Scheduled job could not start with Last Result 0x0

Scheduled job could not start with Last Result 0x0

Situation: The client tries to schedule a backup using Windows NTBackup and Scheduled Task. It doesn't work.

Troubleshooting: 1. Check the Properties of Scheduled Task. It is Runas administrator with correct password.

2. Check the Scheduled Tasks Log. No error found. Note: Scheduled tasks maintains a log file (Schedlgu.txt), in the c:\Windows folder. You can view the log from the Scheduled Tasks window by clicking View Log on the Advanced menu.

3. Check the Task Scheduler Service and it is running.

4. Check the Task Status. It displays Last Run Time: Never, Status: Could not start, Last Result: 0x0.

Resolution: If the scheduled Task has correct username, password and running service, it could be the Log On settings on the Task Scheduler service. In most cases, you use Local System account, but uncheck the Allow service interact with desktop. In the current setting, the Allow service interact with desktop is checked. Upchucking it fixes the problem.

Note: you may receive Last Result: 0x0 if you have incorrect username and password set in the Scheduled Tasks

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