x1 + x3 = x0 + x2;
x1 - x3 =y0- y2 ;
y1 + y3 = y0 + y2;
y3 - y1 = x0 - x2 ;
矩形另外一个点为 x3 = x0 + x2 - x1 ,y3 = y0 + y2 - y1;
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class Point{ public: double x,y; }; class Polygon { public: int n,N; char num; Point point[24]; int node[30]; bool operator < (Polygon b) const { return num < b.num; } }polygon[30]; int Input( int n , int cnt ,char num){ for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ){ scanf( " (%lf,%lf)",&polygon[cnt].point[i].x,&polygon[cnt].point[i].y ); } polygon[cnt].n = n; polygon[cnt].num = num; cnt ++; return cnt; } void Get_tri( int n ){ polygon[n-1].n = 4; polygon[n-1].point[3].x=polygon[n-1].point[0].x+polygon[n-1].point[2].x-polygon[n-1].point[1].x; polygon[n-1].point[3].y=polygon[n-1].point[0].y+polygon[n-1].point[2].y-polygon[n-1].point[1].y; } void Get_point( int n ){ Point p,m; polygon[n-1].point[2] = polygon[n-1].point[1]; p.x = ( polygon[n-1].point[0].x + polygon[n-1].point[2].x )/2.0; p.y = ( polygon[n-1].point[0].y + polygon[n-1].point[2].y )/2.0; m.x = polygon[n-1].point[0].x - p.x; m.y = polygon[n-1].point[0].y - p.y; polygon[n-1].point[1].x = -m.y + p.x; polygon[n-1].point[1].y = m.x + p.y; m.x = polygon[n-1].point[2].x - p.x; m.y = polygon[n-1].point[2].y - p.y; polygon[n-1].point[3].x = -m.y + p.x; polygon[n-1].point[3].y = m.x + p.y; polygon[n-1].n = 4; } double on_segment( Point p1 , Point p2 , Point q ){ return ( p1.x - q.x)*( p2.y - q.y ) - ( p2.x - q.x )*( p1.y - q.y ); } double Min( double a , double b ){ return a < b ?a : b; } double Max( double a, double b ){ return a > b ? a : b; } int dcmp( double x) { if( fabs( x )< 1.0e-8) return 0; if( x < 0 ) return -1; return 1; } bool judge( Point p1 , Point p2 ,Point q ){ double max_x = Max( p1.x ,p2.x ); double min_x = Min( p1.x ,p2.x ); if( q.x >= min_x && q.x <= max_x ) return true; return false; } bool segment( Point p1 , Point p2 , Point q1 ,Point q2 ){ int d1 = dcmp(on_segment( p1 , p2 , q1 )); int d2 = dcmp(on_segment( p1 , p2 , q2 )); int d3 = dcmp(on_segment( q1 , q2 , p1 )); int d4 = dcmp(on_segment( q1 , q2 , p2 )); if( d1*d2 < 0 && d3*d4< 0 ) return true; if( d1==0 && judge( p1 , p2 , q1 )) return true; if( d2==0 && judge( p1 , p2 , q2 )) return true; if( d3==0 && judge( q1, q2 , p1 )) return true; if( d4==0 && judge( q1 , q2 , p2 ))return true; return false; } bool Cross( int n , int m ){ int t = polygon[n].n ,tt=polygon[m].n; for( int k = 0 ; k < t ; k ++ ){ for( int l = 0 ; l <tt ; l ++ ){ if(segment(polygon[n].point[k],polygon[n].point[(k+1)%t],polygon[m].point[l],polygon[m].point[(l+1)%tt] )) return true; } } return false; } void Solve( int n ){ for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) polygon[i].N = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ){ for( int j = i+1 ; j < n ; j ++ ){ if( Cross( i , j ) ){ // printf( "%d %d\n",i,j ); polygon[i].node[polygon[i].N++] = j; polygon[j].node[polygon[j].N++] = i; } } } } int main( ){ char num[3],str[100]; int cnt = 0,n; while( scanf( "%s",num ) , num[0]!='.' ){ if( num[0] != '-' ){ scanf( "%s",str ); switch( str[0] ){ case 's':cnt = Input( 2 ,cnt,num[0] ); Get_point( cnt ); break; case 'l':cnt = Input( 2 ,cnt,num[0] ); break; case 't':cnt = Input( 3 ,cnt,num[0] );break; case 'p':scanf( "%d",&n );cnt = Input( n ,cnt,num[0] );break; case 'r':cnt = Input( 3 ,cnt,num[0] ); Get_tri( cnt );break; } } else { sort( polygon , polygon + cnt ); Solve( cnt ); for( int i =0 ; i < cnt ; i ++ ){ if( polygon[i].N ==0 ) printf( "%c has no intersections\n",polygon[i].num ); else { printf( "%c intersects with ",polygon[i].num ); if( polygon[i].N == 1 )printf( "%c\n",polygon[polygon[i].node[0]].num ); else if( polygon[i].N == 2 ) printf( "%c and %c\n",polygon[polygon[i].node[0]].num,polygon[polygon[i].node[1]].num ); else {int j; for( j = 0 ; j < polygon[i].N -1; j ++ ) printf( "%c, ",polygon[polygon[i].node[j]].num ); printf( "and %c\n",polygon[polygon[i].node[j]].num ); } } } puts( "" ); cnt = 0; } } //system( "pause" ); return 0; }