1); 333  animSet.addAnimation(translate); 334 } else if (type == LOCATION_TO_CENTER) { 335  animSet.addAnimation(animAlpha2Transparent); 336  animSet.addAnimation(animScaleNormal2Zero); 337 TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation(0, 338 (-xy[IDX_X] + xCenter), 0, (-xy[IDX_Y] + yCenter)); 339  animSet.addAnimation(translate); 340 } else if (type == CENTER_TO_LOCATION) { 341  animSet.addAnimation(animAlpha2Opaque); 342  animSet.addAnimation(animScaleZero2Normal); 343 TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation( 344 (-xy[IDX_X] + xCenter), 0, (-xy[IDX_Y] + yCenter), 0); 345  animSet.addAnimation(translate); 346  } 347  animSet.setDuration(animDuration); 348 return animSet; 349  } 350 351 /** 352  * 根据与中心点的距离由近到远进行冒泡排序。 353  * 354  * @param endIdx 355  * 起始位置。 356  * @param txtArr 357  * 待排序的数组。 358  * 359 */ 360 private void sortXYList(LinkedList<TextView> listTxt, int endIdx) { 361 for (int i = 0; i < endIdx; i++) { 362 for (int k = i + 1; k < endIdx; k++) { 363 if (((int[]) listTxt.get(k).getTag())[IDX_DIS_Y] < ((int[]) listTxt 364  .get(i).getTag())[IDX_DIS_Y]) { 365 TextView iTmp = listTxt.get(i); 366 TextView kTmp = listTxt.get(k); 367  listTxt.set(i, kTmp); 368  listTxt.set(k, iTmp); 369  } 370  } 371  } 372  } 373 374 /** A线段与B线段所代表的直线在X轴映射上是否有交集。 */ 375 private boolean isXMixed(int startA, int endA, int startB, int endB) { 376 boolean result = false; 377 if (startB >= startA && startB <= endA) { 378 result = true; 379 } else if (endB >= startA && endB <= endA) { 380 result = true; 381 } else if (startA >= startB && startA <= endB) { 382 result = true; 383 } else if (endA >= startB && endA <= endB) { 384 result = true; 385  } 386 return result; 387  } 388 389 private int[] randomXY(Random ran, LinkedList<Integer> listX, 390 LinkedList<Integer> listY, int xItem) { 391 int[] arr = new int[4]; 392 arr[IDX_X] = listX.remove(ran.nextInt(listX.size())); 393 arr[IDX_Y] = listY.remove(ran.nextInt(listY.size())); 394 return arr; 395  } 396 397 public void onGlobalLayout() { 398 int tmpW = getWidth(); 399 int tmpH = getHeight(); 400 if (width != tmpW || height != tmpH) { 401 width = tmpW; 402 height = tmpH; 403  show(); 404  } 405  } 406 407 public Vector<String> getKeywords() { 408 return vecKeywords; 409  } 410 411 public void rubKeywords() { 412  vecKeywords.clear(); 413  } 414 415 /** 直接清除所有的TextView。在清除之前不会显示动画。 */ 416 public void rubAllViews() { 417  removeAllViews(); 418  } 419 420 public void setOnItemClickListener(OnClickListener listener) { 421 itemClickListener = listener; 422  } 431 }

